October 21, 2003

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
October 21, 2003
_jd__Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
_x__Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
__x_David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
Minutes: The minutes of October 14 were approved with the following change: Delete the line
beginning “Concern was also expressed…”
Noted: The College Council minutes are always a week or so behind, so the agenda at the end is too
late to be of use.
October Status Report: Vic needs the October status reports by Friday
Campus Wayfinding: Bob shared copies of a booklet prepared by an outside signage company. The
immediate goal is how to improve signage. The booklet provides an overview of current signage
components and then presents three campus programming recommendations (Scheme A, B, C).
Their recommendations set up broad ideas, including color coding in parking lots, adding landmarks
to campus directories, changing the color of sign housings, using common typeface and size, and
limiting letter colors to two variations (light and dark). The next step would be to narrow it down to
two schemes and take them to College Council. The chosen scheme would be implemented as
projects come up. Comments:
 The numbering system should not be driven by Colleague, but everything will need to
coordinate. The issue of numbering buildings vs. using letters to identify them was
 Consistency of signs with service hours is desirable.
 Providing students with take-away maps during the first weeks of school was suggested.
 This is a good start, but more work is needed.
Linking Planning & Budget: Arvid Spor will be working with Pat Caldwell on the District’s plan.
Donna and Pat met last week on Q-builder and planning, and are meeting again today; however,
many issues remain to be resolved. They include:
 Janet can’t access Q-builder and Jonathan Ott can’t get it installed on his computer.
 Lack of training is still a major issue.
 The new goals aren’t in yet.
 Pat is issuing a new timeline with earlier dates; however, there is no one on campus who is
available to help with problems. It was noted that these are all supposed to be new
initiatives, most without budget attached. At this point in the process, the divisions should
be providing input on objectives.
 Why set up another program of new initiatives that will just be cut when future anticipated
cuts hit? The PFE program is a case in point. It forced the college to redirect lots of
resources to the program, and it was the first to go when the budget cuts hit. It was noted
that the PFE goals and money were external; the 1% would be ECC money and ECC goals.
Everyone is just trying to maintain the current level of service. How would that be put into
Q-builder for 2004-05?
When other areas get new projects or equipment approved, many times Administrative
Services is expected to install or service them, but no additional resources are provided.
There was discussion about replacing the Statement of Values on the agenda with the new
strategic goals, and it was requested that the four goals be republished. The problem is that
the numbering system of the goals keeps changing.
There was discussion on the proposed new 1% budget that is supposed to be available for new
initiatives. It was felt that it didn’t make sense to take money away from an already decimated and
strained budget for “pie in the sky” new project proposals when the college is struggling just to
maintain the current level of service with less and less resources. It was felt that the 1% budget
would be better spent restoring some of the lost resources so that the college can provide the needed
services in an effective manner.
Customer Service: Approximately 10,000 invoices billing students for the additional fees were
produced yesterday on the back of explanatory letters, and they are ready to go out via Ann Garten’s
office. Vic requested a copy of the letter that went out and wants this information on the October
status report. Issues:
 Students owing less than $5.00 were not billed because it would not be cost effective. The
plan is to collect this money when they next come to the cashiering window. At this time,
those who owe less than $5 will be prevented from registering for spring; however, this
could be overridden.
 Each BOGG student had to be recalculated.
 Phone numbers to contact cashiers were on the letters; however, they have no additional
people to man the phones.
Management Coverage: Even though there will be no mandatory closing of the campus during the
first week in January, it was noted that some managers want to close their offices voluntarily during
that time. Issues:
 What functions need to be handled during that time? Vic reported that Cabinet is currently
considering which offices need to stay open during that week. It was suggested that Cabinet
needs to make the determination as to which offices always need to be open for services.
 Who is the primary contact? Vic reported on the difficulty of providing services to people
with just a skeleton crew on campus. It always seems that the offices students want and
need most are closed.
 How is coverage provided when managers are out? Who is next in the line of command?
Committee Reports/Division Issues
 Janet Clarke: She has sent reminders re: upcoming bond equipment bids to those involved.
The order for the HUMA computers has already been processed; however, since they are not
ready for them, she will look into the possibility of delaying delivery.
 Maurice Elmore – Computer orders need to be staggered to accommodate storage
capabilities in the Warehouse. They currently have over a hundred computers (not bond
equipment) stored there. Alex will check on this.
 Alex Kelley: He gave a presentation on U-Portal at the deans’ meeting today. He referred a
question on replacement computers to Jim Schwartz, who is acting VP for Nadine Hata in
Cabinet. Vic noted that they still need to address this issue in Cabinet.
Holiday Lunch:
It was agreed that the Holiday Lunch will be held on Tuesday, the 16th of
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.