ACADEMIC SENATE ATTENDANCE & MINUTES 18th May 2010 Attendance (X indicates present, exc indicates excused, pre-arranged absence) Adjunct Faculty Mangan, Michael(Hum) X Behavioral & Social Sciences Firestone, Randy X Gold, Christina X Moen, Michelle X Widman, Lance X Wynne, Michael X Business Siddiqui, Junaid_________________X Lau, Philip S X Counseling Jackson, Brenda_______________X Jeffries, Chris _X Key, Ken X Pajo, Christina X Fine Arts Ahmadpour, Ali Bloomberg, Randall Crossman, Mark Schultz, Patrick Wells, Chris Learning Resources Unit Striepe, Claudia X Ichinaga, Moon _____EXC Mathematical Sciences Boerger, John Fry, Greg Glucksman, Marc_______________ X Taylor, Susan X Yun, Paul______________________X Natural Sciences Cowell, Chas Herzig, Chuck_______________ X Jimenez, Miguel ______________X Palos Teresa__________________X Vakil, David X X X Academic Affairs Chapman, Quajuana X __ X Health Sciences & Athletics Hazell, Tom McGinley, Pat__________________X Rosales, Kathleen ______________X Humanities Isaacs, Brent X Marcoux, Pete ___X McLaughlin, Kate X Peppard, Bruce X Simon, Jenny __________________X ECC CEC Members Evans, Jerome Norton, Tom Panski, Saul Pratt, Estina Smith, Darwin Assoc. Students Org. Casper, Joshua Safazada, Ana Stokes, Philip X Begonia Guereca X Ex- Officio Positions Industry & Technology Gebert, Pat X Hofmann, Ed_________________X MacPherson, Lee X Marston, Doug X Arce, Francisco_______________X Nishime, Jeanie ______________X Shadish, Elizabeth Kjeseth, Lars X Guests and/Other Officers: Barbara Jaffe, Carolyn Pinedo, Unless noted otherwise, all page numbers refer to the packet used during the meeting, not the current packet you are reading now. The 7th Academic Senate meeting of the Spring 2010 semester was called to order at 12:34pm Approval of last Minutes: The minutes [pp. 9 -15 of packet] from the May 4th Academic Senate meeting were reviewed. Dr. Simon noted two correction on pg 12, and Dr. Jaffe asked for two words to be inserted. The minutes were approved as amended following a motion from Mr. Marcoux, seconded by Mr. Kjeseth. REPORTS OF OFFICERS President’s report – Dave Vakil (henceforth DV) [see pp. 5-8 of packet] DV mentioned the electronic Senate Survey, and asked senators to check their emails for the link and please complete the survey. Mr. Mangan noted that he had not seen the email, and DV asked any senators who had not received the email to contact him. DV wants to present the survey results on June 1. DV also reminded the senators about two other current surveys - the Winter survey & the LRU/Library Satisfaction survey – noting that the information gathered will prove very useful for improving services and planning for resources. DV fielded a question about what faculty are allowed to require students to purchase for a class. Examples like access codes to online tools were mentioned. DV said there had been some email discussion on the topic. Ms. Taylor asked whether the Academic Senate would be addressing this issue in the near future as she still was not clear on the issue. Dr. Arce suggested leaving the issue to the Division Deans to address, and said he would get the information to the Deans. Mr. Wells suggested putting the information in the syllabus template. Mr. Marston was of the opinion that it was too late for students to react if they only got the information in the syllabus once they had signed up for a class and suggested the information be placed in the schedule of classes. Dr. Arce said that the college did not have the resources to do that but the bookstore has a list of all the required textbooks online, with prices. Mr. Bloomberg said that his art class has an extensive supply list, and it would certainly be relevant for students to know about it when deciding to enroll. Ms. Jackson suggested having a not in the schedule of classes pointing to the bookstore url and information. DV said we would be talking about the priority registration issue [see pp. 37-47 of packet] and that Bill Mulrooney was present to lead the discussion. DV noted that re: the hiring process deviation, a written explanation had been provided by VP Arce [see pp.16-17 of packet] DV noted the at last night’s Board of Trustees meeting, Inglewood USD had bussed in several students to speak. Inglewood USD City Honors wants more ECC (or other CC) classes taught on their campus or other sites in the area. The students were also concerned by the cuts to music program, especially beginning classes. Most of these issues were related to the budget cuts. Mr. Widman wondered whether, seeing as how the high school classes count toward FTES, having these classes meant a cut in on-campus class sections? Dr. Arce noted that the high school classes are over cap, but pointed out that many of the classes are offered through the Compton campus. DV reported that at least one board member (Mr. R. Gen) was considering NOT approving field trips to Arizona for fear of students being detained (e.g. AB 540 students). It was noted that the Native