Academic Technology Committee (ATC) Minutes March 14, 2003 Attendees: Alana Angel, Dick Barton, Francis Baylen, Lyn Clemons, Susie Dever, Joe Georges, Dwayne Hayden, Tom Jackson, Bob Lewis, Barbara Morris, Jim Noyes, Barbara Perez, Donna Post, John Ruggirello, Howard Story, Evelyn Uyemura Next meeting: Friday, March 28, 2003 - 9:30-11:00 AM, Library 202 Joe Georges talked about the state budget cuts and mentioned that, while a turn-round in community-college funding has often been predicted for 2004-05, the extent of the damage that this recession has caused the California economy may delay any substantial increase in state tax revenues and, thus greater funding for public education. This was the message of a Los Angeles Times article on Sunday, March 9, that was distributed at the meeting. The implication for us is that there may be a serious shortage of funds for technology-support staff and software and operating expenses for the next two years and more. The surveys that Susie Dever sent to committee members were discussed at length. Software compatibility with the Windows XP operating system seems to be a major concern. Some academic software now being used in computer labs is known to be incompatible with Windows XP. Software used in Reading and in some in Foreign Languages would be examples. And yet new computers will come equipped with XP. It’s important that lab upgrades be planned carefully since there is little or no money presently available for academic software upgrades. It is important not to take faculty and students in an academic program by surprise by telling them that software they have relied upon in the past is no longer functional in one of the College’s computer labs. The need for peripherals for assistive technology was stressed since compliance with federal Section 508 regulations is now necessary. It was suggested that the surveys be put on a common website so that everyone can see the comments made and consolidate needs, address problems, etc. It was agreed that Committee members would put a high priority on completion of the software survey so that critical software upgrade costs can be included in a funding proposal to the April PBC meeting. Other surveys can be completed afterwards. The need for technology planning was discussed and also the need for faculty and staff input into that process. Joe Georges said that a new technology plan was due in Cabinet’s hands by the end of April. Alex Kelley and the College Technology Committee are working on that plan. The draft of the College Technology Plan Goals was reviewed. Goals and strategies have changed to an extent since 1997. “Primary stakeholders” should be added to the plan. General feedback is needed at the next ATC meeting. One question that needs to be considered is “What will be the impact of construction on technology that should be incorporated into the plan?” Standards for multi-media classrooms were discussed. It was unanimously agreed that Media Services should be the “standards police” for multi-media classrooms. In the same way that Tech Services reviews computer purchase plans, Media Services should review purchase plans for A/V equipment. Howard Story said they could handle the job. Pay for print will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Actions Taken: ATC members will concentration on the software survey during the immediate future: What is critical software for divisions and programs; does it work with Windows XP? Recommended: Media Services should review requisitions for multi-media equipment just as IT does for computers.