Green Manufacturing2

Green Manufacturing
By Jennifer Tran
OISM 470 W
Section 3
Topic Overview
 What is green manufacturing?
 Goals
 Why green manufacturing.
 Benefits
Topic Overview
 How it works?
 Different Aspects
 Example in the real world.
 Summary
What is green manufacturing?
 Method for manufacturing that minimizes
waste and pollution achieved through
product and process design.
 Philosophy rather than an adopted process
or standard.
Green Manufacturing’s Goal
 The goal of sustainability.
• Every company when it comes to green
manufacturing should be conserving natural
resources for future generations.
Why Green Manufacturing?
 Manufacturer’s Responsibilities
• Where does a manufacturer’s responsibility
• What is an acceptable level of toxic emission?
Benefits Of Green Manufacturing
 Creates a great reputation to the public.
 Saves useless cost.
 Promotes Research and Design.
Process of Green Manufacturing
 Companies move from traditional end-of-
pipe control to new technologies.
 End-Of-Life Management
Process of Green Manufacturing
 Waste source reduction on the spot.
 Recycling
 Virgin Materials are recycled
Process of Green Manufacturing
 Invest in production process
improvements rather than control
• $7.2 billion spent by corporate companies in
reducing pollution of which $3.2 billion was
used for pollution process enhancement.
Richard Florida, California Management,
v39, (Fall 1996):p80-105
Process of Green Manufacturing
 Advanced manufacturing systems
promotes green design and production
 Development of innovative manufacturing
Process of Green Manufacturing
 Reduction in “leapfrogging from lily pad to
lily pad.” (Bergstrom, 50)
 Substitute renewable sources for finite
 Funding research facilities.
Process of Green Manufacturing
 Employee Recycling.
 Companies must decide whether to make-
Different Aspects
 JIT Manufacturing
 Zero Emission Strategy
 ISO 9000 and ISO 14000
What is JIT Manufacturing?
 JIT Manufacturing
• Aspect of Supply Chain Management
• Emphasis on continuous cost reduction and
quality improvement
What is Zero Emission?
 Zero Emission
• “Elimination of all environmentally damaging
by products from the production process.”
• 16% of companies actively pursuing zero
• 85% of companies are pursuing reduced
emission strategies.
Richard Florida, California Management,
v39, (Fall 1996):80-105
What is ISO 9000 and ISO 14000?
 International Quality Standards used by
companies on a voluntary basis.
 Motivates changes
 Companies is following quality standards
that are recognized.
Example of Green Manufacturing
 Murray Ohio Manufacturing Company
• produces lawn mowers and bicycles
 Wanted to develop ways of reducing scrap
Murray Ohio Manufacturing
 Used a chlorinated oil with an additive of
graphite to create heightened lubricity.
• Oil was used as a stamping lubricant
 Looked at two different chemicals
• Dry Coating Product
• Coldkote
Murray Ohio Manufacturing
Dry Coating Product
• Required machinery
needed 400ft in length.
• System was 10ft in
• Teflon coating that the
product left made the
sheets more slippery.
• Non-oil lubricant
• Cost of machinery was
• Cost of machinery had
a payback of six
Coldkote the winner
 The benefits of Coldkote
• scrap metal went from 9% to 1/10 of 1%.
• Tool life increased 30-50%.
• Polish time went from 3-4days to once a day.
Green Manufacturing
 Coldkote
Green Manufacturing
• The removal of Coldkote was used with a warm
alkaline bath.
• Coldkote becomes a solid compound once its
applied therefore reducing the amount of
spilling and dripping.
• Non-oil lubricant reduces toxicity of company’s
waste stream.
Are you an expert on Green
 What is one of the benefit for green
 Green manufacturing includes employees.
True or False. Explain.
 Why should your company even think about
green manufacturing?
Answers for the non-experts.
 One of the benefits of green manufacturing
would be reducing cost because in the end
the company may not have to shell out
money to remove the waste when waste
has already been eliminated on the first
step. ( Zero Emission Strategy )
Answers for the non-experts.
 Employees are included in every step of the
green manufacturing process. In order to
have better quality which is linked to better
manufacturing services, employees must
be involved from the designing of the
process to just recycling office materials.
Answers for the non-expert
 A company should consider green
manufacturing because it makes their
standards a little higher in quality than
others. Saving cost and increasing
production could also be an incentive for a
company to even think about green
 Green manufacturing is the elimination of
waste through the production process.
 Companies must step up and take
responsibility for their actions.
 End-of-life management used more often
then end-of-pipe control.
 Green manufacturing promotes innovative
 Processes such as JIT and zero emission
should be exercised by all companies.
 Green manufacturing saves cost but more
importantly it saves valuable resources.
Bergstrom, Robin. “Fighting the Good Fight at
Northrop,” Manufacturing Management, v103,
 Bergstrom, Robin. “On Giving Due Thought to
Afterthought,” Manufacturing Management,
v103, Nov1991.
 Bergstrom, Robin. “Stamping Made Cleaner, “
Manufacturing Management, v103, Nov1991
Florida, Richard, “The move to environmentally
conscious manufacturing,” California
Management, vol39no1, Fall 1996.
 Gerngross, Tillman. “Green Manufacturing can be
worse for environment,” Daily University Science
News, Aug 24, 1999.