American club goes on trips to New Mexico which entails driving through Arizona. DV announced the need to elect the President-Elect of the Academic Senate, noting that the term will be 1-year as President-elect in 2010-2011, which would lead to a term as the next Academic Senate President, serving a two-year term in 2011-2012, 2012-2013. This item was not on the agenda, but Mr. Marston made a motion to amend the agenda to allow for this business, and the motion was approved. Pete Marcoux, Chair of the election committee, reviewed the list of nominees. There was only one nominee – Chris Gold – and PM asked for other nominees from the floor. Hearing none, Mr. Wells moved to close the nominations. This was accepted. Mr. Marcoux moved to accept Dr. Gold by acclimation. The vote was unanimously in favor, and Dr. Chris Gold was appointed as the President –elect. DV congratulated Dr. Gold, and noted that he had her first project - to attend the Academic Senate Leadership Conference in June/July. VP – Compton Center - Saul Panski (SP) No report. Curriculum Committee – Lars Kjeseth (LK) LK said he would talk about textbooks later in the meeting. VP - Educational Policies – Chris Jeffries (CJ) CJ noted that she would talk about BP 4100 later in the meeting. VP - Faculty Development – Chris Gold (CG) CG reported that there were 2 sets of (abridged) minutes from prior meetings [see pp. 24-28of packet] CG noted that Adjunct faculty award information was also available [see pp. 29 – 32 of packet], but that the award packet was not yet complete and that the Committee still had to approach the Foundation. CG also said that the Fall Flex day had a theme – “ Connecting with the Campus”, and that fun presentation titles were being developed and potential presenters were being contacted. VP - Finance & Special Projects/Planning & Budgeting Committee (PBC)– Lance Widman (LW) No report. Council of Dean’s Meeting Report –Moon Ichinaga (MI) [see pg.33 of packet] for written report. VP – Legislative Action – Chris Wells (CW) CW reported on a leadership conference he had attended. One address concerned ensuring college affordability. It was thought that funding cuts may not go lower, and the perception was that 1440 will pass, which would guarantee transfer from community colleges to the California State universities. CW said they would be accepted in their major, if they had an AA degree in that major. It was also noted that most community college students who transfer graduate with 150 units. They only need 120 units. These extra units are perceived as unnecessary, and colleges must try and get students not to take more classes than are needed. If the Governor passes the budget, CSULB may be accepting Spring 2011 transfers (contingent on some details). DV asked the ECC counselors to take note, and Ms. Jeffries said they would get official notification. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES Technology – Pete Marcoux (PM) No report. Student Learning Outcomes – Jenny Simon (JS) JS noted that the Program level SLO assessment has a June deadline date. The core competency assessment is underway, and has targeted particular classes and faculty, so this is not a blanket assessment. UNFINSIHED BUSINESS Resolution of Appreciation for Dr. Jaffe DV invited Dr. Jaffe to the front and announced that the Academic Senate wished to recognize Dr. Jaffe for outstanding service and leadership. DV presented Dr. Jaffe with roses and read the resolution aloud. DV said a signed copy of the resolution will be presented to Dr. Jaffe once the typos have been corrected, and the senators have all had a chance to sign it. A correctly sized frame will also be bought to showcase the resolution. Dr. Jaffe said thank you, noting that she was humbled and honored by the award. Strategic Initiatives – Dr. J. Nishime (JN) JN spoke of the recent Planning Summit to review the college mission statement and current initiatives. The original initiatives were revised in 2007, when ECC and CEC formed their partnership, and were intended to see the college through for three years. The initiatives from this Planning Summit will take the college through the period 2011 – 2014. There was good representation from both colleges at the summit and also from faculty, staff and students. JN, Dr. Spor and Irene Graf took the raw data generated at the Summit and distilled it into seven initiatives. JN had intended to send them out to faculty/staff for prioritization, but then it had been suggested to adopt all seven. These will become goals that we can use for planning. They have been kept generic so that they can be adapted for use by any Division/area. The Dean’s Council is in favor of adopting all seven. The ECC CFT suggested adding the words”consultation and collaboration” to Initiative C, and Dr. Shadish had suggested adding the words “through collegial consultation”. Ms. Jeffries said that she agreed with both additions and was in agreement with the idea of adopting all seven initiatives. Mr. Widman asked for a