Histograms: A Valuable Tool for Quality Evaluation By Perry Katz 6/29/2016 1 Overview 1) What is a Histogram? 2) What are some possible uses for a Histogram? 3) Where did the Histogram come from? 4) How do Histograms work? 5) A real world example. 6) An exercise. 6/29/2016 2 What is a Histogram? • A Histogram is a variation of a bar chart in which data values are grouped together and put into different classes. • This grouping allows you see how frequently data in each class occur in the data set. 6/29/2016 3 What is a Histogram (cont.) • Higher bars represent more data values in a class. • Lower bars represent fewer data values in a class. • On the next slide is an example of what a Histogram looks like. 6/29/2016 4 Example of a Histogram 6/29/2016 5 Uses for a Histogram A Histogram can be used: • to display large amounts of data values in a relatively simple chart form. • to tell relative frequency of occurrence. • to easily see the distribution of the data. • to see if there is variation in the data. • to make future predictions based on 6/29/2016 6 the data. Where did the Histogram Come From? • The Histogram was first implemented by Kaoru Isikawa, one of Japans’ most renowned experts on quality improvement. • Isikawa spent his life trying to improve quality in Japan. 6/29/2016 7 Histogram Come From? (cont.) • His major contributions to quality improvement are known as the basic seven tools of quality. • Included in his basic seven tools of quality is the Histogram. 6/29/2016 8 How do Histograms Work? • First, you need need to pick a process to analyze. • Next, you need a large amount of data, at least 100 data values so that patterns can become visible. • Then, you need to assemble a table of the data values that you collected with regards to frequency of data values. 6/29/2016 9 How do Histograms Work? (cont) • Next, you need to calculate some statistics for the Histogram, including: mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, class width, number of classes, skewness, and kurtosis. • Then, you actually create the Histogram using these statistics. 6/29/2016 10 How do Histograms Work? (cont) • After you have created a Histogram, it will take one of five shapes: • Normal Distribution: 6/29/2016 11 How do Histograms Work? (cont) • Positively Skewed: • Negatively Skewed: 6/29/2016 12 How do Histograms Work? (cont) • Bi-Modal Distribution: • Multi-Modal Distribution: 6/29/2016 13 How do Histograms Work? (cont) • Once your Histogram is complete, you can analyze its shape, as well as the statistics that you came up with. • This analysis will help you to make better decisions toward quality improvements. 6/29/2016 14 Real World Example • The next slide contains a real world example of a histogram. It plots the relative frequency of the heights of some students based on the data below. Height (feet): 0-2 2-4 4-5 5-6 6-8 6/29/2016 Frequency: (Number of pupils) Relative frequency: 0 0 1 1 4 8 8 16 2 2 15 Real World Example • This Histogram is courtesy of http://www.gcsemaths.fsnet.co.uk/page5.html 6/29/2016 16 Exercise • A great exercise which would help you better understand what a histogram is all about can be found at : http://www.usfca.edu/histogram_explorer/he.html Here you are walked through the making of a histogram. You see all of the aspects that I have discussed in this tutorial. 6/29/2016 17 Summary • After going through this tutorial you should have a better idea of: 1) What a Histogram is. 2) What a Histogram is used for. 3) Where the Histogram came from. 4) How Histograms work. 6/29/2016 18 Histograms: A Valuable Tool for Quality Evaluation By Perry Katz 6/29/2016 19