Doctor of Philosophy in Combined Counseling/School Psychology Department of Educational Psychology PROGRAM OF STUDY (2016-17) STUDENT INFORMATION Student’s Name: NAU ID: E-mail Address: Enrollment Term: Phone Number: Expected Graduation: (ex. Fall 2016) (ex. Spring 2020) Advisor: Total Required Credits for this Degree Program: 123 This is the: Initial (upon admission) * Course No. Course Title I. Required Courses (109 units required) Final (submitted with Graduation Application) Program of Study Replacement Course Semester Year Hours Grade T/E/P** A. Psychological Foundations (21 units required) 1. * EPS 706 2. * EPS 640 3. History and Systems of Psychology (3 units required) History and Systems of Psychology Biological Basis of Behavior (3 units required) Biological Bases of Behavior Cognitive – Affective Basis of Behavior (6 units required) * EPS 605 Educational Psychology Applied to Learning * EPS 712 Foundations of Learning Pre-req: EPS 605 or PSY 621 4. * EPS 708 5. Social Basis of Behavior (3 units required) Social Bases of Behavior Individual Behavior (9 units required) * EPS 680 Psychopathology and Diagnosis * EPS 710 Personality *Required Revised: klsr, 3/2/16 Student’s Name: * Course No. NAU ID: Course Title Replacement Course Semester Year Hours Grade T/E/P** B. Counseling/School Psychology Specialization (75 units required) 1. Professional Ethics and Standards (9 hours required) * EPS 670 Professional Ethics, Legal Standards, and Responsibilities * EPS 700 Topics in Health Service Psychology: Professional Identity, Standards, Practice and Research (1 unit) * EPS 700 Topics in Health Service Psychology: Professional Identity, Standards, Practice and Research (1 unit) * EPS 700 Topics in Health Service Psychology: Professional Identity, Standards, Practice and Research (1 unit) * EPS 604 Introduction to School Psychology: History and Current Trends Pre-req: ESE 548 2. * EPS 664 Assessment (15 units required) Tests and Measurements Pre- or Co-req: EPS 625 * EPS 673 Psychoeducational Assessment I * EPS 674 Psychoeducational Assessment II Pre- or Co-req: EPS 604 and EPS 664 * EPS 737 Psychological Assessment Pre-req: EPS 664 and (EPS 591 or PSY 610) * EPS 738 3. School-based Psychosocial Assessments & Interventions Interventions (51 units required) * EPS 590 Substance-related and Addictive Disorders * EPS 601 Theories of Counseling * EPS 607 School-based Interventions * EPS 620 Vocational Counseling and Career Development * EPS 621 Marital Counseling and Family Systems Pre-req: EPS 601 * EPS 622 Child and Adolescent Counseling Pre-req: EPS 601 and EPS 615 * EPS 660 Counseling Processes Pre-req: EPS 601 *Required Combined Counseling/School Psychology (PhD) – 2016-17 Program of Study – Page 2 Revised: klsr, 3/2/16 Student’s Name: * * Course No. EPS 669 NAU ID: Course Title Replacement Course Semester Year Hours Grade T/E/P** Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Counseling Pre-req: EPS 601 * EPS 681 Evidence-based Counseling Techniques Pre-req: EPS 601, EPS 660 Pre- or Co-req: EPS 680 * EPS 690 Multicultural Counseling Pre-req: EPS 601 Pre- or Co-req: EPS 660 * EPS 678 Psychological Consultation and Collaborating in School-based Settings * EPS 675 School Psychology Practicum Pre-req: EPS 601 Pre- or Co-req: EPS 660 * EPS 692 Counseling Practicum Pre-req: EPS 660 and EPS 670 Co-req: EPS 661 * EPS 740 Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology and Supervision Pre-req: EPS 670, EPS 692, and EPS 737 * EPS 741 Doctoral Practicum and Supervision in School Psychology Pre-req: EPS 606, EPS 671, and EPS 675 * EPS 796 Doctoral Internship Pre-req: EPS 740 or EPS 741 C. * Research Block (21 units required) EPS 625 Intermediate Statistics Pre-req: EPS 525 * EPS 725 Multivariate Statistics Pre-req: EPS 625 Co-req: EPS 724 * EPS 726 Multivariate Statistics II Pre-req: EPS 625 * EPS 767 Research Paradigms Pre-req: EDR 610, EPS 525, and EPS 625 * EPS 799 Dissertation D. Electives (6 units required): Advisor approval required. * * *Required Combined Counseling/School Psychology (PhD) – 2016-17 Program of Study – Page 3 Revised: klsr, 3/2/16 Student’s Name: NAU ID: Semester/Year Planned Semester/Year Completed First-Year Research Project Student plans to take Preliminary Examination Student plans to take Comprehensive Examination Student plans to complete Dissertation Proposal/Summary Student plans to defend Dissertation Prospectus Student plans to defend Dissertation Student plans to start Internship Research Competency satisfied (i.e., completed EPS 625, 724, 725, and 767) SIGNATURES By signing below, you agree to the following statement: “Students are responsible for complete knowledge of Academic Catalog requirements in their degree plan for their catalog year and adhering to all policies in the Academic Catalog.” Student: Date: Advisor: Date: Coordinator/Director: Date: Chair (required for Final): Date: **Transfer/Equivalent/Previous Graduate Degree – Must have Advisor approval Transfer T = Course transferred from another university Previous Graduate Degree P = Course taken at NAU from previous graduate degree Equivalent E = Course taken at NAU in place of required course Internal Transfer I = Graduate level course taken as undergraduate; Not applied to undergraduate degree Transfer Credit Example: * Course No. ABC 123 *Required Course Title Fundamentals of English Replacement Course Semester Year Hours Grade T/E/P** ASU 456 Fall 2012 3 A T/ASU Combined Counseling/School Psychology (PhD) – 2016-17 Program of Study – Page 4 Revised: klsr, 3/2/16