Curriculum Committee Senate Handout 8-25.doc

Curriculum Committee Requests
August 2009 - Handout
Requests reviewed and approved:
1. Certificate Requests:
Removed GIS 240 from Advanced Certificate in Geographic Information Science
Add 5 new certificates into Sustainability Technologies A40370): Renewable Energy,
Green Building, Sustainable Manufacturing, Environmental Engineering and
Add ELC 171E, Motors and Controls and MEC 130, Mechanisms and delete
MEC111, Machine Processes to the Electrical Engineering Technology certificate,
Specialization in Integrated Systems Technology. The committee requested that
technology be removed from the name of their certificate. The committee felt that
technology is traditionally associated with the nomenclature of degrees granted and
could be confusing for students.
Add SST 110, Intro to Sustainability to the Construction Management with a
Specialization in Entry Level Construction Supervision certificate.
Add ELC 111, Introduction to Electricity as an either / or option with AHR 111,
HVACR Electricity to these four certificates: Air Conditioning, Heating and
Refrigeration Technology with a Specialization in Heating Service (C35100-C1),
Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Technology with a Specialization in Air
Conditioning Service (C35100-C2), Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration
Technology with a Specialization in Refrigeration Service (C35100-C5), Air
Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Technology with a Specialization in AHR
Controls (C35100-C7).
2. Program of Study Changes
Add MEC 130, Mechanisms, MEC 155, Env Benign Manufacturing; ICS 120,
Industrial Ecology; ICS 220, Lean Manufacturing and ELC 117E, Motors and
Controls to Manufacturing Technology (A50320) as technical electives.
Add ELC 171E, Motors and Controls, MEC 130, Mechanisms and ATR 211, Robot
Programming to Electrical Engineering (A40180) as technical electives.
Delete MEC111, Machine Processes 1 and MEC 175, Equipment Installation from
Electrical Engineering (A40180).
Move LEX 210 from technical electives and place in required courses for the
Paralegal Diploma (D25380). Move LEX 150 from technical electives and place in
major requirements for the Paralegal Diploma (D25380).
Add LEX 291, Immigration Law; LEX 290, Intellectual Property Law and LEX 289,
Constitutional Law into Paralegal Technology (A25380) as technical electives.
Add ELC 111, Introduction to Electricity as an either / or option with AHR 111,
HVACR Electricity to Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration (A35100).
3. Curriculum Standard Changes:
Create subject areas within Surveying Technology (A40380)
4. New Courses:
Add ACA 112, Intro to Distance Learning and ACA 122, College Transfer Success
into course offerings of ACA
Create for Common Course Library: LEX 291, Immigration Law; LEX 290,
Intellectual Property Law and LEX 289, Constitutional Law
5. Pre-Requisite Changes:
CET 111 as a pre-requisite to CET 211 to Electrical Engineering (A40180).
Requests Reviewed and Denied:
1. Add MEC 155, ISC 120 and ISC 220 as technical electives to Mechanical Engineering.
Add new certificate, Sustainable Manufacturing to Mechanical Engineering.