point of clarification that initiatives would equal goals? JN said yes, this was the case. Mr. Widman said that in Initiative G the phrase “promote environmentally…” was not clear and suggested for clarification the words “environmentally sustainable practices…” Dr. Arce suggested “promote sustainable and environmentally sensitive practices”. Mr. Marcoux asked how this tied to SLO’s and core competencies. Dr. Simon said this was covered under the term “assessment” and repeated that the initiatives were being kept broad so as to be adaptable for use in many contexts. Mr. Kjeseth noted that SLO’s and core competencies are student centered and the initiatives are goals for the campus. Mr. Widman suggested using the term “shared governance” in Initiative C. JN said that the phrase was not used in any legislature, and was more of a grass roots term. Mr. Marcoux countered, saying the term is used in the Ed. Code. DV asked Mr. Marcoux to send him the language. Mr. Marcoux made a motion to adopt the seven initiatives as amended, seconded by Mr. Widman. The motion passed, with Mr. Marston abstaining. This will now go back to College Council for discussion and then to the Board of Trustees. Once adopted, these will form the goals for the 2011- 2014 planning cycle. BP 4100 and AP 4100 – Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates – Education Policies Committee - Chris Jeffries (CJ) [See SUPPLEMENT inside the packet to replace pp. 34-35 of packet] This is the Second reading. CJ noted that amendments had been made to the policy and procedures following suggestions made at the first reading. Area 1A of the Procedures has been expanded with several sub-points, and some typos corrected. 1Aiii incorporated Mr. Firestone’s suggestion re: adding community colleges. CJ said she had noted mention of a 12 unit residency during the Dean’s Council discussion and wanted to understand the context. Dr. Nishime said that other institutions also had a minimum number of units associated with residency, and it was felt that 50% of the units should be attained at El Camino College. Dr. Arce noted that ECC is surrounded by other smaller colleges whose reputation is not as good as that of El Camino College. Dr. Nishime said that AA degrees are getting more cachet and attention nationally so the issue is to be taken seriously. Mr. Widman was not sure this was an issue if we ensure the other college courses met our rigorous standards. Dr. Nishime said that we could not ensure that. Mr. Wells, said that while the option did not exist for us, the CSU system had an arrangement whereby students could get a degree from the Consortium of CSUs. Mr. Key said that technically the courses should be degree applicable. We do allow activity courses to count for general education requirements. Would 12 units of Physical education be enough for a degree from ECC? What does it do to the standing of an ECC degree if no “real” courses are taken at ECC? Mr. Marcoux asked how many students we were talking about. It seemed the counselors encountered a minimal number of instances. Dr. Arce suggested adding “degree applicable” study to 1C. Ms. Rosales said that the issue and numbers might seem marginal now but once students catch on to this loophole we may risk compromising our integrity. Dr. Nishime said that these suggestions and comments were helpful. She noted that CSU schools have a tier for transfers. Tier 1 students get preferential admission. We are currently not Tier 1 for any school, but if we were this issue could make a difference. Mr. Key noted that in the past when the Associate Degree Taskforce had convened they did use the “degree applicable” language. He agreed with Dr. Arce that this language should be reinstated. Mr. Marcoux suggested adding another bullet re: the petition process. DV suggested taking the item back to the Educational Policies Committee for further review. CJ wanted clarification on exactly what to review. It was suggested the Committee look at what other schools have done, and ask for participation from the Dean’s Council and Drs. Arce and Nishime re: their concerns. CJ noted that interested bodies could come to the next meeting on the 25th May at 1pm. Other feedback on the issue can be sent via email to CJ Enrollment Priority BP 5055 and AP 5055 – Bill Mulrooney (BM) [see pp.36-37 of packet for existing procedure, pg. 38 for proposed amended policy, and pp.39-45 for proposed new procedure] DV welcomed BM to the meeting to answer questions and gather feedback on the priority registration policy and procedure. Ms. Jeffries asked how soon this would come into effect. BM said that there would be a LONG lead in time as it needs to be thoroughly tested as it is hoped this will replace the aging Rose and Tuck program currently in use. This will not happen soon.BM explained that currently there is no policy, just an oral history; now groups who want priority registration just apply. The Board would have to grant someone/body the authority to evaluate these applications. This