Eric D. Branson Candidate Chemical Engineering Department This thesis is approved, and it is acceptable in quality and form for publication on microfilm: Approved by the Thesis Committee: C. Jeff Brinker , Chairperson The University of New Mexico Department of Chemical Engineering and Sandia National Laboratories Darren Dunphy The University of New Mexico Department of Chemical Engineering Chris Apblett The University of New Mexico Department of Chemical Engineering and Sandia National Laboratories Accepted: Dean, Graduate School Date i SOL-GEL APPROACH TO UV/OZONE PATTERNABLE SUPERHYDROPHOBIC COATINGS BY ERIC D. BRANSON BS, CHEMISTRY, ARKANSAS TECH UNIVERSITY, 1996 BS, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO, 2002 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Chemical Engineering The University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico August 2008 DEDICATION This manuscript is dedicated to all the family and friends that helped me along the path to this degree….. . iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who played a role in my long journey to finish this degree. I would like to acknowledge Jeff Brinker, my advisor, for continually prodding me to finish. It has been a long trip and I thank you for not getting too discouraged with me along the way. I would like to thank individually those that helped me the most along the way with their guidance and expertise. David J. Kissel, thanks for everything without you I would not have finished the research. Adam Cook you are a great friend and your constant “have you finished your masters yet” statement at least once a week, which was irritating, help keep me on track. Connie Stewart, thanks for the chemistry lessons on ozone and just being there. The daily Starbucks run were life-saving. Tim Boyle, thanks for the FTIR lesson along with the harassment about finishing. Darren Dunphy, thanks for being on my committee and for all your help in the lab and elsewhere. Ralf Koehn, I may lose my clearance for thanking you here but thank you for all the GISAXS tutoring and helping with the Cassie-Baxter / Feng calculations using the scattering curves. Seema Singh, thank you for your constant support and helping me out with everything. I would also like to thank Bernd Smarsly for GISAXS assistance, Cynthia Edney for the FTIR measurements, Steven Howell for the AFM measurements and YingBing Jiang for the TEM/EELS measurements. iv Chris Apblett and Paul Clem, two of the best bosses anyone could ask for, I can not thank you guys enough (NO, I am not just kissing up). Thanks for allowing me to work on this thesis part time through-out the last year. I probable would not have finished the writing without you guys. Brother Apblett, man your dam persistent, thanks for taken me under your wing and getting me through this. You were the driving force man, THANK YOU! Finally I would like to thank Janelle, my wife. Your constant encouragement and belief in me helped more than you know. v SOL-GEL APPROACH TO UV/OZONE PATTERNABLE SUPERHYDROPHOBIC COATINGS BY ERIC D BRANSON ABSTRACT OF THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Chemical Engineering The University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico August, 2008 SOL-GEL APPROACH TO UV/OZONE PATTERNABLE SUPERHYDROPHOBIC COATINGS by Eric D. Branson B.S., Chemistry, Arkansas Tech University, 1996 B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2002 M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2008 ABSTRACT The ability to control wetting behavior is crucial to several emerging scientific fields. This ability is possible with a patternable superhydrophobic coating. Here we present a patterning technique for a superhydrophobic sol-gel coating using ultraviolet light and ozone. The contact angle of the coating can be continuously varied from 170° to 0° with micron size pattern resolution using an ozone producing ultraviolet light. FTIR, EELS, GISAXS, RI, and AFM measurements were all conducted to determine the extent of chemical and structural changes occuring in the sol-gel matrix due to the ultraviolet light / ozone patterning. Theoretical contact angles calculated from the Cassie-Baxter and Feng equations were compared to the observed contact angles. Good agreement between all values was observed for both models and the experimentally measured values. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ..........................................................................................................X LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... XIV 1. INTRODUCTION TO SUPER-HYDROPHOBIC MATERIALS ...........................1 1.1 What is a Super-Hydrophobic material? ..................................................................1 1.2 Examples of Super-Hydrophobic materials in Nature .............................................2 1.3 Surface Wetting .......................................................................................................5 2. SOL-GEL APPROACH TO MAKING SH MATERIALS ....................................11 2.1 The Sol-gel process ...............................................................................................11 2.2 Surface chemistry alteration of sol-gel materials...................................................14 2.3 Characterization of fractal surfaces .......................................................................16 2.4 Other Routes to Superhydrophobic Surfaces .........................................................21 2.4.1 Plastic Transformed ......................................................................................23 2.4.2 Carbon Nanotube Forests ..............................................................................24 2.4.3 Polyelectrolyte Multilayers ...........................................................................26 2.4.4 Galvanic Cell Reaction .................................................................................28 2.4.5 Nanosphere Lithography...............................................................................30 2.4.6 Sol-gel Foams ...............................................................................................31 2.4.7 Alumina Films ..............................................................................................33 3.0 EXPERIMENTAL & RESULTS .............................................................................36 3.1 Making of gels .......................................................................................................36 3.1.1 TFPTMOS Gels ............................................................................................36 3.1.2 TEOS Gels ....................................................................................................36 viii 3.1.3 TMOS Gels ...................................................................................................37 3.1.4 Gel Washing..................................................................................................37 3.1.5 Gel Sonication ...............................................................................................37 3.2 Coating procedures ................................................................................................38 3.2.1 Spin Coating..................................................................................................38 3.2.2 Dip Coating ...................................................................................................39 3.2.3 Spray Coating................................................................................................40 3.3 Patterning ...............................................................................................................41 3.3.1 Contact angle change during UV/Ozone exposure .......................................42 Proposed mechanism......................................................................45 3.3.2 SH film variation...........................................................................................47 3.3.3 Contact angle reproducibility........................................................................49 3.3.4 Patterning types .............................................................................................51 3.4 Lithography reversal by silane treatment ...............................................................52 3.5 Chemical change caused by UV/Ozone exposure .................................................53 3.5 Structural change caused by UV/Ozone exposure .................................................56 3.6 Cassie-Baxter and Feng approximations ...............................................................61 4.0 CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................65 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................68 APPENDIX A: GISAXS – SCATTERING CURVES ..................................................71 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: A) Schematic showing how a material’s contact angle is determined. B) Varying contact angles from less than 90º to greater than 90º on a solid substrate. .............................................................................................................. 2 Figure 2: A) Lotus leaf, B) Close-up of the lotus leaf’s hierarchical surface, C) Lotus self-cleaning ability also known as the “lotus effect”. ................................ 3 Figure 3: A) Armor like shell of the Stenocara beetle, B) Close-up of the array of bumps 0.5 – 1.55mm apart and on average 0.5mm in diameter. ......................... 4 Figure 4: Interfacial energies involved in wetting a smooth surface according to Young’s Equation ................................................................................................. 6 Figure 5: Two models that show different wetting configurations, A) Wenzel model – liquid stays in complete contact with the surface. B) Cassie model – liquid only contacts the top of the surface peaks. ................................................. 7 Figure 6: Pictorial representation of the overall Sol-gel process ......................... 11 Figure 7: Mechanism for the silylation process of silanol groups with HMDS26 . 16 Figure 8: AFM roughness measurement showing areal fraction cross-section images at varying depths. Image courtesy of Seema Singh. ............................. 18 Figure 9: Scattering intensities of aerogel films from the Advanced Photon Source located within Argonne National Labs. Films coated from A) sol 28 days old, B) sol 37 days old. ....................................................................................... 