EL CAMINO COLLEGE Classified Staff Development Committee (CSDC) Present:

Classified Staff Development Committee (CSDC)
Notes of meeting held Thursday, October 19, 2006
C. Biedler, L. Detwiler, D. Manno, A. Martinez, C. Peacock, C. Quiroz, L. Smith,
V. Wagner
A. Angel, C. Blount, O. Bryant, T. Coulter, J. Curtis, V. Doby, N. Oshio, D.
 Members present introduced themselves.
New SD Funds – SD Plan:
 Dr. Arce requested a $100,000 one-time budget for staff development. The funds will
carry over to 1-1/2 to 2 years to allow for planning and implementation of professional
development programs for classified, faculty and management. The funding provides for
group (not individual) activities that will strengthen institutional effectiveness and
support the main planning themes – outreach, recruitment, and retention.
 Donna will brainstorm ideas with a group of managers as well as the Classified
Professional Development Day Planning group to provide input for other professional
development activities. The Faculty Development Committee will provide faculty input.
 The goal is to have a draft plan ready to be presented to Vice Presidents Arce and Marsee
by December 2006. Donna will send copies of opinion survey to CPDD planning
members before the next meeting.
Review 2006 CPDD:
 Group reviewed program feedback summary for the 2006 CPDD presentation. The
consensus was that the 1) 2007 workshop should build on the concepts that have been
presented and 2) managers should be required to attend 2007 workshop.
 There are plans to present another session of the “Why I Like You, Why I Don’t”
workshop for classified and managers who have not yet attended.
Workshop Focus for Spring 2007:
 The group discussed how the different personality types may be presented in a manner
that would be practical and relevant in encouraging mutual understanding between
managers and classified. Donna is in communication with a representative of the
Effectiveness Institute to present the next level of the 2006 workshop. She will let
presenter know about the direction (in a manner that would enhance understanding
between managers and classified) for the 2007 workshops.
 Managers/Supervisors should be required to attend the workshops.
 Some perceptions regarding manager/staff relationships were expressed such as a lack of
shared governance, managers need to communicate more with staff, lack of trust,
classified aren’t comfortable talking with their managers
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The discussion concluded that there should be ongoing accountability for follow-up of
the tools/skills presented at the workshop.
How is the statement of values “PRIDE” evident in the way we do business at ECC?
This question led to a lively discussion about the various ways in which these values
could be incorporated so that they become the culture of ECC. Suggestions include
areas focusing on one value over a period of time. Topic to be discussed further.
Timeline/Meeting Schedule:
 A suggestion was made to present professional development activities/programs during
Classified Week in May. It was agreed to plan a variety of workshops for classified
during that week. The group consensus was that workshops and activities such as “Who
Moved the Cheese” and ECC picnic would boost campus morale.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 30, 2006 at 3:00pm in Library 202.
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