has not been done at ECC before. Groups would now have to go through the process and supply reasons for their request as detailed in the new procedure. They would also have to submit a new request every five years – as per a suggestion from Dean Goldberg. Mr. Wells asked if some groups would rank higher than others. BM said, yes, based on things like grants. A Committee would decide on the rank order. Ms. Taylor had a concern with AP VII #1, asking why extra- or co- curricular activities would justify priority status over other groups. BM said that it was intended to open the door for groups like athletes to apply. Ms. Taylor said she was still not clear on that justification. BM said that athletes and the like say that they have these tasks and functions related to the college only as a result of this activity. Ms. Taylor felt the phrasing was not accurate and asked if there would be further discussion on the issue. BM said yes, it is still early in the process. Ms. Jackson noted that if a group is denied priority status they have to wait two years to reapply and wondered how that two year period had been arrived at. BM said that that was his idea so that groups would not be constantly reapplying and would have a period to think the issues over. Ms. McGinley asked for the rationale behind giving international students priority over local students. BM said it was to cover the expense of recruitment and because of the visas M1 and J1where the students have to be on full- time status. Ms. McGinley felt we should not be recruiting if we did not have enough spots for California students, and noted that our local students had loans to repay. Mr. Key asked whether the guidelines mentioned in AP VII #4 had already been delineated. BM said these were still being developed. BM noted that in his opinion the most important area is AP VI#2 which attempts to limit students playing the system, and tries to cut down on petitions. NEW BUSINESS Outstanding Faculty Award – Faculty Development Committee – Chris Gold (CG) [see pp. 29-32 of packet] This is the first reading of this item. Please read this and send feedback to CG. Minimum Qualifications - Mathematics [see pg.50 of packet] DV received input from Dr. Glucksman just before the Academic Senate meeting that the Mathematics Department had not considered the proposal and did not have a chance to support or oppose it. Dr. Glucksman suggested to DV that the proposal be pulled and discussed at a Math Department meeting prior to review by the Academic Senate. This would constitute the first reading. This is a proposal to have California Community Colleges add one degree option to the Mathematics faculty minimum qualifications (Astronomy degree) DV noted that to change a statewide MQ, the easiest way is to have local Academic Senate submit a proposal to the ASCCC (statewide senate) DV said that although we have until September to submit changes, the next Senate meeting would be after the September deadline and we would then have to wait 2 years for the next opportunity. Any other suggestions are welcome. AA/AS Degree Taskforce [see pp. 47-48 of packet] Mr. Key noted that he and Dr. Rapp are co-chairs of the taskforce. Mr. Key asked the senators to read the recommendations and please to forward any other recommendations that might occur to them. This concerns the attainment of Associates degrees and the need to increase the number of degrees awarded on this campus. Curriculum Recommendation – Curriculum Committee – Lars Kjeseth (LK) [see pg. 49 of packet] LK suggested tabling the item for the next meeting, but gave a brief overview of the situation. The Curriculum committee encounters many outlines where the textbook is not up to date (older than 5 years) The Committee understands that not all textbooks need to be updated, but courses are MUCH easier to articulate if the listed “required textbook” in the Course Outline of Record (COR) is no more than 5 years old. LK had outlined a proposal whereby instructors would be asked to list a current text and use their classic texts as supplemental or required texts. Dr. Arce recommended that the Curriculum committee be more flexible when reviewing textbooks, and have a more dynamic process, for instance, have the Articulation Officer contact the relevant Divisions and get the course outline updated. Dr. Gold pointed out that there could be more flexibility in thinking about texts. She cited UCLA as having an optional textbook and using more outside readings. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS DV noted that the next agenda is very full and so he would be cancelling the Officer’s reports. Basic Skills counseling presentation Program Viability, Intervention, and Discontinuance Policy & Procedures Program Review – annual update & 4 year cycle Senate effectiveness survey results MAYBE: Survey results from deans regarding thoughts on department chairs MAYBE: ARCC report data/summary . PUBLIC COMMENT. None. The Academic Senate meeting was adjourned at 1:59pm Cs/ecc2010