19 Figure 10: Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) curves of an aerogel thin film showing a mass fractal dimension of 2.7 (SAXS data courtesy of Bernd Smarsly) ........................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 11: A) and B) SEM images of fractal AKD surface top view and cross section, C) water droplet on a fractal AKD surface, CA=174°, D) water droplet on a smooth AKD surface, CA=109°. ...................................................................... 22 x Figure 12: A) water droplet CA = 104° on a smooth i-PP surface, B) water droplet CA = 160° on an i-PP coated glass slide, C) SEM image of i-PP surface on a glass slide at 30°C drying temperature, D) at 60°C drying temperature. ............ 24 Figure 13: A) Uncoated forest of carbon nanotubes, B) PTFE coated forest of carbon nanotubes, C) droplet suspended on top of PTFE coated forest. ........... 26 Figure 14: SEM of PAH/PAA films after (A) single acid treatment (B) combined acid treatment. C) SEM after silica nanoparticle deposition, D) CA=172 on PAH/PAA film after nanoparticle deposition and CVD. ....................................... 28 Figure 15: Varying time submerged 2nM AgNO3 and 5M HF solution A) 30min B) 60min. C) 10min submerged time in 20nM AgNO3 and 5M HF solution. D) contact angle as deposited CA=67°. E) contact angle after n-dodecanethiol surface modification. ........................................................................................... 29 Figure 16: A) 400nm polystyrene beads with CA=135°, B) 360nm polystyrene beads with CA=144°, C) 330nm polystyrene beads with CA=152°, D) 190nm polystyrene beads with CA=168°. ....................................................................... 31 Figure 17: MTEOS foams gelled with varying concentrations of ammonia, a) 1.1M and b) 2.2M. c) PTEOS/MTEOS with 22M ammonia. All three gels were heated to 300°C.................................................................................................. 32 Figure 18: SEM showing the surface of the aluminum oxide film after A) only heat treated to 400° and B) after immersion in boiling water for 10min. ..................... 34 Figure 19: Cartoon of wetting lithography showing how UV/Ozone alters a films CA based on the film’s exposure time to the light ............................................... 42 Figure 20: Top) Lithography of wetting of a TFPTMOS film, contact angles achieved by varying amounts of UV/Ozone exposure. Bottom) TEOS film contact angle versus UV treatment times using the Jelight’s UVO-cleaner model 342. .................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 21: Temperature profile of the UVO cleaner during patterning of TEOS film. ..................................................................................................................... 44 xi Figure 22: Spectra output of the uncoated mercury grip lamp used in the UVO cleaner (data courtesy of Crystec Company, Altötting, Germany) ...................... 46 Figure 23: Reaction mechanism showing the formation and destruction of ozone ultimately responsible for the contact angle change observed during lithography. ........................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 24: Wetting lithography dependence on silica precursor ......................... 48 Figure 25: Wetting lithography dependence on film thickness. ........................... 49 Figure 26: CA curves showing the effects that occur based on the amount of time elapsed from one exposure to the next. ............................................................. 50 Figure 27: Three types of mask: A) solid prototype mask, B) in-house mask, and C) Photronics chrome lithographic mask. Dip coated TFPTMOS film at varying stages after UV/Ozone patterning: D) just after patterning, E) under water, F) pattern visible when removed from water, G) water blown off pattern disappears. ........................................................................................................................... 52 Figure 28: UV/Ozone exposure reversal. Blue bars represent the CA of a TMOS film that has been exposed to varying amounts of UV/Ozone. The red bars represent the CA re-attained on the exposed film after a 15 min vapor silanation treatment. ........................................................................................................... 53 Figure 29: Fourier Transform InfraRed Spectroscopy (FTIR) of TMOS films with varying contact angles. ....................................................................................... 55 Figure 30: Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS). Top three images are for a TMOS film with a CA=167º while the bottom three images are for a TMOS film with CA=0º. The images on the left are TEM pictures showing where the EELS measurements occurred. The middle images show amounts of carbon atoms present in the material. There are significant amounts of carbon present in the CA=167º film while relatively none exists in the CA=0º film. ............................... 56 Figure 31: Mass fractal dimensions obtain via GISAXS. Top) log-log plot of the scattering intensity versus the scattering vector. Bottom) Mass fractal dimensions obtained from a UV/Ozone exposed TMOS film. ................................................ 