ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE MANUAL SECTION TITLE NUMBER PAGE INVOICE PROCESSING 05-1102 1 OF 2 BASED ON BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ RULE AND TITLE DATE REVISED 6Hx7-5.1 Purchasing February 17, 2015 Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to set forth guidelines and responsibility for vendor invoice processing. Procedure A. The supplier who provides materials or services in a satisfactory manner, expects, and is entitled to prompt payment in less than forty (40) days per Florida Statute. Prompt payment of invoices is one action that must be required of all College employees involved with any aspect of invoice processing for College compliance. B. Invoice Processing Responsibility: Each regular purchase order issued will identify the Accounts Payable (A/P) office or business office to which all vendor invoices are to be directed. Invoices for purchases under blanket purchase orders will be directed to the appropriate campus business office or A/P office. Invoices for purchases where the materials being purchased are to be used by College administration will be directed to the Accounts Payable office. The designated office as determined above will be responsible for the following functions: 1. Maintain an on-line file of active open purchase orders. 2. Input invoices on-line upon receipt. 3. Conduct follow-up on all overdue invoices when materials/services have reportedly been received for 14 days or more and receiving has not been entered on-line. 4. Conduct follow-up to obtain copies of invoices on items received. 5. Verify purchase orders that have service line items with College contact personnel designated on the purchase order that services have been satisfactorily rendered by the vendor. 6. Verify invoices against purchase orders. Notify the purchasing office of any discrepancies in description of items, quantity, price, greater than 10 percent or $50, freight added on Freight On Board (FOB) College purchases, etc. for resolution/potential issuance of a change order. 7. Consolidate all related documents (invoice, check voucher, etc.) for payment processing. 8. Refer misdirected invoices which cannot be identified with open purchase orders after an appropriate amount of research, including contact with the vendor, to the appropriate Director of Administrative Services and the Purchasing Department for appropriate action. This identification should be completed within ten (10) working days after initial receipt of the invoice within the College. The period of time used in calculation of prompt payment discounts will start at the time the correct invoice is received or materials are physically received, whichever is later. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE MANUAL SECTION TITLE NUMBER PAGE INVOICE PROCESSING 05-1102 2 OF 2 BASED ON BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ RULE AND TITLE DATE REVISED 6Hx7-5.1 Purchasing February 17, 2015 9. The Controller is responsible for monitoring the timeliness and correctness of all College invoice processing. The Controller will apprise the Director of Administrative Services, Chief Business Affairs Officer and/or the Executive Director, Purchasing and Auxiliary Services of any unsatisfactory processing that appears to depart from a fair and good business-like relationship with a vendor. 10. The Controller and/or Director of Administrative Services will audit invoice documentation and ensure entry for payment on a periodic cycle, no longer than weekly, as a matter of normal routine. If necessary, to meet a prompt payment discount date, an invoice shall be entered for payment on a date other than the periodic cycle. C. Other Personal Services (OPS)/Independent Contractor Agreements 1. OPS contracts made out to a person shall be processed through the Project Budgeting and Accounting Office. These OPS contracts shall have the required approval of the budget administrator, supervising administrator, Campus President/Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Purchases >$10,000 also require the Vice President of Business Services approval and will be paid by an on-line payment request or purchase order by use of a service line item if multiple payments are required. For further guidelines on the issuance of OPS contracts please refer to APM 03-0504. 2. OPS contracts to a company or entity shall utilize an on-line requisition and a purchase order to process payment. Fiscal year cumulative value of OPS contracts to a person or company greater than the amount as specified in Florida Statute 287.017 for purchase category five (currently $325,000) shall be submitted as an agenda item for confirmation of administrative action at the next scheduled District Board of Trustees meeting. OPS contracts that initially are greater than category five will require pre-approval by the District Board of Trustees. 3. Invoice discrepancies or questions regarding payment will be referred to the Director of Administrative Services and/or the Executive Director, Purchasing and Auxiliary Services/Chief Business Affairs Officer or cognizant purchasing agent for resolution when resolution cannot be accomplished by the business office. REFERENCES: F.S. 287.017, 1001.64, SBE Rule 6A-14.0261 Adopted Date: April 4, 1988 Revision Date: January 26, 1996, September 20, 1999, September 13, 2001, August 31, 2010, September 2, 2014, February 17, 2015