2006-7 Council on Libraries, Information Systems and Computing (LISC) Minutes November 17, 2006 Attendance: Frank D’Andraia, Steven Doellefeld, George Berg, Martin Fogelman, Martin Manjak, John Schmidt, David Wagner, Dan White I. II. III. Call to order Approved minutes from October 20, 2006 meeting Reports A. Dean & Director of Libraries 1) Information Commons (IC) use is meeting and exceeding expectations. The feedback from students is very positive; 2) IC enhancements planned for over the summer include the following: New entrance doors from the podium level, allowing students direct access to the IC and the main floor of the Science Library, as well as new equipment and other improvements to the facility that enhances the student learning experience; 3) Hours of operation for the Dewey Graduate Library have been expanded effective immediately. The Dewey facility is open a half an hour longer each evening Monday through Thursday; 4) Final exam week the University Library will be open 24/7. The Student leaders have agreed to underwrite this initiative. In discussions with the Student Government I made it clear that additional operating hours for both Science and the University Library were not possible at this time due to funding limitations. I did indicate that I would be asking the administration for personnel lines that will enable the University Library to operate longer (24/5) next academic year (excludes Dewey & Science); 6) Coffee Shop discussions continue to perk along. I met with a senior official from Chartwells last week and I believe we are moving in the right direction; 7) Development activities are going well. I am having success in raising funds to begin several book endowments and a renovation project. Long term the endowments will help ease but not eliminate our materials budget needs; 8) The Libraries will announce shortly the acquisition of a number of significant Congressional papers from former members of the NY State delegation to Congress; 9) The Libraries has received a preservation grant valued at over $15,000; 10) The Library sponsored Symposium: Converting and Preserving the Scholarly Record 1 was a success. Over 100 people attended. The key note speaker was Jeff Horrell, the Dean of Libraries at Dartmouth. Sarah Michalak, Vice Provost for Libraries at UNC Chapel Hill also spoke. 11) We were able to maintain our rank as a top one-hundred library. The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) ranking appeared recently in the Chronicle of Higher Education. 12) The Provost has indicated the library faculty will be recognized during Winter Graduation ceremonies. Honoring various faculties during the graduation ceremonies is a tradition begun by Kermit Hall; 13) Scholarly communication issue – I have had discussions with senior University administrators about the implications of the passage of Senate bill 2695, entitled “The Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006”. The bill would require US Government agencies with annual extramural research expenditures over $100 million to make electronic manuscripts of peer-reviewed journal articles that stem from their research freely available on the Internet. This legislation enhances access to federally funded research articles for researchers and students and aid UA researchers in accessing related work at other institutions that compete for Government grants and contracts. ARL has encouraged member libraries and the institutions they support, to endorse the passage of the bill. The Dean noted that Provost Herbst agreed to join the provosts from 48 other major US research universities and publicly endorsed the Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006; 14) A new server for the online catalog is a must. The cost is $69,000; 15) The Libraries will announce the need to begin the process to trim subscription costs in January. The shortfall is again in the $500,000 zone; B. CIO– No Report C. CETL 1. CETL will be hiring 2 new staff members and is expecting to move to a new location in the near future. 2. New initiative – outreach to fulltime, grad student, and part time faculty. More to come in the future. IV D. Chair 1. Request for volunteers for Honor code committee a. Marty Fogelman suggested looking at the West Point and Texas A&M codes. Very similar. 2. Brief overview of Senate business for the month Committee Reports 2 A. Library Committee – No report. B. IT UPC – No report V Old Business A. Email as an official means of communication 1. Discussion of resolution 2. Suggestion for changes in the wording 3. General agreement on the scope and purpose of the resolution 4. Vote to be take via e-mail ballot VI New Business – 1. Marty Manjak discussed the new login banner message that appears when we log in to the university system. 2. Steve D. made a suggestion to refer people to the Responsible use policy in this message as well. Adjournment – 4:30 pm Submitted by Dan White 3