Present: Dan Smith, Jean-Francois Briere, Nicholas Fahrenkopf, Michael Christakis, University Life Council

University Life Council
Minutes of Meeting
March 1, 2007
Terrace Lounge
Dan Smith, Jean-Francois Briere, Nicholas Fahrenkopf, Michael Christakis,
Brenda Seckerson, Bill Reese, Gene Bunnell, Nikki Kotary, James Anderson, and
Joan Savitt (Chair)
Meeting commenced at 3:00 p.m.
Chair’s Report
Minutes from February 5, 2007, meeting were approved with minor changes. John Murphy,
Candace Merbler and Kehe Zhu send regrets for not being able to attend today’s meeting.
Chair Savitt updated the Committee on ongoing campus renovations including the decision that
Collins Circle will remain available as recreational space but that the area behind it will be
A change has been made regarding on-campus housing requirements for sophomores,
specifically that as of Fall 2007, second year students will no longer be required to live oncampus. It is expected that a hundred or so students will move off campus.
Chair Savitt discussed the progress of the “Honor Code” project and that undergraduate, graduate
and faculty senators will be discussing this venture. She also explained that if an honor code is
created, academic and non-academic standards (i.e. Community Rights & Responsibilities, the
current code of student conduct) will likely remain separate.
The University Senate leadership has expressed concerns regarding the role of governance in
forming policies on campus, especially given the number of task forces and special projects that
are currently operating on-campus.
The ULC would like to bring in Dr. Lee McElroy to discuss activities going on in the area of
Athletics. Chair Savitt also raised the ongoing issue regarding a need to establish permanent
Veteran’s Day’s activities.
Chair Savitt emphasized the importance of good communication and a strong relationship
between the ULC and the Division of Student Success to continue to better the University
community and introduced Dr. James Anderson, Vice President for Student Success and Vice
Provost for Institutional Assessment and Diversity.
Report from Dr. Anderson
Dr. Anderson thanked Chair Savitt and distributed handouts to Committee members for review:
[Note: additional copies of these materials are available for ULC members who were not present]
Update on the Search for the Intramural and Fitness Coordinator
Information on the “Living Learning Communities”, new for 2007-08 academic year
Draft report of the Task Force on Sexual Assault
Logic Model for UAlbany Sexual Assault Prevention & Response
Dr. Anderson explained the why the “Office of Judicial Affairs” changed its name to “Office of
Conflict Resolution and Civic Responsibility”.
On many campuses, “judicial affairs” tends to represent punitive ideas. The name change reflects
an emphasis on “restorative justice” principles. Restorative justice centers on the idea that
offenders will understand the severity of their offense but also feel remorse for their behaviors
and encourages them to want to better their community as a result.
Dr. Anderson stated that he had asked the University Council, as their last meeting, to be more
active in helping to push agenda items. Dr. Anderson had witnessed great success at his previous
institution when the Board of Trustees got involved and hoped the same could happen here at
UAlbany. He feels it is important that the University Council become more well-known on
campus by hosting Town Hall meetings and interacting with faculty, students and student
leaders. ULC members responded very positively to this suggestion.
Task Force on Sexual Assault
Dr. Anderson reviewed the draft report and logic model from the Task Force on Sexual Assault
and asked for feedback from Committee members. He indicated that the draft will be distributed
to the University community (via email and available online) and that he will be working to
organized focus groups and open forums to encourage more feedback.
Gene Bunnell asked how the success of the report and its implemented recommendations will be
monitored. Chair Savitt said that it will be a bit complex and that bystander empowerment will
play a large role in the education and response processes. As such, it is likely that reporting of
sexual assaults may go up when in fact negative behavior is being reduced. The logic model also
provided different assessment techniques.
Dan Smith asked about the budgetary implications for personnel and resources in implementing
the new programs. Discretionary funding will be provided to sufficiently cover the efforts.
It was again emphasized that peer education would be very important and that continuing to
address alcohol related issues would also be necessary since most physical violence on college
campuses tends to be precipitated by the use of alcohol.
Dr. Anderson asked that any feedback on the report be sent to himself or Chair Savitt.
Living Learning Communities
Dr. Anderson reviewed a new initiative for the upcoming academic year involving
“living/learning communities”. These communities will provide opportunities for students who
are interested in a specific topic or theme to take certain academic courses together and also live
together in a campus residence hall. Additionally, it has also been found that students who are
involved in an living/learning community do better academically.
The communities available for the Fall 2007 term are: China House, where students will be able
to combine the practical usage of the Chinese language with increasing sophistication in the
disciplines associated with the academic study of China; Francophone, for students who will
speak French all the time within the hall and study West Africa; and Beyond Hollywood and
Bollywood, for students who are interested in world cinema.
Intramurals and Athletics
There have been some discussions about what division intramurals would fall under (Athletics or
Student Success) and the ULC will be kept updated on this issue.
Members discussed with Dr. Anderson the development of the proposed new football stadium
and the need for a recreation center and a new Campus Center building. All feel that these issues
are very important because students need places to do activities and engage with each other and
that it was necessary to address the needs of those who are involved in non-collegiate level
Bill Reese asked how one would go about getting more space for these types of endeavors and
Dr. Anderson stated that you would need to lobby for the space.
Increasing Recognition for Veteran’s Day
Members discussed how a proposal to implement permanent recognition activities for Veteran’s
Day should be handled and it was determined that ULC will discuss and try to get input from
student leaders. The Division of Student Success will carry forward recommendations.
Chair Savitt and members asked Dr. Anderson how the ULC can be more helpful to the Division
of Student Success and Dr. Anderson emphasized the need to weigh in on the important issues
that have been under discussion such as the need for a recreation center and the honor code
Members expressed concern regarding development issues (financial) specifically pertaining to
dedicating University spaces/areas after the late President Hall. Dr. Anderson encouraged ULC
to get involved in pursuing this.
Members discussed with Dr. Anderson next steps regarding the draft report of the Task Force
and agreed to provide feedback and ideas. Members learned that changes to the Community
Rights & Responsibilities would mirror the Task Force recommendations.
Dr. Anderson thanked the ULC for their time.
Ongoing ULC Business
Members talked about governance issues and the need for more consultation between
administration and governance and to closely examine and choose which issues ULC should
focus on.
Members feel strongly about the need for a recreation center and new Campus Center and
discussed the importance of not only working on moving forward a resolution on this but
following-up and consistently revisiting the issue.
Members were also concerned about past ULC resolutions and bills and would like to find out
from the Executive Committee where they currently stand.
Chair Savitt will work on drafting a resolution regarding the ULC’s support of increased space
for recreational activities and invite Dr. McElroy to speak at the next meeting.
Next meeting is March 19, 2007 at 3:00 in LC 31J
Meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy Lauricella, Recording Secretary