58 xii Figure 32: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) images. Image on the left is of an as casted SH TEOS film with a CA=165 º. Image on the right is of a SH TEOS film after exposure to UV/Ozone for 5min possessing a CA=0º. ............................... 59 Figure 33: Index of Refraction – Blue line shows the change in the refractive index of a TMOS film contacted with water as a function of contact angle. Yellow line shows the volume fraction of solids while the Sky Blue line shows the volume fraction of vapor for the film; both values were obtained from the Lorentz-Lorenz equation. The Pink line represents the RI of a film that has not interacted directly with water. .......................................................................................................... 61 Figure 34: Cassie-Baxter and Feng approximations for theoretical contact angles compared to experimental values obtained on a TMOS film. ............................. 64 xiii LIST OF TABLES Table I: Contact Angles based on Onda and Feng equations projecting the CA of a fractal surface from the contact angle on a smooth surface. (Calculations done with Ralf Koehn currently at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany). ........................................................................................................................... 21 Table II: Comparing the various coating methods to our sol-gel coating approach ........................................................................................................................... 35 Table III: Spin coating TEOS film thicknesses versus spin coating speeds in revolutions per minute (RPM). ............................................................................ 39 Table IV: Dip coating TEOS film thicknesses versus coating withdraw speeds in inches per minute (IPM). .................................................................................... 40 Table V: Values obtained from GISAXS and RI measurements. Black values are experiment values Red values were obtained from GISAXS measurements while the blue represents valued obtained from RI measurements. ............................ 62 xiv 1. INTRODUCTION TO SUPER-HYDROPHOBIC MATERIALS 1.1 What is a Super-Hydrophobic material? When water contacts a surface, it can interact with that surface in several ways. Considering only wetting, surfaces can be classified as either hydrophobic (water-fearing) or hydrophilic (water-loving). Imagine a liquid droplet setting on a solid surface. When the liquid molecules show a stronger attraction for each other than to the solid surface, in this case the cohesive forces are stronger than the adhesive forces and the liquid droplet will bead-up and not wet the solid surface. Here the solid is classified as hydrophobic. Now, when the liquid molecules show a stronger attraction for the solid surface than for each other, here the adhesive forces are stronger than the cohesive forces and the liquid droplet will wet the solid surface. Here the solid is termed hydrophilic. A quantitative approach to determining if a material is hydrophobic or hydrophilic is by measuring the material’s wettability.1 One way to measure wettability is by measuring the material’s contact angle (the angle of contact that a water droplet makes with the material’s surface), as shown in Figure 1A. The contact angle that forms on a solid surface is the resultant of the balance of three interfacial energies: the solid-liquid ( SL ), solid-vapor ( SV ), and liquid-vapor ( LV ). When in balance they dictate the state pictured in Figure 1A. The balance is captured in the Young’s Equation shown in Equation 1. If a material’s contact angle is below 90° the material is defined to be wetting or hydrophilic. If a material’s contact angle is above 90° the material is defined to be non-wetting 1 or hydrophobic. Super-hydrophobicity is defined as the condition when a material’s water contact angle is greater than 150°. Figure 1B shows three different contact angle equilibrium states on a solid substrate. A) LV SV B) θ CA<90º SL Young’s Equation Vapor cos Liquid SV SL LV Solid CA=90º CA>90º Solid Figure 1: A) Schematic showing how a material’s contact angle is determined. B) Varying contact angles from less than 90º to greater than 90º on a solid substrate. 1.2 Examples of Super-Hydrophobic materials in Nature The two most widely studied superhydrophobic (SH) surfaces in nature are the Lotus leaf (Nelumbo nucifera) and a tenebrionid beetle from the genus Stenocara. The lotus leaf, shown in Figure 2A, has become known as the symbol of purity because of its self cleaning properties that allow it to maintain a pristine condition while living in a very dirty environment. While doing scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies on several thousands of plant species, Barthlott and Neinhuis noticed that species having a smooth surface needed to be cleaned before examination while species with a rough surface were almost 2 entirely clean.2 Their SEM results revealed that the rough plants possessed epicuticular wax crystals in combination with papillae (minute projections on the leaves’ surfaces), Figure 2B. This combination of wax and papillae provide plants with the ability to be self-cleaning, Figure 2C. Their work has led to a correlation between surface roughness, water repellency, and the removal of particles from the plant surfaces. Figure 2: A) Lotus leaf, B) Close-up of the lotus leaf’s