Thinking and Communicating with Diagrams Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 1 Simple Causal-Loop Diagrams Citiz en involvement in planning + Perception that citizens are pow erless and disenfranchised - Willingness of citizens to become involved Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 2 CLD without Polarities Visitors per year Crowding Damage per visitor Natural area Contact area Damage density Incidence of damage R Environmental damage Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Regeneration time Disappearance of damage G. P. Richardson July 2006 3 CLD without Polarities Pressure for more and wider high speed roads Highway construction Tolerable commuting time Lane-miles of high speed roads Average commuting time Average commuting speed Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Average commuting distance Population in outlying areas Net migration to Attractiveness of outlying areas outlying areas Number of commuters G. P. Richardson July 2006 4 Adding Loop Names Helps Greatly Pressure for more and wider high speed roads Highw ay construction Tolerable commuting time (B2) Commuting distance Average commuting time (B1) Highw ay expansion Lane-miles of high speed roads Average commuting distance Average commuting speed Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Attractiveness of outlying areas (B3) Commuting volume Population in outlying areas Net migration to outlying areas Number of commuters G. P. Richardson July 2006 5 Gross prod uctivity Prog ress rate Fra cti on s atis factory Wo rkfo rce Cumu lati ve real pro gress CLD with Stocks Undi sco ve red rework Dete cti on o f un discovered rework Net hirin g Cumu lati ve effort Cumu lati ve pre cei ve d pro gress <wcwf> Wo rkfo rce soug ht Wi llin gnes s to chang e workforce Perceived p rod uctivity Fra cti on pe rcei ve d compl ete In dicated worforce Effort pe rcei ve d rem aini ng Ti me to de tect rework Ta sks perceived rem aini ng <tdrw> In itia l pro ject de fini tion <Workforce sou ght> Ti me p erce ived re quire d Ti me re main ing In dicated co mple tion date Schedu led compl etio n da te Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Net addi tion s to sched ule G. P. Richardson July 2006 6 <Anti-tobacco litigation> Perceived importance of other health programs - + + +Tobacco taxes Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Pro-tobacco contituencies ++ + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + Tobacco production capacity + Smoking as a social norm + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + Public awareness of tobacco health risk - + + + People starting smoking + People quitting + smoking + Tobacco control programs + + + Health insurers coverage of tobacco quitting costs - + Tobacco marketing activities - +Gov. income + Funding for tobacco health research + + Smokers + Tax revenues from smokers + Govt funding of tobacco control Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + + Tobacco revenues + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Health care costs Anti-tobacco litigation Anti-tobacco legislation <Perceived importance of other health programs> - Govt willingness to + act against tobacco Tobacco products + availability xxx Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 7 Standard Vensim Diagram (History: “Hybrid” diagram in Richardson and Pugh) Total pers onnel Fraction experienced Target growth rate Experienced personnel New pers onnel Hiring rate Ass imilation rate Experienced leave rate Time to become experienced Frac exp leaving p year Mentoring time available Mentoring time needed Mentoring time needed per New Adequacy of mentoring Mentoring time available per Exp Perceived time to become Exp Press ure for mentoring Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 8 Standard Diagram with Loop Names, Friendly Font, and Color Delivery delay Producing Inventory Phantom orde ring loops Shipping Ordering + Production capacity Building capacity Capacity in construction Delivery delay perceived by the market Inventory coverage Capacity acquisition delay Capacity ordering Price and capacity adjustment loop Demand Phantom ordering - Fraction of orders shipped Ava ilability loop Price Planned growth in capacity Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 9 Standard Diagram Showing the Limit of Complexity/Readability in One Diagram Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 10 Sector Diagram: Note Labels on Links Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 11 Policy Structure Diagrams (Morecroft) Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 12 Policy Structure Diagrams (What’s the famous model? Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 13 Lessons • • • • • Readability (audience!) Naming loops Omitting unnecessary detail Unfolding complex pictures Communication! Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 14 A Conceptual Map of the Tobacco Control System Unfolding a Tobacco Map for Health Professionals Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 15 <Anti-tobacco litigation> Perceived importance of other health programs - + + +Tobacco taxes Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Pro-tobacco contituencies ++ + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + Tobacco production capacity + Smoking as a social norm + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + Public awareness of tobacco health risk - + + + People starting smoking + People quitting + smoking + Tobacco control programs + + + Health insurers coverage of tobacco quitting costs - + Tobacco marketing activities - +Gov. income + Funding for tobacco health research + + Smokers + Tax revenues from smokers + Govt funding of tobacco control Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + + Tobacco revenues + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Health care costs Anti-tobacco litigation Anti-tobacco legislation <Perceived importance of other health programs> - Govt willingness to + act against tobacco Tobacco products + availability xxx Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 16 <xxx> Smokers Tobacco revenues + + Smoking as a social norm + + People starting + smoking + + + Tobacco production capacity Tobacco marketing activities Tobacco products + availability <xxx> Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 17 <xxx> Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + + Smokers Tobacco revenues + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + + Tobacco production capacity Smoking as a social norm + Funding for tobacco health research - + + People starting + smoking People quitting smoking + - + Public awareness of tobacco health risk - Tobacco marketing activities Tobacco products + availability <xxx> Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 18 <xxx> Anti-tobacco constituencies + + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + + Smokers Tobacco revenues + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + + Tobacco production capacity Smoking as a social norm + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + - + + People starting + smoking People quitting smoking + - Public awareness of tobacco health risk + Tobacco control programs + - Tobacco marketing activities - Funding for tobacco health research Tobacco products + availability <xxx> Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 19 <xxx> Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Health care costs + + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + + Tobacco production capacity Smoking as a social norm + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + - + + People starting + smoking People quitting smoking + - Public awareness of tobacco health risk + Tobacco control programs + - Tobacco marketing activities - Funding for tobacco health research + + Smokers Tobacco revenues + Tobacco products + availability <xxx> Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 20 <xxx> Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Pro-tobacco contituencies ++ + + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Health care costs + + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + + Tobacco production capacity Smoking as a social norm + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + - + + People starting + smoking People quitting smoking + - Public awareness of tobacco health risk + Tobacco control programs + - Tobacco marketing activities - Funding for tobacco health research + + Smokers Tobacco revenues + Tobacco products + availability <xxx> Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 21 <xxx> Govt willingness to act against tobacco - + Tobacco taxes + Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Pro-tobacco contituencies ++ + + + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Health care costs + + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + + Tobacco production capacity Smoking as a social norm + - + Funding for tobacco control programs + + + + + People starting + smoking People quitting + smoking + - Public awareness of tobacco health risk Tobacco control programs + + + Health insurers coverage of tobacco quitting costs + - Tobacco marketing activities - Funding for tobacco health research + + Smokers Tobacco revenues + Tobacco products + availability <xxx> Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 22 <xxx> Govt willingness to act against tobacco - ++ + + + + Tobacco taxes + Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Pro-tobacco contituencies + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + + Tobacco production capacity Smoking as a social norm + - Funding for tobacco health research + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + + + + People starting + smoking People quitting + smoking + - Public awareness of tobacco health risk Tobacco control programs + + + Health insurers coverage of tobacco quitting costs + - Tobacco marketing activities - Gov. income + + Smokers + +Govt funding of tobacco control Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + + Tax revenues from smokers Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Health care costs Tobacco revenues + Tobacco products + availability <xxx> Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 23 <xxx> Govt willingness to act against tobacco - ++ + Anti-tobacco legislation + + + + + Tobacco production capacity Smoking as a social norm + - Gov. income Funding for tobacco health research + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + + + + People starting + smoking People quitting + smoking + - Public awareness of tobacco health risk Tobacco control programs + + + Health insurers coverage of tobacco quitting costs + - Tobacco marketing activities - + + + Smokers Trend in tobacco company revenues Tax revenues from smokers +Govt funding of tobacco control Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + + + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Health care costs Anti-tobacco litigation Tobacco revenues Tobacco taxes + Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Pro-tobacco contituencies + + + <Anti-tobacco litigation> Tobacco products + availability <xxx> Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 24 <xxx> Perceived importance of other health programs - Govt willingness to act against tobacco - ++ + Anti-tobacco legislation + + + + + Tobacco production capacity Smoking as a social norm + - Gov. income Funding for tobacco health research + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + + + + People starting + smoking People quitting + smoking + - Public awareness of tobacco health risk Tobacco control programs + + + Health insurers coverage of tobacco quitting costs + - Tobacco marketing activities - + + + Smokers Trend in tobacco company revenues Tax revenues from smokers <Perceived importance of other health programs> +Govt funding of tobacco control Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + + + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Health care costs Anti-tobacco litigation Tobacco revenues Tobacco taxes + Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Pro-tobacco contituencies + + + <Anti-tobacco litigation> Tobacco products + availability <xxx> Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 25 A Stock and its Flows Smokers + People starting smoking People quitting smoking Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 26 Reinforcing Loops Smokers + Smoking as a social norm - + People starting smoking + People quitting smoking - Four views Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 27 Reinforcing Loops Smokers + Tobacco revenues + Smoking as a social norm + Four views Tobacco production