March 8, 2004


Academic Technology Committee (ATC)


March 8, 2004

Attendees: Francis Baylen, Susie Dever, Joe Georges, Dwayne Hayden, Tom Jackson, Bob

Lewis, Pete Marcoux, Dave Murphy, Barbara Morris, Jim Noyes, Donna Post,

Howard Story, Bobbi Villalobos

Next Meeting: Monday, March 29, 2004 – 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Library 202


Minutes from the 2/12 ATC meeting were approved


Spam Updates a.

Joe Georges informed the Committee that the body text of incoming email messages is being scanned, contrary to the Committees recommendation that ITS not scan body text, as it might quarantine student essays sent through email. b.

Joe Georges did contact Satish Warrier about inspecting quarantined email, but no inspection has taken place yet. c.

Joe Georges announced that if faculty and staff are receiving unwanted email, or if people are not receiving wanted email, they can contact d.

Pete Marcoux suggested that the Academic Senate invite ITS representative to its meeting


Software Survey a.

Susie Dever explained a spreadsheet distributed at the meeting that can be used to gather information about division academic software needs for 2004-05 b.

The ATC agreed to list and prioritize software needs on march 29. Requests are due by March 25 th

. Members should email their spreadsheets to

. c.

Members agreed that at the next meeting on March 29 (2:30 pm), we will vote on software recommendations. d.

Members discussed issues related to software purchase, including sources of external funding, the need for an inventory list and lists of software purchases


Course Management System a.

Joe Georges announced that the committee must recommend a Course

Management System by the end of March. b.

Howard Story announced that a representative from WebCT will be on campus to demonstrate the product on March 25 th

from 12:30-2:30 pm in the Alondra Room;

Blackboard will demonstrate their product on March 26 th

at 1:00-3:00 pm in

Library 202. c.

Members discussed issues related to CMSs: i.

Should non-commercial systems be considered? ii.

Should we make faculty aware of yet-to-be released systems? iii.

How do we vote?


Susie Dever suggested an online survey accessible to all faculty, but the ATC will have the ultimate vote


Smart Classrooms a.

Howard explained handout he distributed dealing with standards for smart classrooms. The matter will be raised again in the Committee.


Faculty laptops a.

Pete Marcoux discussed the status of faculty laptops. b.

Members decided that Pete Marcoux should draft a list of criteria for prioritizing the distribution of laptop upgrades. Those criteria will be reviewed by the ATC this spring.
