October 24, 2011 

UNH 306, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Members present: Adrian Masters (Chair), Janelle Adsit, Deborah Bernnard, Amanda Farsace, Ilka
Kressner, Greg Nowell, Sean Rafferty, Christy Smith, Brian Stephenson, Bruce Szelest, Kevin
Members absent: Sue Faerman, Janine Jurkowski, Richard Matyi, Toni Naccarato
1. Meeting called to order
a. The Chair introduced two new members – Janelle Adsit (graduate student) and Amanda
Farsace (undergraduate).
2. Minutes of the September 26th meeting were reviewed and approved without changes.
3. Chairs’ Reports
a. CAA (Adrian Masters). The Chair explained that he had been asked by the Senate
to review the Draft Report of the Course Assessment Advisory Committee and
provide feedback on it.
b. PRC (Sean Rafferty). The PRC met on Friday October 21st, and planned a process
for reviewing last year’s four program reviews. For each of the four reviews, one
committee member will read the documents in detail and produce a draft report
that will then be taken to the Committee for discussion, revision and approval.
The first review will be Women’s Studies, at the November meeting.
c. GEAC (Rich Matyi). The Chair was unable to attend the meeting due to illness,
but plans on convening the Committee prior to the next Council meeting.
4. Director’s Report. The Director reported that all program review documents are now up on the
Wiki, as are the first large batch of general education assessment documents, and the 20112012 CAA Handbook. There was a discussion of how best to review the program-level student
learning outcomes reports, as well as some general discussion of nature of those reports and
possible revisions to the process. The Director will review notes on how this was done
previously for discussion at a future meeting.
5. Old Business. None.
6. New Business.
a. Review of the Draft Report of the Course Assessment Advisory Committee. The
Council had a lengthy discussion on the draft report, which is summarized in
another document. No official positions were taken or recommendations made by
the Council.
7. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm.
a. Next meeting will be November 21st, same time and room.