October 9, 2007
Attendees: David Vakil, Donna Manno, Moon Ichinaga, Ruth Banda-Ralph, Margaret Steinberg, Mercedes
Thompson, Kamran Golestaneh, Lisa Raufman.
Minutes for meeting on September 25, 2007 were approved with one minor revision.
1. Current Recognition Programs at ECC (of employees)
2. List of former Distinguished Faculty & Distinguished Staff
Follow-up on previous action items not completed
Person responsible
1. Develop skeleton survey to distribute to deans to assess generic
needs of part-time instructors (technology, pedagogy, etc.)
2. Obtain digital footage of Dwayne Hayden’s videotape of
Friday’s “Creating a Classroom Climate to Support Student
Learning.” Put on a chapter-segmented DVD and on internet.
3. Phone call reminders to members about meetings. Suggestion:
call Monday mornings.
4. Post minutes of this committee (past and future) to the portal
5. Begin developing “Teaching book of the semester” club.
6. Begin working on “Ask the Veteran Teacher” panels.
Donna Manno
Done – results
coming in and will be
presented next time.
Kamran Golestaneh
and Inna Newbury
In progress –
7. Begin working on all-employee mixers.
8. Increase awards for good work. Publicize Applause cards.
David Vakil & VPs
Donna Manno &
Anita Martinez
David Vakil
David Vakil
Mercedes Thompson &
Ruth Banda-Ralph.
Donna Manno & VPs
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
Discussion items
1. Teaching Book club:
a. [previously discussed item] Suggested first book: McKeachie’s Teaching Tips or Ken Bain’s
What the Best Teachers Do.
b. [previously discussed item] Suggested time: lunch hour, perhaps as a brown bag.
c. [previously discussed item] Staff development may have funds to purchase a few books for
d. The library staff has experience with book club discussions.
e. Send an email to all faculty asking for: participants, co-facilitators, book choices, description.
f. Possible name: ECC Faculty Reads
2. Ask the Veteran panel discussions:
a. [previously discussed item] Have panelists introduce teaching philosophy and describes what
works in their classes
b. [previously discussed item] Consider using recent “Distinguished Faculty” as the first set of
c. Mercedes and Ruth will pick dates and rooms. The tentative time will be from 10am-2pm, with 2
panel discussion groups during that time and a lunch break. First offered during Spring 2008, and
depending on the results, may be repeated.
3. Employee recognition:
a. Add Applause Cards to employee personnel file?
b. Expedite and automate the process where Applause cards are processed. Donna Manno to follow
up on this with the VP-Student Services.
c. Display blank applause cards in a nice display in clearly visible areas to encourage more people
to fill them out
d. Distribute monthly list of Applause Card recipients in the student newspaper and/or the
President’s Newsletter. Donna Manno to follow up with VPs and, if appropriate, Mercedes
Thompson to follow up with the student newspaper.
e. Students are asked several questions during the graduation ceremonies, including one about most
influential professor. President Fallo then writes letters to each faculty mentioned.
f. Behavioral & Social Sciences division has a display of faculty accomplishments. Other areas can
expand this.
g. Can Do awards – these will be publicized in the future. Expand to other areas?
Future (near-term) agenda items – [next] = for next meeting. Others for future meeting
1. [next] Results from survey about PT faculty development
2. [next] Teacher mentoring and training.
3. [next] Distinguished Employee awards: add administrator and/or part-time faculty?
4. Potential item: Examining Research data on about success, retention, SLOs?
5. Developing faculty development liaisons for each academic division and/or department.
6. Revisit “Teaching tips” coordinated by Arvid Spor, Stephanie Rodriguez, and Lisa Raufman in the past.
7. Consider developing a brochure that outlines the upcoming teaching-improvement programs (e.g. On
Course, TEP, Faculty Development).
8. Resurrecting a faculty eating area.
9. Reunion of past attendees of ECC’s attendees to the Great Teachers Seminars.
Longer-term agenda items:
1. Center for Teaching & Learning.
2. Crisis Management & Emergency Preparedness – Faculty Development will follow up when
campuswide effort, coordinated through the Office of Safety & Health (Rocky Bonura) has made more
progress. The goal is to have faculty (including counselors and librarians) know how to handle in-class
emergencies, such as responding to situations similar to the tragedy at Virginia Tech.