EL CAMINO COLLEGE Classified Staff Development Committee (CSDC) Notes of meeting held Thursday, February 22, 2007 Present: T. Clifford, V. De La Torre, L. Detwiler, V. Doby, B. Gilmore, D. Manno, A. Martinez, N. Oshio, L. Smith Absent: C. Biedler, T, Coulter, C. Quiroz, V. Wagner Introduction: Donna welcomed two new members Theresa Clifford and Victoria De La Torre and asked group members to introduce themselves. Last meeting overview/minutes The group accepted the minutes of the last meeting Compton Center Staff Update Donna reported to the group that her meeting with Compton was unsuccessful as no one got her email messages. Another meeting is scheduled for March 8th and Donna will report the result of that meeting at the March 22nd meeting. Responding to Luukia’s question about how Compton will participate, the group briefly discussed logistics of Compton participation. Possible suggestion was that the Offices may be closed 11am – 2pm on that day. Donna also mentioned that the Compton Center has a bus that could accommodate transportation to and from ECC. Carts – there are 21 carts available to be provided on a first come first serve basis. Consideration will be given to the fact that Compton Center staff has not yet received the entry form. Review Time Line The group reviewed task matrix/timeline. Donna will include pictures of cart types in this week’s picture information bulletin. Discuss Awards Awards were discussed. It was agreed that the only trophies to be awarded are a perpetual trophy for first place, tin can trophies for 2nd, 3rd place and People’s choice Trophy. Donna asked Nina to explore other ideas for awards to other participants. It was suggested that Donna include a reminder about the People’s Choice box in the final weekly information bulletins. Guideline/criteria for judges – as she did last year, Donna will provide guidelines for the judges. The guidelines will be discussed at a future meeting. Other Lunch Tickets – After some discussion the group agreed that there would be no lunch tickets. Mandatory workshop – Group discussed the impact of workshop. It was felt that personality traits addressed by True Colors were more remembered. Donna said that this year’s workshop will take the previous workshop to another level. She also suggested that perhaps True Colors could be offered during Classified Week. Next Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 22, at 3:00 pm.