Administrative Services Staff Meeting March 20, 2007 PRESENT:

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
March 20, 2007
_x_Myeshia Armstrong
_x_Rocky Bonura
___Ora Bryant
_x_Thomas Connolly
_x_Mike D’Amico _x_Bruce Hoerning
_x_Janice Ely
_x_Reuben James
_x_Bob Gann
___Mike Johnson
___Doris Givens
_x_Donna Manno
_x_Jeff Marsee
_x_Marcy Wade
_x_Andy Nasatir
_x_John Wagstaff
_x_Allene Quarles _x_Satish Warrier
___Rachelle Sasser
Minutes: The minutes of March 6 were approved with the following changes:
 Page 1 (Floor Plan for Cafeteria) - The third sentence should read: “The Alondra Room, the
Decathlon Room and the Stadium Room will be located…”
 The first sentence in the second paragraph should read “Bruce indicated that there will be no
Student Cafeteria…”
Management Forum: Administrative Services will host the Management Forum on April 5. The topic
will be a 20 minute PowerPoint presentation on the budget, with a question and answer session to
follow. Noted:
 Satish needs the budget module with aggregate numbers for next year from Janice.
 Funding for department budgets may be a bit higher this time; however, funds will go down
after next year if there is no growth. The State allows one year of hold harmless, so colleges
have a year to recover from an enrollment slump.
 FTES last year was 18,200; the year before it was 19,300.
 ECC chose to delay the borrowing of summer school numbers (1,100) from summer of 2007
into this year, which will give the college the 19,300 FTES. This will allow it to get funding
for 19,300 for next year. By the end of next year, however, it will not have anything from
summer to borrow from. Without growth, in two years ECC will be funded at the lower lever
(18,800), which is approximately $2 million to $2 ½ million less. Managers are to take this
possibility into consideration when budgeting for the future and should protect the critical core
of their areas.
Flowcharting: Three processes will be used for program review in Administrative Services:
Flowcharting - evaluates the effectiveness of working units. The objective of flowcharting is
to get issues and bottlenecks smoothed out and processes running more smoothly. Send
flowcharting plans to Ruth. This will stay on the agenda until it is completed. Flow charting
can be done as a group activity. Cross training, cross generation of ideas, etc. come out of the
group process. Or a narrative can be created first and then Shobhana will create the flow chart
from that. Either way, the group should come together at some point.
Indicators - Each manager is to identify indicators that reflect performance assessments in
his/her area. Examples:
 Number of responses that come in for a recruitment process
 Number of errors per transaction cycle
 Number of people who wait in line for five minutes or longer
 Processing times
 Number of tickets written
 Number of pieces delivered
 Turn around time on work orders
 Number of hours lost due to injury
Assignment (due in two weeks): Each manager is to provide list of indicators, what acceptable
performance would be (low end) and the efficiency rating piece (high end). Identify the
indicator, identify what standard performance would be and how it would be measured and
what 90% would be. Also, what is the indicator measuring? Pre-identify the indicators now,
and there will be changes as information is received from flow charting and surveys. This is for
the spring and fall.
Customer Service Survey - yields action plans. Issues identified in surveys done by the
Research Office will also need to be addressed. The survey will be extended for two more
weeks because so far only about 25% have responded to it. Jeff doesn’t want to silo the
responses and is considering a half day retreat in the next 30 days to deal with the program
review areas. Donna will separate out the responses for our area.
Milestone calendars will be developed on all three processes. The standard calendar will come out of
the first response to the flowcharting responses. The format is the matrix.
Accreditation: May 1 is the deadline for the first draft of the report. Jeff wants Administrative
Services to be done by the end of this year, so he took us off the three year cycle.
New Pay Rates: Copies of proposed drafts of two pay schedules were shared with the group.
Currently students are included in the casual pay schedule; however, the proposal is to separate
students out and put them on their own pay schedule. Noted (Student Worker Rates of Pay):
 This is partly motivated by the recent mandated minimum wage increase, and there will be
another increase in January of 2008.
 A three band pay range is proposed for students. The vice president of that area will have the
final say if a range higher than the first one is desired. Jeff wants the process of placement of
students on the pay schedule to be monitored.
 Managers should be able to make the judgment calls and held responsible.
 Everyone starts at level one unless otherwise approved. Jeff wants equity and consistency for
students throughout the campus.
Noted (Temporary Non-Classified Employee Rates of Pay):
 The schedule includes work duties and restrictions (they can’t work over 180 days total).
