El Camino Community College Learning Resources Unit Council Meeting APRIL 20, 2010 Persons present: Kerry Bossin KB, Don Brown DB, Robin Cash RC, Alice Cornelio AC, Lisa George LG, Alice Grigsby AG, Moon Ichinaga MI, Ed Martinez EM, Noreth Men NM, Claudia Striepe CS, Howard Story HS. The meeting was convened at 3:10 P.M. by HS. Item #1: Minutes of March 16, 2010 were approved. Item #2: Unit Annual Report: HS led a discussion on the subject of a Unit Annual Report. The annual report from 2001-02 was distributed as a starting point for discussing a current report. CS suggested updating the content. MI added that annual reports would lead to the fourth year program review. EM asked about a timeline, from when to when. HS suggested writing about major accomplishments but that we were not wed to this format. DB suggested calling it a Program Review Update and use the same tool, a survey which could be conducted this spring. CS pointed out our Program Review is unusual in that it takes place every six years instead of the usual four. EM suggesting the Council table the matter until more information is available. DB questioned having both an Annual Report and a Program Review. HS said the matter would be tabled but this had been a good discussion. Item #3: SLOs: DB reported attending the Council of Chief Librarians at AG’s request. He distributed copies of Cabrillo College’s Student Learning Outcomes: Library Assessment Plan. He noted that Cabrillo had received commendations from the accreditation team. Cabrillo had made a spreadsheet of services and linked them to core competencies. Its Service and Learning Outcomes linked the survey to the services. CS pointed out that efforts on the El Camino campus were focusing on one core competency at a time. DB noted Cabrillo’s high survey return rate as a result of handing the surveys directly to students throughout the library. AG joined the group and discussion followed on linking between an annual report and program review. AG commented that with an annual report every year there would be three to fold into the Program Review. She added the annual report will cover 2009-10 and the process is in the talking stage. The report will probably be done in September 2010. EM asked for volunteers for survey review. CS, HS, and LG volunteered. Item #4: Technology Update: NM reported the Web Task Force’s intention to migrate all the College’s web pages into a new structure and asked each department for input on changes to the webpage. NM advised that she had attended an IT security workshop and learned the importance of everyone locking their computers if they have to leave them for even a few minutes and not letting any other people use your computer or log in name. She noted that the college would be informed of any illegal downloads and contact the individual who works with that computer. She advised that with Millennium upgrading the software would come first, and as we are now in the fifth year, the hardware would need to be upgraded soon. She added that IT has upgraded the 2 software for the computers the students use (the students had been unable to read articles with an outdated version of Adobe) and also has a computer for the BI room with the latest version of Adobe, Internet Explorer, and Turning Point for the Clicker. Item #5: Media Services Update: HS reported that the two document cameras and 2 web cams had come in and that the Administration is looking to Media Services to do great things with its funding: more production and upgrades to the cable studio. Cheryl Clemons is acting as a producer and both the President and Vice President of the college have their own shows. Journalism students are getting assignments, and Dwayne Hayden is working on a DVD for the Nursing Department featuring the lab with the simulated patients. HS then showed a sample of EC College Times with President Fallo talking about Measure E and showing footage of groundbreaking on campus. This getting ECC out into the community will hopefully result in increased funding. Item #6: Program Review Guidelines: AG noted that 2012 is when our next Program Review is due. She reminded all of the link to the Climate Survey from Irene Graff and of the importance of participating. She encouraged attendance at the upcoming Facilities forum. She noted EC Matter’s link to blogs through Twitter. DB added that he had established an unofficial ECC Music Library Face book group. AG concluded that there was much to do and that the next meeting would be May 18. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 P.M.