Part One Activities

Part One Questions
* Read “Build Background” on page 339.
* Dr. Howard Gardner identified nine kinds of intelligence:
linguistic (verbal and writing skills), logical-mathematical
(ability to see numerical patterns), spatial (ability to
visualize), existentialist (asking deep questions about life),
naturalist (ability to recognize and categorize nature), bodilykinesthetic (ability to control physical movements), musical
(ability to produce and appreciate music), interpersonal
(people skills), and intrapersonal (self-understanding).
* 1. Which of the intelligences do you think are most commonly
found in people? Where do you see this?
* 2. Which intelligences are most valued in our society? Why?
* 3. Which intelligence do you think you are strongest in? Give
* 4. Key Literary Element Irony: What information do you have that
Charlie does not have? What’s the irony in this passage? Page 343
* 5. Irony- define on page 339
* 6. Define Author’s Purpose.
* 7. What are the character Charlie’s reasons for writing his journal
(page 340) and the author’s reasons for writing the story (page
* 8.Define foreshadowing. Page 357.
•1. Making Inferences: page 346. Notice the change in Charlie’s personality from
earlier in the story. Why do you think he is getting cranky and calling everything
•2. Irony: page 347. What is the dramatic irony here? Hint: What are Charlie’s
thoughts about his friends’ behavior? How do his thoughts about his friends differ
from yours?
• 3. Point of View: page 349. Chose to tell the events of April 3rd from either a
friend’s point of view or an objective point of view. Write a short retelling in at
least 5 sentences.
• 4. How does this point of view change the story telling from what Charlie has
• 5. There are hundreds of slow adults, so why was Charlie chosen for the
experimental surgery?
• 6. How do you think the operation will change Charlie’s life?
* 1. Compare and Contrast Charlie’s actions, thoughts, words, and
beliefs before and after the operation.
* 2. How would the story differ if it was told by Dr. Nemur? Miss Kinnian?
Algernon the mouse?
* 3. Where does Charlie work?
* 4. Finding evidence: what evidence does Charlie have that he is
getting smarter? Page 349
* 5. Irony: Charlie thinks Miss Kinnian leaves the room because she has
something in her eye. What is the real reason she leaves? Page 351
* 6. What price does Charlie pay for getting smarter?
* 7. Do you think the price Charlie has paid for his intelligence is too
high? Explain.
Directions also on page 354.
* The author presents “Flowers for Algernon” as a series of written
reports or journal entries written by Charlie. Write a brief report
that compares Charlie before the operation with the person he’s
becoming. Write in your own voice and style, not Charlie’s.
* First, describe Charlie as he was before the operation and the ways
in which he is still the same.
* Next, explain how Charlie has changed since the operation. Give
* Lastly, tell whether the changes that you noted are good or bad for
Charlie. Give details from the story to support your opinion.