hierarchical surface, C) Lotus self-cleaning ability also known as the “lotus effect”. Images from Wikipedia9 and the Nees Institute for Biodiversity of Plants10 located at the University of self-cleaning ability also known as the “lotus effect”. Images from Wikipedia9 and the Nees Institute for Biodiversity of Plants10 located at the University of Bonn. The self-cleaning behavior witnessed by Barthlott and Neinhuis has become known as the “lotus effect”. When rain falls on the lotus leaves, air becomes trapped between the droplets and the plants surface. This trapped air, a consequence of the inherent surface roughness, causes the droplet to form very high contact angles, greater than 160º, allowing the droplets to roll on the surface of the leaves essentially cleaning the lotus as it goes. The “lotus effect” is the most sought after superhydrophobic effect to date.3 The Stenocara beetle, shown in Figure 3A, an inhabitant of the Namib Desert, lives in an environment that is completely barren with an annual rainfall 3 sporadically ranging from 5mm to 80mm.4,5 In comparison, Arizona, the driest state in the US, averages 180mm annually. The beetle’s armor-appearing back is made up of an array of bumps roughly 0.5mm in diameter and spaced 0.5 – 1.55mm apart, shown in Figure 3B. The bump’s peaks are smooth, flat, and completely hydrophilic. The rest of the beetle’s back is made of wax deposits that create a superhydrophobic surface similar to the lotus leaf. A B Figure 3: A) Armor like shell of the Stenocara beetle, B) Close-up of the array of bumps 0.5 – 1.55mm apart and on average 0.5mm in diameter. Periodically, a dense fog layer covers the dunes of the Namib allowing the beetle to collect essential water for survival. During these foggy mornings, the beetles climb to the top of the dunes. At the top they turn their back towards the wind while assuming a head-standing stance allowing the fog to pass over them. Tiny water molecules in the fog begin collecting on the hydrophilic pads located atop the superhydrophobic bumps on their backs. Once the water droplet’s size becomes large enough (roughly 5mm in diameter) to overcome the binding forces from the hydrophilic pads, the droplet will begin to role down the beetles superhydrophobic back directly to their mouth allowing them to drink. 6 Nature possesses properties that have been evolving and perfected over the course of several billion years, which explains why scientists use nature for 4 their inspiration. Biomimicry is the process of studying nature’s ideas and then imitating these designs and processes artificially in engineered materials. This thesis presents the study of the structure and patterning of hydrophobic and hydrophilic materials in patterns similar to those found on the lotus and beetle, and determining the properties of these biomimetic surfaces. The materials of choice for this thesis were sol gel based, building upon previous work in biomimicry and sol gel processing.7 Brinker et al. used sol-gel processing to produce silica aerogel films at ambient pressure and temperature. Until this work aerogels were only achievable using a supercritical drying process, which is very expensive and potentially dangerous. This research developed a technique in which the reactive terminal hydroxyl groups are capped-off with organosilane ligands. This allows the film to ‘springback’ upon drying as the drying stresses vanish. This ‘springback’ feature enabled highly fractal silica films to be produced without using a critical pressure dryer and will be discussed in more detail later. A similar sol-gel approach is the basis of this body of work with the specific chemistry and material created to be discussed in future sections. 1.3 Surface Wetting Based on Young’s equation and the Cassie-Baxter equation, the hydrophobicity of a material can be adjusted in two ways.1,8-13 The first way involves changing the materials surface chemistry in order to alter its surface energy. This process is termed the chemical method. The chemical method can only increase the contact angle (CA) on a completely smooth material to about 5 115º 10 e.g. Teflon® the most commonly known hydrophobic surface has a CA=110º. The second way incorporates roughness to a surface introducing nonwettable water-vapor interfaces. This is termed the geometrical method. In order to achieve a superhydrophobic CA both methods must be employed together. The wetting of a completely smooth homogeneous surface can be quantified in terms of its intrinsic contact angle θ (i.e. the contact angle on an ideally flat surface) by balancing the three interfacial energies involved in wetting. This is defined by Young’s equation: SV SL LV cos where (1) SV , SL ,and LV are the three different interfacial energies: solid-vapor, solid-liquid, and liquid-vapor involved in the wetting of the solid by the liquid, shown in Figure 4. LV SV θ SL Vapor Liquid Solid Figure 4: Interfacial energies involved in wetting a smooth surface according to Young’s Equation Young’s Equation only applies to a flat homogeneous surface, while the modeling becomes much more complex when the surface becomes heterogeneous (chemically or topographically), which is of importance because it 6 is known that surface roughness has the greatest effect on a material’s hydrophobicity. There are two accepted models explaining how surface