Class Expectations and Procedures

English 7 Introduction
Ms. Martin – Room 126
Welcome to 7th Grade English at Highland West Junior High! I am so excited to have
you in my class this year. Junior High is very different from elementary school and your
courses will be different too. You will be surprised at how quickly you make new friends
and figure out how everything works around here. 7th Grade English will challenge you,
excite you, and give you opportunity to grow in your writing and reading skills. The best
way for our class to be a success is for you to believe that you and your classmates can be
successful. Because of this we will observe a few rules in this class that will help create an
encouraging learning, writing, reading, and sharing environment.
The rules are:
1) Listen to instructions the first time they are given.
2) Do not speak out – always raise your hand.
3) Bring all materials to class daily.
4) Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself (includes passing notes).
5) No cursing, teasing, or vulgar language. BE NICE!
6) Complete your work and turn it in.
7) Be Respectful of OTHERS. (Includes all adults, guests, & peers in
this classroom.)
The way we behave in this classroom is very important to me. It is important to be
in a comfortable and positive environment every day. In order to work together and learn
WE ALL will practice emphasizing these three behaviors every day:
1) Safety- we are all responsible for taking care of each other.
2) Respect- members of the HWJH community will treat everyone with respect & dignity
3) Responsibility- all HWJH members are responsible for their own actions.
I expect to have mature students who respect and follow the rules. I have listed the
discipline plan below so you will know the consequences if you refuse to follow the rules
of this class.
1st Offense- Verbal Warning
2nd- Student Conference
3rd- Lunch Detention(s)
4th- Before/After School Detention(s) w/ Parent Contact
5th- Referral to the Principal**
**Severe misbehavior such as fighting, open defiance of authority, vulgarity, or conduct
which threatens the safety of others, will result in an immediate referral to the principal.
Additionally, talking during any test or quiz will result in a zero grade.
Because this will be an interactive class with many activities, it is essential that you
become and stay organized. Thus, you will be required to have a binder for this class. You
must bring this binder and all other necessary materials to class EVERYDAY. By the
beginning of next week you must have a binder with the following divisions:
1. Assignments – Keep all assignments you are currently working on in this
2. Vocabulary – List and define all new terms given to you each week. Use these
to study for tests and quizzes.
3. Notes/Handouts – Keep notes you take in class and any information sheets
that are not graded.
4. Graded Work – Keep all returned and graded work in this section. This will
help you determined your own grade and give you solid proof of all work you
have completed.
5. PAPER- You will also need a Notebook or loose leaf paper– It is no surprise
that every day you will write in English class. A vocabulary assignment will be
on the board when you enter class that will need to be written down
immediately. Other writing assignments requiring paper will occur
throughout class.
I want you all to do well and be the best student you can be. Often we tend to let our
grades slide and then worry about it at the end of the nine weeks. I urge you all NOT to do
that this year. Procrastination will NOT be a rewarding experience. It is always in your
best interest to turn in something rather than receive a zero. A low grade can be replaced
and made better, zeroes on the other hand, are difficult to recover from. All extra credit
work will be due by the end of each nine weeks. We will go over these dates so that you
can put them in your agenda.
Late work will be accepted one day late for a loss of 20% of the possible grade, the
second day or any following day late will be received at 50% off. If you are absent and
miss a due date you will have one day for each day of absence to make up the work with
no penalty. (See student handbook for guidelines.) **Please write “ABSENT” on your
paper. ** If you are absent before a due date you will not receive an extension. Your best
shot at success is to be at school every day! It is your responsibility to get your work on
the day you return to class.
I am available before and after school if you should have any questions. My email is I expect this to be an exciting year for all of us. Please
give your best in everything you do, and I promise to do the same.
Ms. Martin
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." –Kevin Durant
(Classroom Procedures)
For a class to be successful, we must all know how the classroom works. There will always be questions; there
will always be broken pencils. This means we must all work to stay organized and considerate of others around
us, so we can all be effective for the 57 minutes that we are together.
1. How to enter the classroom. Please do not enter the classroom until you are ready to work. When you
have entered the room, sit in your assigned seat and begin the bellwork/journaling assignment.
Continue this assignment until after I have taken roll and begin class. Do not sit idle. Bellwork is an
important part of our curriculum. The content covers what your will be tested over each 6 weeks by the
2. If you are not in the room when the tardy bell quits ringing, you are considered tardy according to the
student handbook. Please sign the tardy sheet as you enter quietly and begin working on your
3. If you have a question concerning the lesson, please raise your hand and wait for me to call on you. If
we are in the middle of something, I may choose to wait until the end of the lecture.
4. Sharpen your pencil before the bell rings. If you need a sharpened pencil during class, raise your hand
while holding your pencil and I will give you a sharpened pencil.
5. Restroom breaks need to be taken care of before/after school, at lunch, and during passing period. Do
NOT expect to go to the restroom during class time. For those rare emergencies, have your hall pass &
agenda filled out for me to sign.
6. The student handbook does NOT allow food or drink in the classroom. This includes chewing gum.
7. Missing work is YOUR responsibility. Look at the assignment calendar to make sure you have everything
you need from the days of your absence. Missing work for all students will be in the folders according to
hour on the south wall near the door. If you have questions after you have reviewed the missing work,
wait until class is over to address them or plan to see me during lunch or before/after school.
8. All papers should have your name and hour written on them. A hole-punch is available for papers so
that you can immediately put them in your folder. Your folder is an important part of this class. You
must keep it organized, so you can refer back to them as needed.
9. The bell does not dismiss you from class. Please sit in your seats until I have finished my sentence and
have told you good-bye each day. If you do finish your work before class is over, you are expected to
work on assignments from other classes or read independently. There are no reasons for disrupting
10. If you are absent you are responsible for getting your makeup work. Look at the assignment calendar
for info, and then take all work out of the hanging make-up homework file. You have the same number
of days you were absent to complete the work. After this period, it will be late.
Live by these rules in class everyday:
1. Do what is right.
2. Ask 3 before me.
3. Adapt and be flexible.
*** Save this document in your English binder for reference. ***
Student Expectations for English:
Expectations about how we treat each other:
Expectations of how we take care of things:
Expectations regarding our work:
Safety Expectations:
Class-wide Expectations for English:
Panther Creed
I am a Highland West Panther.
I am a leader.
I will stand up for what I believe.
I am a unique person and a positive role model for others.
I have the ability to learn, to take in all the knowledge placed before me, and to meet any
goal I set.
I think before I act and choose to accept the consequences of my actions.
I am honored to be a Highland West Panther.
Acknowledgement of Notification
Parent Notice:
I, the parent/guardian of
, have read Ms. Martin’s
introduction letter and acknowledge that my child has been given all information
regarding the classroom rules, late work procedures, discipline plan and class
requirements. I will also be sure that my child has their binder ready for class by
next week.
Parent Email (if available):
Student Notice:
, have read Ms. Martin’s introduction letter and
acknowledge that I have been given all information regarding the classroom rules,
late work procedures, discipline plan and class requirements. I will also have my
binder required for this class by next week.