Elements of Fiction Quiz Part I Matching: A. Antagonist B. Protagonist C. Author’s Purpose D. Dialogue E. Dialect F. G. H. I. J. Genre Mood Point of View Plot Setting K. L. M. N. Style Symbol Theme Character 1. __________ a form of language that is spoken in a particular place or by a particular group of people 2. __________ the words spoken by characters in a literary work 3. __________ the feeling that a literary work gives to readers 4. __________ the writer's reason for creating a work 5. __________ the way the author uses words, phrases, and sentences to express his ideas 6. __________ the statement about life that the author wants to convey to the reader 7. __________ the person or thing working against the main character of the story 8. __________ the vantage point from which a story is told 9. __________ a person, place, thing, or event used to represent something else 10. __________ the category or type of literature 11. __________ a person, an animal, or an imaginary creature that takes part in the action of a story 12. __________ the time and place in which the action of a literary work occurs 13. __________ the main character or hero of the story 14. __________ the action or sequence of events in a story. Part II PARTS OF A PLOT DEFINITION 1). Background information that establishes the setting and introduces the main characters 2). Towards the beginning of the story when the main character faces or tries to solve a problem which grows more intense 3). The crucial moment of the story – THE TURNING POINT 4). The story’s central problem TERM is finally solved 5). Sometimes called the denouncement, this part of the story explores the consequences of the climatic decision 6). I, me, our, we, my 7). the voice through which an author tells a story 8). he, she, they, them 9). Hints or clues early in a story that anticipate what is to come 10). Opposes the protagonist or the “bad guy” PART III DIRECTIONS: Match each of the words below with the letter of the definition that best describes them. _____ 1. character _____ 2. setting told (the a. where and when the action takes place b. the perspective from which the story is narrator or particular character tells the story) _____ 3. plot _____ 4. point-of-view trying to give c. a struggle that a character must overcome d. the underlying message the author is _____ 5. theme plot is about e. the element which refers to whom the _____ 6. conflict f. what happens in the story DIRECTIONS: From the list below, complete each of the following sentences with the word that completes it best. initiating incident resolution climax theme subplot characters complications man vs. self man vs. nature 1. In the novel, the _______________________________ is the moment when the action rises to its highest point. (when you wouldn't want to put the story down) 2. The events in the story leading to the climax are called the ________ . 3. A young man rowing in a life boat in the middle of a terrible storm on the ocean is best described as a conflict involving ______________________ . 4. The event that starts the story is named the ________________________ . 5. The _____________________ is how the story conflict is solved.