May 25, 2011

Division Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Transfer Center
 TAG workshop is scheduled for Thursday, May 26, 2011.
 This Friday is the Admit Reception. Over 90 students RSVP and 130 guests have RSVP.
 On June 6, 2011, S.O and R.L. will give an orientation for HTP students to prepare them
to transfer. The orientation is from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. in the Alondra Room.
Special Resource Center
 Workshops are ongoing throughout summer.
SEP Workshop
 If a student has a contract for priority registration, he or she is cleared to register for
classes. Last Tuesday, May 24, all contracts that were issued from beginning spring term
were cleared to register for classes. If a student has attended a workshop within a year,
that student is given a counseling appointment with M.M. or X.W. to do an educational
plan and contract. If student has seen a counselor this semester, with a current educational
plan and contract, that student will be assigned to a SEP workshop.
 There were 41 applications submitted for 2011 SSTARS recognition grant and six
winners were selected.
 There is an advisory meeting on June 16 to acknowledge 2011 grant recipients.
 There is a plan for SSTARS fundraiser for graduation 2011on June 10, 2011.
 Puente founder and former president of Puente will be guest speakers at the Puente 25th
End of Year Celebration on Thursday, June 2, 2011, in the Student Activities Center East
Lounge. Food will be served from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. and program will start at 6:00
p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
 164 individuals have RSVP. Food will be catered from La Villa Restaurant.
 Puente will begin recruitment for the next academic year.
Project Success
 18 students will be graduating.
 Awarded one transfer scholarship and three scholarships for continuing students.
 Currently recruiting for the next academic year. A student interested in enrolling in
Project Success will need to answer a series of questions to show that they are interested
in the program.
 B.M. thanked everyone involved in the Opportunity Drawing. It raised over $3,000.00.
Kathleen Pugh, a Project Success student was awarded the Presidential Scholar Award.
 Matriculation workshops are starting to fill up and three workshops are scheduled per
 A. F. will create a handout for the appointment center staff, but would like the classified
staff to review it and provide feedback before it is given to them.
 Students need to know that they cannot get a counseling appointment until they have
completed an online orientation or attend an orientation.
 New Student Welcome Day flyers need to be distributed to counselors and students.
First Year Experience
 Students interested in attending the information sessions must RSVP before attending and
must do an online orientation before attending the information session. Average number
of students is 45.
 During fall 2010, FYE piloted English B and 82 in an 8 week session and English A and
English 84 in the second semester. In the spring 2010 semester, it took one year for
students to get into English 1A. The first pilot of fall 2010, the success rate was 90% out
of 35 students. FYE will run another pilot this fall 2011 and spring 2012.
 For spring 2012, FYE will offer two accelerated programs to help students get into
English 1A.
 FYE End of Year celebration was yesterday.
Career Center
 Career Service Day Fair, formerly called Internship Fair, is tentatively scheduled for
Wednesday, November 2, 2011.
 There were 68 students who went on the JPL tour.
 Career Expo Fair was a success. There was an increase in employer’s attendance and
increase in faculty attendance.
Athletics Program
 ECC student athletes average GPA is 2.85; retention rate for student athletes is 80.9%;
persistence is 84.5%, and success rate is 66.5%.
 C.J. and K.I. will begin orientation next week for athletes.
Appointment Center
 The counseling office will close at 5:30 p.m., Monday –Thursday during the summer.
Counselors need to work within these hours.
 Unit plans are due to Dr. Smith and she would like to have them no later than June 1st and
December 1st. Program review is due in 2012.
College Source
 Currently there are three licenses given to Hortense cooper, Bill Mulrooney, and Dr.
Smith. Due to budget restraints, College Source is now monitoring the number of people
using the program and wants ECC to pay additional licenses.
 Only two people at a time can access College Source. One suggestion is ask Lori
Suekawa to gain access to College Source.