Auxiliary Services Board Meeting Minutes – 1:00 p.m. Monday, November 17, 2008

Auxiliary Services Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 17, 2008 – 1:00 p.m.
Library 202
Call to Order
Bill Mulrooney was requested to chair this meeting on behalf of Harold Tyler as
Harold was out ill.
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m.
Members & Alternates Present: Bill Mulrooney, Katie Gleason, Don Goldberg, and
Josie Cheung
Not present: Harold Tyler, Janice Ely, Jo Ann Higdon, Connie Fitzsimons, Clarissa
Jones (ASO)
Support staff: Carolee Vakil-Jessop, Miriam Ifill
Visitors: Sue Oda-Omori
Approval of 10/27/08 Minutes
The following corrections were requested: page 1 last line change the word profit to
surplus, page 3 V.a) spell out MACCC and V.g) spell out SBYO. MOTION: Josie
Cheung moved and Don Goldberg seconded approving the minutes as corrected.
Minutes were unanimously approved as corrected.
2008- 2009 Budget Review
A. Income/Expenses
On the spreadsheet provided by Miriam Ifill she indicated that the income and
expenses were posted to date. The datatel printout is accurate as far as the
expenses are posted up to date and the income is posted through October 2008.
The special request account was looked at and the only special request
approved to date was for Chorale to attend the Music Association of California
Community Colleges (MACCC) conference.
Review Budget Augmentation Requests 2008-2009
A. Transfer Center – Sue Oda-Omori
Sue Oda-Omori presented the Transfer Center’s request for budget
augmentation funds. The transfer center did get their request from Fund 15
however those funds are treated the same as Fund 11 and cannot be used for
the purchasing of food. The transfer center holds 7-8 mini-fairs, one large
transfer conference and an Admit celebration. All of these events have food at
them. The Admit celebration usually has 100-175 students and parents. All of
these events are for the campus community. The Transfer Center is requesting
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Notetaker: Carolee Vakil-Jessop
their budget be increased from $1700 to $2750 per year ($1050.00
The Fund 15 monies will pay for posters, banners, publications and student
awards. The Fall transfer conference hosted 327 students and was the largest
event ever. This is an all day event with University panels, workshops, financing
education. Lunch is provided for the presenters and snacks for the campus reps.
MOTION: Don Goldberg moves to approve augmenting the Transfer Center
budget by $1050 bringing their total yearly budget to $2750. Josie Cheung
seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.
Amendment of Basic Assumptions
It was explained that the Basic Assumptions needed to include the funding
mechanism for the Associated Students Organization. This was added to the basic
assumptions as well as amending statement 1 under expenditures to read: all post
season expenses for athletic programs will be included within the District athletic
budget with the exception of reasonable food expenses.
MOTION: Don Goldberg moved to accept the amendments to the Basic
Assumptions as explained above. Bill Mulrooney seconded. The committee
unanimously approved the motion.
Miscellaneous Issues/Old Business
It was discussed that the unappropriated reserve is approximately $290,000. The
reserve will be reduced due to deficit spending this year of $25,000 (due to the
District not covering all costs associated with athletic transportation, stadium & gym
operation and training room). $200,000 is invested with the county. With the
fluctuations of the stock market, the committee felt they would like more information
on how it’s invested.
The committee discussed the need to determine at the December meeting, how
much more it would be willing to deficit spend to assist programs facing budget cuts.
The board also determined it should develop a plan to deficit spend for the next two
years as these cuts are likely to continue for three years. This deficit spending
should not deplete the reserve.
The Special Request account for this year has $8590 remaining in it. It was
proposed to discuss increasing that instead of augmenting any more budgets.
The committee also discussed funding requests as they come to help sustain
programs with budget cuts. This funding should not be for new things.
The committee discussed if it was fair to keep funding the same people year after
year. They would like to make sure all programs know there are special request
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Notetaker: Carolee Vakil-Jessop
funds available. The committee felt it needed to set a limit to how much an
individual group could request each year and set a criteria for requesting the funds.
The committee looked at the funding and revenue difference of athletics and fine
arts. Athletics is budgeted $179,000/year and gives back to ASB $9000/year in
revenue. Fine Arts is budgeted $96,750/year and gives back to ASB $63,000/year
in revenue. This is skewed and should be more fairly distributed.
The committee discussed the fact that the Pioneer Theater contract is being
renegotiated and that ASB should be allowed to ask for more of those funds. They
would like to discuss this at a future meeting.
Next Auxiliary Services Board Meeting – December 15, 2008, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m., Library
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
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Notetaker: Carolee Vakil-Jessop