October 11, 2011

EI Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2011
1:00 p.m. - ASO Executive Office
Call to Order
President Rebekka Asher called the meeting to order at 12:56 pm
Roll Call
 Members present:
Director of Finance: Kenji Tomoda
President: Rebekka Asher
Advisor: Breanna Anderson
Student at Large: Sharon Asher
Advisor: Rebecca Cobb
Director of Fiscal Services: Tom Connolly
Quorum was established.
Administrative Assistant:
Kevin Paxton
Vice President: Jasmine Hormati
Student Services: Jack DeMont
Approval of the Minutes
Kevin Paxton stated that Rebekka Asher did not call the meeting to order, but
Kenji Tomoda had on the previous minutes.
 Motion to approve the minutes of September 28, 2011 as amended made
by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Sharon Asher.
Motion Passed.
Approval of the Agenda
Rebekka Asher stated that item 5.1 will moved to item 5.4 and all other items will
move up.
 Motion to approve agenda as amended for October 11, 2011 made
Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Sharon Asher.
Motion passed.
New Business
5.1 ASO Movie Night – Jack DeMont
Jack DeMont stated that Senate approved the event and that ASO needs $400 to
purchase the licensing rights to the Dark Knight. Jack DeMont then stated that he
believes ASO should allocate more money for concessions and fliers. The hopes
to Movie Night will be to make back enough money to fund a continuation of this
event. Kevin Paxton asked if ASO could have multiple viewings of the Dark
Knight. Jack DeMont replied that the movie needs to be returned immediately or a
fee of $400 would occur.
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Motion to approve $600 from the Campus Enrichment account # (7155001-00-836409-7670) to fund the movie night made by Sharon Asher.
Seconded by Rebekka Asher. Motion Passed.
5.2 ICC/ASO Homecoming – Jack DeMont
Jack DeMont stated that this year ASO and ICC are trying to work together on
Homecoming. Jack DeMont stated ICC wants ASO to split the cost of
Homecoming $1,500 each. ICC normally uses around $2000, and has already
allocated $3,000 for the event; however, ICC wants to keep the extra amount of
money just in case they wish to spend more on another event or to refill their
account. Jasmine Hormati asked if ASO will have a say on what events are too
take place during Homecoming. Jasmine believed that ICC should fund the event
totally and ASO shouldn’t have to fund an event if we do not have a say in how
the event should be made. It was agreed that ASO would help fund Homecoming
but also have a say so in what events are held, so that if ASO wants to have an
event it can use the funds allocated for that event.
 Motion to allocate up to $750 from Campus Enrichment account # (7155001-00-836409-7670 to help fund Homecoming made by Sharon Asher.
Seconded by Rebekka Asher Motion Passed.
5.3 National Recycling Week – Jasmine Hormati
Jasmine Hormati stated that in November National Recycling week will occur and
she wants to have money to purchase ribbons and pins for the table that will be on
the library lawn.
 Motion to allocate up to $70 from Campus Enrichment account # (7155001-00-836409-7670) to fund National Recycling week made by
Sharon Asher. Seconded by Rebekka Asher. Motion Passed.
5.4 Constitution Day
Motion to approve $135 from Campus Enrichment account # (71-5500100-836409-7670) to repay Rebecca Cobb for expenses related to
Constitution day made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Sharon Asher.
Motion passed.
Old Business
Public Comments
 Motion to adjourn Finance meeting at 1:29 made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded
by Sharon Asher.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes Written by: Kevin Paxton
Minutes Verified by:
Director of Finance, Kenji Tomoda
Breanna Anderson, Adviser
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