roughness affects the contact angle – the Wenzel model and the Cassie-Baxter model.1,13 In the Wenzel model, a water droplet conforms to the surface roughness and in the Cassie-Baxter model, the droplet sits completely on top of the surface roughness. These situations are shown in Figure 5A and B, respectively. A) B) Figure 5: Two models that show different wetting configurations, A) Wenzel model – liquid stays in complete contact with the surface. B) Cassie model – liquid only contacts the top of the surface peaks. The Wenzel model relies on the assumption that the liquid remains in complete contact with the material surface. When the surface wetting reaches thermodynamic equilibrium, a relationship between the contact angle and the roughness is assumed as follows: cos * r cos where (2) * represents the material’s contact angle, r is the roughness factor, defined as the ratio of the actual surface area of the rough surface to the geometrical projected area of the solid, and 7 is the intrinsic contact angle for a completely smooth surface of the same material and can be calculated from Young’s equation, given in Equation (1). In 1944, A. D. Cassie and S. Baxter published a paper that modified Wenzel’s equation to account for surface heterogeneity (See Equation 3). cos * f1 cos1 f 2 cos 2 where f1 is the fraction of the surface with contact angle fraction of surface with contact angle surface, f2 (3) 1 and 2 , depicted in Figure 5B. would represent the areal fraction of porosity and f 2 is the For a porous 2 180 (water does not wet air), reducing Equation (3) to cos * f (cos 1) 1 . (4) For fractal surfaces where the droplet remains in contact with the surface roughness, Wenzel’s equation was modified by Onda to describe the relationship between contact angles on a rough fractal surface, f , and on a smooth surface of the same solid, .9,14 L cos f l L where l D2 cos (5) D 2 is equivalent to the surface roughness factor, l and L are the upper and lower limits of fractality established by the scattering curve, and D is the mass fractal dimension. Both the scattering curve and mass fractal dimension are discussed in more detail in chapter 2. 8 Feng et al. modified the Cassie-Baxter equation to incorporate the fractal roughness factor and the fraction of the surface under the water droplet occupied by the solid material, f s , and vapor, f v , where f s fv 1 . The modification can be seen in Equation (6).15 L cos f f s l D2 cos (1 f s ) (6) Since the SH materials used in this study are fractal with hydrophobic nanopores, it is expected water cannot wet the internal porosity. Therefore equations 4 and 6 will be used to predict the measured contact angle from measured values of f v , D f , and determined experimentally. f s and f v in equations 4 and 6, in contact The fraction of solid and vapor, with the water droplet can be estimated by using the Lorentz-Lorenz relationship n n 2 f 2 f where V n n 2 1 s 2 s 2 s 1 2 (7) n f is the film refractive index, Vs is the volume fraction of solids, and ns is the refractive index of the solid skeleton19. For a silica backbone ns is equal to 1.457 (value for fused silica) reducing equation 7 to n n 2 f 2 f 0.2723V 2 1 s 9 (8) The volume fraction of solids, the fraction of solid, fraction, Vs , of the SH film is then assumed to be equal to f s , of the film in contact with the water droplet. The vapor f v , is them found by subtracting f s from one. 10 2. SOL-GEL APPROACH TO MAKING SH MATERIALS 2.1 The Sol-gel process The sol-gel process can be defined in a broad sense as the preparation of ceramic materials by preparation of a sol, gelation of the sol, and removal of the solvent.17 The sol-gel process is adaptable to producing bulk materials, fibers, and thin films. Chemically, the process involves the transition of a hydrolyzed colloidal sol into a condensed gel; the overall process can be seen in Figure 6. B C D “s pr ing ba ck ” A E Figure 6: Pictorial representation of the overall Sol-gel process16 The colloidal sol (step A in Figure 6) is a suspension of particles in a liquid medium where the particles are small enough (from 1-1000nm in diameter) that gravitational forces are negligible and their interactions are dominated by van der Waals attractions and surface chemistry. The precursors are typically inorganic metal salts or metal alkoxides. Tetraethylorthosilicate, ( Si(OC2 H 5 )4 ) abbreviated TEOS, is the most widely studied metal alkoxide precursor and is the one used predominately for the experiments presented here. The precursor 11 undergoes a hydrolysis reaction in the presence of water. Hydrolysis occurs by the nucleophillic attack of the oxygen from the water on the silicon atom, as seen in Equation (9): Si(OR ) 4 H 2O Si(OR )3 OH ROH , (9) where R is an alkyl group and ROH is an alcohol. The (─) represents a chemical bond between the alkoxide, Si (OR ) 3 , and the hydroxyl, OH , forming a monomer. Using TEOS as the precursor equation (9) becomes Si(OC 2H 5 )4 H 2O Si(OC2 H 5 )3 OH C2 H 5OH , (10) if the reaction is allowed to continue to completion then all the OR groups will be replaced with all OH groups yielding a tetrafunctional monomer, Si(OR)4 4H2O Si(OH )4 4ROH . (11) After two or more of the hydrolyzed monomers are formed, they may bond with each another via a condensation reaction in one of two ways: through a water condensation