New Zealand Certificate in Christian Studies (Level 3)
Qualification developer
Next review
Qualification type Certificate
Credits 40
091703 Society and Culture > Philosophy and Religious Studies
> Religious Studies
Christian Theological and Ministries Education Society (CTMES)
December 2019
Approval date
Strategic purpose statement
Graduate profile
Education pathway
June 2015
The purpose of this qualification is to provide Christian churches and their agencies with individuals who can support a range of services and ministry roles, and through their skills and knowledge uphold the mission of their respective Christian church and its faith communities.
This qualification will benefit the community by enabling
Christian churches to fulfil pastoral and spiritual duties to their constituents.
Graduates will be able to work with groups and communities and will be capable of operating at an entry level either in paid employent or in a voluntary capacity under limited supervision.
The award is an introductory qualification and is not intended as a comprehensive vocational preparation.
Graduates will be able to:
- interpret selected foundation biblical principles and
Christian beliefs as relevant and applicable to Christian communities
- apply a basic level of knowledge of biblical principles,
Christian beliefs and practices to selected contexts
- apply basic biblical principles to own faith journey.
This qualification can lead to the New Zealand Certificate in
Christian Ministry (Level 4) with strands in Christian Studies and
Internship [Ref: 2772].
Employment pathway
Qualification Reference 2770
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
Holders of this qualification will have the skills and knowledge to work in a variety of supervised entry level roles in Christian church ministry or the wider church-affiliated sector. These may include:
- assistants to leaders of small groups in a church, parish version 1 Page 1 of 4
or workplace environments
- assistants to chaplains or pastors in liturgical events and celebrations in a church, parish, school or workplace.
Qualification award
Evidence requirements for assuring consistency
This qualification will be awarded by tertiary education organisations (TEOs) which have programme approval and accreditation leading to the qualification (250 (2), Education Act,
The certificate will display the title of the qualification; the logos of the NZQA and CTMES; and the name and/or logo of the awarding body.
All TEOs delivering programmes that lead to the award of the qualification are required to participate with the qualification developer in a consistency process scheduled by NZQA.
This will involve review of evidence associated with graduate s’ achievement of outcomes, establishing a regular cycle of review focus for the external consistency review, agreeing acceptable standards and/or benchmarks for qualification outcome achievement, and areas for improvement.
Evidence may include the following:
programme data such as completion rates and graduate destination data
graduate evidence, which may include portfolios, at the programme level, demonstrating that graduates meet the graduate profile outcomes
evidence from internal and/or external moderation processes
documentation of processes that ensure programmes continue to meet current sector needs
next user response such as employer and graduate surveys
relevant External Evaluation and Review (EER) data
any other relevant evidence as appropriate.
Further information about the consistency process can be found at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/providers-partners/consistency-ofgraduate-outcomes/
Achievement of all outcomes. There are no grade endorsements for this qualification.
Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements
Other requirements for the qualification (including regulatory
There are no prerequisites.
International students: A minimum English Language IELTS version 1 Page 2 of 4 Qualification Reference 2770
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body or legislative requirements) (Academic) 5.0 or equivalent is required.
General conditions for programme
Conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes Conditions
Where there is a practical component, a minimum of 50 hours must be in a supervised ministry context.
Context for delivery and assessment:
Evidence for all outcomes is required from a range of sources to ensure that learners meet assessment requirements.
A range of delivery contexts and practices are encouraged, ranging from formal classroom settings, to community and workplace settings if required, and distance and/or online delivery.
The programme components (courses) should be managed by the TEO in accordance with best practice, flexibility in a range of assessment practices to ensure validity and reliability, progression to graduate outcomes, and clear and transparent information to learners prior to enrolment, pastoral care arrangements, and requirements for completion of the programme.
Programmes leading to the award of this qualification can be delivered through a full-time or part-time programme, through face to face, distance education and/or blended e-learning mode.
Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning arrangements:
Accredited TEOs delivering programmes that lead to the award of this qualification are free to transfer credit and/or recognise prior learning in accordance with their own credit recognition policies and procedures, and NZQA policy. It is expected that
TEOs seeking approval to award the qualification have
Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) or Recognition of
Prior Learning (RPL) assessment processes in place.
1 Interpret selected foundation biblical principles and Christian beliefs as relevant and applicable to Christian communities.
Credits 20
2 Apply a basic level of knowledge of biblical principles, Christian beliefs and practices to selected contexts.
Contexts should include groups in a church community, parish, school or workplace.
Qualification Reference 2770
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Credits 10
3 Apply basic biblical principles to own faith journey.
Credits 10
Programme and assessment should include the identification of key principles and explanations for how these can develop personal faith.
Replacement information This qualification replaces the following National qualifications that were discontinued without replacement in December 2012:
- National Certificate in Christian Studies (Level 2) [Ref:
- National Certificate in Christian Studies (Level 3) [Ref:
This qualification will replace the following provider developed qualifications:
- Ref: 1733 Certificate in Advanced Christian Studies
(Level 3)
- Ref: 1734 Certificate in Advanced Christian Studies
(Level 3)
- PC1894 Certificate in Christian Studies (Level 3)
- PC1735 Certificate in Christian Ministry (Level 3)
- PC9348 Certificate in Advanced Christian Ministry
(Level 3)
- PC1173 Certificate in Bible Training and Preparation for
Christian Service (Level 3)
- PC9634 Certificate in Christian Development and
Leadership using Adventure-based Learning (Level 3)
- PC1533 Certificate in Bible Theology (Level 3)
- PC9803 Certificate in Christian Foundations (Level 3)
- PC9056 Certificate in Christian Development (Level 3)
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