capacity Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany - + People starting smoking + People quitting smoking + - Tobacco products + availability G. P. Richardson July 2006 28 Reinforcing Loops Smokers + Tobacco revenues + Smoking as a social norm + - + People starting smoking + People quitting smoking + - + + Four views Tobacco production capacity Tobacco marketing activities Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Tobacco products + availability G. P. Richardson July 2006 29 Balancing or Counteracting Loops Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + Smokers + Public awareness of tobacco health risk + Three views People quitting smoking Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 30 Tax revenues from smokers Balancing or Counteracting Loops + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Smokers Funding for tobacco health research + + +Gov. income + Public awareness of tobacco health risk + Three views People quitting smoking Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 31 Tax revenues from smokers Balancing or Counteracting Loops + + Govt funding of tobacco control Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Funding for tobacco health research + + Smokers Funding for tobacco control programs + + Public awareness of tobacco health risk - People quitting smoking Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Tobacco control programs + + + Three views +Gov. income + + Health insurers coverage of tobacco quitting costs G. P. Richardson July 2006 32 Anti-tobacco Constituencies Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Public awareness of tobacco health risk Two views Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 33 Anti-tobacco Constituencies Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + Funding for tobacco health research + + + Public awareness of tobacco health risk + Funding for tobacco control programs + Tobacco control programs Two views Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 34 Pro-tobacco Constituencies Pro-tobacco contituencies + + + Smokers + Tobacco revenues Smoking as a social norm Two views Tobacco production capacity Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 35 Pro-tobacco Constituencies Pro-tobacco contituencies ++ + + Smokers + Tobacco revenues + People starting smoking + People quitting smoking + - + Smoking as a social norm + Two views - + + Tobacco production capacity Tobacco marketing activities Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany + Tobacco products availability G. P. Richardson July 2006 36 Pro-tobacco Constituencies Pro-tobacco contituencies ++ + + Smokers + Tobacco revenues Trend in tobacco company revenues Two views + + Tobacco production capacity + People starting smoking + People quitting smoking + - + + - Smoking as a social norm + Tobacco marketing activities Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany + Tobacco products availability G. P. Richardson July 2006 37 Government Awareness of Health Risks Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Health care costs + + Smokers Three views Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Funding for tobacco health research + + Public awareness of tobacco health risk G. P. Richardson July 2006 38 Government Awareness of Health Risks Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Health care costs + + Smokers Three views Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Funding for tobacco health research + + Public awareness of tobacco health risk G. P. Richardson July 2006 39 Government Awareness of Health Risks Govt willingness to act against tobacco + Gov. income + Govt funding of tobacco control Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Health care costs + + Smokers Three views Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Funding for tobacco health research + Funding for tobacco control programs + + Public awareness of tobacco health risk + Tobacco control programs G. P. Richardson July 2006 40 Government Willingness to Act Against Tobacco <Anti-tobacco litigation> Govt willingness to act against tobacco - + + +Tobacco taxes Two views Pro-tobacco contituencies Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + Tax revenues from smokers +Gov. income + Govt funding of tobacco control Anti-tobacco constituencies + Funding for tobacco health research Anti-tobacco legislation Anti-tobacco litigation Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany + Funding for tobacco control programs G. P. Richardson July 2006 41 Accumulations in the Tobacco System Pro-tobacco contituencies + + Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk Anti-tobacco legislation Smokers Public awareness of tobacco health risk Tobacco control programs Smoking as a social norm Tobacco production capacity Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 42 <Anti-tobacco litigation> Perceived importance of other health programs - + + +Tobacco taxes Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Pro-tobacco contituencies ++ + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + Tobacco production capacity + Smoking as a social norm + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + Public awareness of tobacco health risk - + + + People starting smoking + People quitting + smoking + Tobacco control programs + + + Health insurers coverage of tobacco quitting costs - + Tobacco marketing activities - +Gov. income + Funding for tobacco health research + + Smokers + Tax revenues from smokers + Govt funding of tobacco control Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + + Tobacco revenues + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Health care costs Anti-tobacco litigation Anti-tobacco legislation <Perceived importance of other health programs> - Govt willingness to + act against tobacco Tobacco products + availability xxx Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 43 <Anti-tobacco litigation> Perceived importance of other health programs - + + +Tobacco taxes Govt awareness of tobacco health risk + + Pro-tobacco contituencies ++ + + + Trend in tobacco company revenues + Tobacco production capacity + Smoking as a social norm + + Funding for tobacco control programs + + Public awareness of tobacco health risk - + + + People starting smoking + People quitting + smoking + Tobacco control programs + + + Health insurers coverage of tobacco