 What is the standard and who is going to monitor it? HR will have to monitor it and report
problems to the vice president of the area to resolve.
 AB 500 deals with the correct use of classified personnel. The District needs to handle
classified service jobs correctly. If there is a permanent need, the job should not be done by a
temp. Some long-time temps end up making more than regular classified positions.
 This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.
Volunteers: Effective April 1, there will be a change in the volunteer processing. Volunteers will all
be fingerprinted now (due to liability issues), and they should not start before HR gives the OK. They
don’t have to be Board approved.
Janice will give Satish the aggregate numbers for the budget module for next year. (3/20/07)
Managers will provide a list of indicators for their areas, including what acceptable
performance would be (low end) and the efficiency rating piece (high end). This is due at the
April 3 meeting. (3/20/07)
Managers will review the FCMAT matrix handout and confirm that they are in agreement with
the assignments. (3/20/07)
In 2 weeks (2/27) each manager will report on what has been flowcharted in his/her area and
provide a calendar of expectations as to when remaining items would be done. This is a joint
project between ECC and Compton. (2/13/07)
Start developing indicators. (2/13/07)
 Reuben wanted to know if examples were given at last week’s meeting.
 Bob stated that the Association of Fiscal Plant Administrators publishes a book of
performance indicators for the Facilities areas.
 Allene stated that you should have something prepared on the 27th and if not be able to
explain why not.
 Develop a process to self evaluate whether each area is operating in the upper 90%
percentile. (2/13/07)
Jeff and Bob will discuss the BRJ issue with Doris. Bob will outline the issues. (2/13/07) Pending
The minutes of the Emergency Preparedness Committee are to be posted. (Rocky) (2/13/07)
Bob is preparing building floor plans for energy consumption management, and this will be
posted on the portal.
To initiate a fixed asset inventory; mark reports up and send back. This needs to be completed
by the new semester. (Bruce) (3-6-07)
Development of Policy and Procedures for fixed asset inventory. (Tom) (3-6-07)
Compton to initiate a fixed asset inventory. (Reuben) (3-6-07)
Replace outdated office computers. (John) (2-13-07)
Ongoing Projects:
Bob and Bruce will work with Doris to put together a thorough inventory of work that needs to be
done at Compton, strategies to do the repair/replacement and cost estimates. Mike noted that a
new home is needed for the Police Department. The project deadline is 30 days from now.
 Mike stated that the subject regarding a new Police Department for the Center was brought up
only doing the Space Inventory.
 Bob stated that a draft of a plan will be done in 30 days and details will extend up to a year.
Emergency Preparedness Plan (Compton Center)
 The Center does not have a place to call an Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Program review survey (Donna) (10/17/06)
The Compton signs have been taken down, and the vendor is starting to put up the new signs.
(Reuben) (2/13/07) – In process
Policies and Procedures: Although ECC pays a membership fee, currently only Kathy Oswald
can get into the CCLC Website. This needs to be investigated. (2/13/07).
 Rachelle stated that only one person has access to the ID and the password is changed
frequently to protect the information. She stated that Kathy can call them if she has any
 Rachelle will have a hard copy to review in the ECC Human Resources office.
The issue regarding transferring the transcript printing from the Protocol system to Datatel
remains due to the excessive cost estimates from Datatel. (2/13/07) – Satish will revisit.
The disintegration of media services at ECC (due to retirements with no replacements) continues
to present problems. The recent 90 Day Review of media problems is a case in point. Although
Howard Storey is responsible for this area, John will do a position paper on this issue and address
it in the Technology Plan also. (Donna & Satish) (2/13/07)
Program Review – at the next meeting the group is to come back with a list of indicators that are
applicable to their area.
 First step indicators
 Measurements
a) Acceptable Standards
b) Standards for excellence (e.g. invoices in the outbox for 30 days when they should have
no more then 2 weeks)
 Establishment and Completion of a Flow Chart and Program
a) Identify improvements for efficiency
b) Written Procedures Manual
c) Operational Procedures Manual for your areas
d) Action Plan
 A schedule of hours you will need to proceed. The objective is to be completed by December
Agenda for Next Meeting:
 FCMAT Matrix
 Flow Chart Plans
 Pay Rate Schedules
 Indicators
Noted: Due to the Area Council, there will be no staff meeting next week (3/27). The next
meeting will be held on April 3 at Compton.
Meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m.