October 17, 2012

Undergraduate Academic Council Minutes
Meeting: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Room: LC 31 J.
Present: Nathaniel Cady, Sue Faerman, Rick Fogarty (Chair), Sue Freed, Glyne
Griffith, Karen Chico Hurst, Terence Johnson, Linda Krzykowski, JoAnne Malatesta,
Sandra Vergari, Kathie Winchester, James Zetka.
Review of the minutes from October 10: Approved.
Chair’s Report: During the week the Chair circulated revisions to the Writing Program
Proposal based on the discussion and suggestions coming out of the October 10
meeting. One issue in this process is the tension between describing the course
specifically without boxing in a future Director of the program, who will need to have
room to develop the program. The proposal must provide a more concrete sense of
what the course must accomplish, what bar must be cleared since it stands for SUNY’s
requirement for Basic Communication, yet still be able to grow under the charge of
the Writing Program Director and his or her subordinates. The course does not ignore
the mechanics of writing, but instead, aims at helping students write in grammatically
correct prose in order to develop effectively a collegiate-level mode of critical
thinking and inquiry.
Old Business: Discussion of the revisions to the Writing Program Proposal resumed.
Minor wording changes were suggested throughout the document. A suggestion
was made for adding a few sentences in the body of the proposal to address
the research findings about the importance of providing incoming students
with this type of experience. Implementation details were clarified.
Appendix D Program Evaluation, Research, Assessment: In the discussion of
this section, Dean Faerman reiterated that Departments do assessments in
coordination with IRPE. Because the course meets the General Education
lower level writing requirement, in conjunction with the Writing Program
Director, the Director of Assessment will overseethe assessment process. The
Provost sets the schedule. The Council of Academic Assessment’s role is to
review assessments and make recommendations about the program’s growth
and development.
Appendix E Resource Implications: UAC labor concerns will be communicated
to UPPC but it is not within the purview of UAC to examine the fiscal and
human resource components of the program. UAC and UPPC will combine what
has been decided and debated in committee for SEC. Once vetted by SEC, a
bill will go to the Senate for a vote.
The Chair called for a vote to adopt the proposal as edited. The proposal passed with
8 votes in favor, 2 opposed, and no abstentions.
New Business: The proposal to require majors and minors in Journalism to have a 3.0
GPA in Journalism courses to be eligible for AJRL495, Internship in Journalism, was
Future Business: UAC’s next meeting will have visitors from the Strategic Plan
Working Group on Faculty and Instructional Development. Review of Academic
Integrity Policy will commence if time permits.
Meeting adjourned at 3:35 pm