quitting costs - + Tobacco marketing activities - +Gov. income + Funding for tobacco health research + + Smokers + Tax revenues from smokers + Govt funding of tobacco control Researchers awarness of tobacco health risk + + Tobacco revenues + Anti-tobacco constituencies + + Health care costs Anti-tobacco litigation Anti-tobacco legislation <Perceived importance of other health programs> - Govt willingness to + act against tobacco Tobacco products + availability xxx Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany Pressure on tobacco companies to reduce marketing activities G. P. Richardson July 2006 44 A “Shard” of a Tobacco Model Unfolding an Aging Chain of Smokers Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 45 smoking adults dying nonsmoking adults dying Children births p year <Fraction smoking> children maturing Teens Adults teens aging nonsmoking elderly dying adults aging Elderly smoking elderly dying fraction children smoking fraction teens smoking fraction adults smoking fraction elderly smoking Children smoking Teens smoking Adults smoking Elderly smoking child smokers maturing new children smoking teen smokers aging new teens smoking Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany new adults smoking adult smokers aging Adult smokers dying elderly smokers dying new elderly smoking G. P. Richardson July 2006 46 smoking adults dying nonsmoking adults dying child years Children births p year <Fraction smoking> children maturing teen years nonsmoking elderly dying adult years Teens Adults teens aging adults aging Elderly smoking elderly dying fraction children smoking fraction teens smoking fraction adults smoking fraction elderly smoking Children smoking Teens smoking Adults smoking Elderly smoking child smokers maturing new children smoking teen smokers aging new teens smoking Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany new adults smoking adult smokers aging Adult smokers dying elderly smokers dying new elderly smoking G. P. Richardson July 2006 47 adult birth rate teen birth rate teen births child years Children births p year <Fraction smoking> children maturing smoking adults dying nonsmoking adults dying adult births teen years nonsmoking elderly dying adult years Teens Adults teens aging adults aging Elderly smoking elderly dying fraction children smoking fraction teens smoking fraction adults smoking fraction elderly smoking Children smoking Teens smoking Adults smoking Elderly smoking child smokers maturing new children smoking teen smokers aging new teens smoking Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany new adults smoking adult smokers aging Adult smokers dying elderly smokers dying new elderly smoking G. P. Richardson July 2006 48 adult birth rate teen birth rate teen births child years Children births p year <Fraction smoking> smoking adults dying nonsmoking adults dying adult births teen years children maturing nonsmoking elderly dying adult years Teens Adults teens aging adults aging Elderly smoking elderly dying fraction children smoking fraction teens smoking fraction adults smoking fraction elderly smoking Children smoking Teens smoking Adults smoking Elderly smoking child smokers maturing teen smokers aging new teens smoking new children smoking new adults smoking adult smokers aging Adult smokers dying elderly smokers dying new elderly smoking teens not smoking <Teens> fraction of teens initiated per year Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 49 adult birth rate teen birth rate teen births child years Children births p year <Fraction smoking> smoking adults dying nonsmoking adults dying adult births teen years children maturing nonsmoking elderly dying adult years Teens Adults teens aging adults aging Elderly smoking elderly dying fraction children smoking fraction teens smoking fraction adults smoking fraction elderly smoking Children smoking Teens smoking Adults smoking Elderly smoking child smokers maturing teen smokers aging new teens smoking new children smoking new adults smoking adult smokers aging Adult smokers dying elderly smokers dying new elderly smoking teens not smoking <Teens> fraction of teens initiated per year Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany G. P. Richardson July 2006 50 adult birth rate teen birth rate teen births child years Children births p year <Fraction smoking> children not smoking teen years children maturing nonsmoking elderly dying smoking adults dying nonsmoking adults dying adult births adult years Teens Adults teens aging Elderly adults aging smoking elderly dying fraction children smoking fraction teens smoking fraction adults smoking fraction elderly smoking Children smoking Teens smoking Adults smoking Elderly smoking child smokers maturing new children smoking teens not smoking teen smokers aging new teens new adults smoking smoking adults not smoking Adult smokers dying elderly not smoking <Children> fraction of children initiated p yr <Teens> <Adults> fraction of teens initiated per year Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany adult smokers aging fraction of adults initiatied per year elderly smokers dying new elderly smoking <Elderly> fraction of elderly initiated per year G. P. Richardson July 2006 51 adult birth rate teen birth rate adult death rate child years Children births p year <Fraction smoking> children not smoking teen years children maturing nonsmoking elderly dying smoking adults dying nonsmoking adults dying adult births teen births elderly years adult years Teens Adults teens aging Elderly adults aging smoking elderly dying fraction children smoking fraction teens smoking fraction adults smoking fraction elderly smoking Children smoking Teens smoking Adults smoking Elderly smoking child smokers maturing new children smoking teens not smoking teen smokers aging new teens new adults smoking smoking adults not smoking <Children> fraction of children initiated p yr <Teens> <Adults> fraction of teens initiated per year Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy University at Albany adult smokers aging Adult smokers dying elderly not smoking adult smoking death multiplier fraction of adults initiatied per year elderly smokers dying new elderly smoking <elderly year elderly smoking death multplier <Elderly> <adult death rate> fraction of elderly initiated per year G. P. Richardson July 2006 52