Chains Bellwork 2

Vocabulary Bellwork Week 2
1. subordinates- noun- people of lesser rank or
lower status
 2. devour- verb- to eat something quickly and
 3. gruesome- adj.- involving or depicting death
or injury in a disturbing or sickening way
 4. insolence- noun- rudeness or boldness
 5. Roman Numerals- letters representing
numbers: I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100.
 6. In this system, a letter placed after another of
greater value adds (XI is 11)and a letter placed
before another of greater value subtracts (IX is
 7.
barricade- noun- a barrier that protects
defenders or blocks a route.
 8. dawdling- adj.- wasting time, idling
 9. devious- adj.- secretive and calculating, not
straightforward or honest about motives
 10. fatigue- noun- mental or physical
 11. intently- adv.- showing fixed attention or
full concentration
 12. peculiar-adj.- unusual, strange, or
Write two sentences using the words dawdling
and fatigue. Try to make your sentences relate.
 1.
 2.
Dude, it’s reading time!
Begin your two column journal.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page
Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title
of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of
Publication. Source Type.
 1.
Last week we studied the word blockade.
Looking at blockade and barricade, what
makes these words slightly different?
Write out the sentences and identify
 1. A restaurant manager’s subordinates would
be the _______________.
 2. An army general’s subordinates would be
the _________________.
 3. A babysitter’s subordinates would be the
Three (III) foods that I would devour are
My favorite number written in Roman
numerals is _____________________.
Dude, it’s reading time!
Begin your two column journal.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page
Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.)
Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher,
Year of Publication. Source Type.
Write out the complete sentence and add the
vocabulary word.
 1. Video games are often criticized for their
____________ depiction of violence and
 2. Isabel describes her sister Ruth as having a
______________, or strange, manner.
 3. The seniors in the English IV class were
____________ working on their assignment,
showing total focus.
 Why
would a Patriot need to be devious?
Write a sentence explaining at least two (II)
 1.
Dude, it’s reading time!
Begin your two column journal.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page
Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.)
Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher,
Year of Publication. Source Type.
1. Today’s date in Roman numerals is
2. The book report due date in Roman
numerals is
 1.
Draw a picture of depicting the word
devour. Label.
 2. Draw a picture depicting the word
subordinate. Label.
Dude, it’s reading time!
Begin your two column journal.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page
Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.)
Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher,
Year of Publication. Source Type.