October 3, 2005

El Camino College
Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of October 3, 2005
Present: Dr. Fallo, Mr. Bagnall, Dr. Arce, Dr. Baker, Ms. Dever, Dr. Marsee, Mr. Middleton, Ms.
Pickens, Ms. Smith, and Dr. Simon.
1. Health Insurance Benefits Committee needs to meet. Once the Actuary Report has been
clarified, we can distribute it.
2. Facilities Update – Humanities – we will start seeing major changes by the end of November.
Hazardous materials abatement bid went to the Board last month. The bids on demolition and
site preparation all came in on budget and will go to the Board this month. Student Activities
Center – we are in negotiations with an architect for this project.
3. Student Activities Contribution Initiative – ASO representative distributed the draft proposal
which is in response to the Auxiliary Services deficiency. If this passes they are calling it a
“contribution” rather than a “fee.” This proposal passed the Senate with 18 out of 20 voting
yes. This will be voted on in November. Voting dates are November 7 through November
10th, and November 14th through November 17th. It is hoped that ASO could secure a loan
from the College with this initiative passing. The maximum loan amount requested would be
$100K. There is a lot of process to go through in preparation for this and the ASO
representative is instructed to work with Dr. Baker and Harold Tyler. This will be an
administrative issue and the “loan” concept needs to be discussed and would also need Board
approval. The administrative costs associated with this may be very costly.
4. College Council Evaluation – Discussion on Results – it was noted that eight out of eleven
responses were received. The ASO representative did not feel he had enough experience to
complete survey, so did not participate. Vic Hanson’s evaluation was received after the
evaluation results were summarized. Following is the discussion on items listed on evaluation.
a. Reviews recommendations from committees designated as Collegial Consultation
committees – there needs to be discussion about whether this item should be changed or
deleted. Some disagreed with this statement because they do not remember any
recommendations being brought to the committee. Vice Presidents are to bring issues
here from their area councils. Any number of things could be brought forward. College
Council does have a responsibility to address issues – and also to refer issues to the
appropriate areas. There also needs to be some discussion about the fact that not all
collegial consultation groups are represented on College Council.
b. Serves as the primary, non-bargaining source for discussion and communications
regarding campus-wide issues and policies – all agree that we do fulfill this purpose.
During September 19th we discussed addressing items or questions that do not affect the
College as a whole. It was decided that questions can be asked via e-mail to the
appropriate person and the answers will be provided to the rest of the council.
c. Provides feedback to the Superintendent/President regarding such issues as planning,
policy development and coordination, campus and council priorities – it was mentioned
that the council should spend more time addressing planning and campus policies. The
President would like College Council to make recommendations on issues related to
Board of Governors, committees, state-wide boards and associations. President would
also like the council to focus more on planning in the future. Perhaps these issues could
be listed on the evaluation form for next year.
d. Focuses on broad issues, not day-to-day administration of the College – someone
requested that “broad” issues and “day-to-day” issues be defined. It was noted that this
is really an individual’s perspective. Some feel that we do get involved in petty issues,
but feel that we now have a decision on how to resolve those issues (see item b above).
e. Operates on a consensus-building basis or a majority vote in an advisory capacity –
some have disagreed because there have been changes recommended to policies and the
recommendations have not been received. Others disagreed because they feel that
College Council does not as a rule, vote. The President feels that the council does a
good job at consensus building and feels that this is an advisory body. It was also noted
that communication needs improvement.
We will continue this discussion next week.
Agenda for the October 10, 2005 Meeting
Minutes of October 3, 2005
College Council Evaluation/Goals
ECC Web Services Update