reaction (Equation 12) or an alcohol condensation reaction (Equation 13): Si(OR )3 OH Si(OR )3 OH (OR )3 Si O Si(OR )3 H 2O (12) Si(OR )3 OR Si(OR )3 OH (OR )3 Si O Si(OR )3 ROH . (13) These condensation reactions can continue, resulting in monomers, dimers, trimers, etc.; inevitably building larger and larger molecules, in the process of polymerization.23 In Figure 6, polymerization of the sol starts in step B. When a solid network of monomers extends completely throughout the sol fully enclosing 12 the liquid, a “gel” is formed; this crosslinked network of highly fractal monomers is also termed the framework of the gel. Gelation is occurring in step C of Figure 6. Although the sol is now termed a “gel” with a high viscosity, there are still interactions occurring. Monomers and clusters of monomers that have not yet attached to the backbone network of the sol will either bond to or interact with the backbone or with other monomer clusters over time. The reactions occuring after gelation are called “aging” of the gel. As aging occurs the gel undergoes changes in its structure and properties. As additional bonds form and particle interactions continue, a contraction of the gel network may occur, causing shrinkage of the gel, termed “syneresis”.17 Conventionally at this point the gel is either ambient dried producing a dense xerogel (shown in Figure 6 step E) or supercritically dried (shown in Figure 6 step D) producing a highly fractal aerogel. Supercritical drying involves removal of the solvent above its critical point. This process is very costly, requires high pressures, and only produces small amounts of aerogel. Prakash et al developed a drying technique where one could obtain the same highly fractal aerogel material achieved during supercritical drying through a drying process occurring at ambient pressure and temperature. The shrinkage of the silica network, shown in step E of Figure 6, is due to pressure gradients that develop within the pores of the gel during solvent evaporation. Condensation of the highly reactive hydroxyl groups keeps the gel in this shrunken state. Prakash replaced these hydroxyl groups with nonreactive organic groups which render the shrinkage reversible and allows the gel to 13 “springback” to its pre-dried highly fractal state. The hydroxyl groups are replaced with organic groups during a surface modification step that occurs during the aging of the gel. The gel is subjected to a pore fluid exchange procedure where the solvent in the gel is replaced with a mixture of hexane and a modifying reagent like hexamethyldisalizane (HMDS) or trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS). This is a very brief overview of the entire sol-gel process. A more complete treatment of the process is presented in the literature. 17 In the following sections; surface modification chemistry, characterization techniques, as well as rival approaches to making superhydrophobic materials will be discussed. 2.2 Surface chemistry alteration of sol-gel materials The absolutely unique and essential feature of this coating process is that unlike conventional coating systems, which shrink continuously during drying to produce low-porosity films, this coating springs back (expands) to a lower density state during the final stage of drying. The film shrinks initially due to solvent loss and development of drying stress, but at the final stage of drying, it expands to nearly twice its fully shrunken thickness. The resulting structure is highly porous. Typical values for the refractive index of the material range from 1.05 to 1.12 at a wavelength of 600 nm (the refractive index of air is 1.00). This “springback” effect is important because it creates the nanoscale roughness needed to develop the superhydrophobic effect. It occurs because a hydrophobic silicon dioxide nanostructured network forms during drying. 14 The springback effect is achievable only after replacement of the reactive hydroxyl groups with non-reactive organic groups. To do this, the gel is allowed to age for 48 hours after gelation. It then undergoes a series of solvent exchanges. This is done because the pores within the gel network are filled with either methanol (MeOH) or ethanol (EtOH). The modifying reagent, HMDS, exchanges poorly with either of these polar solvents because of the hydroxyls present, so the solvent within the pores is replaced with hexane. Once in hexane the gel is ready to undergo surface silylation. For this the hexane is replaced with a mixture of hexane and HMDS (up to 10 vol%) and allowed to react for 24hr in a 50°C oven. The gel is washed again with hexane and then ethanol. In the surface derivatization or silylation process, hydrogen from one of the silanol groups is replaced by a trialkysilyl group. In the case of HMDS the trialkysilyl group is trimethylsilyl, Si—(CH3)3. These silyl derivatives are more stable than their parent compounds and are less polar, producing a lower surface energy. The mechanism for this is shown in Figure 7.26 The oxygen atom in the silanol group and the nitrogen atom in the HMDS have larger electro-negativities and acquire electrons from the hydrogen and silicon atoms to which they are bonded. This gives the nitrogen and oxygen a slightly negative charge. This negative charge attracts the positively charged ions, (H+ ion to the nitrogen, H3CSi+ to the oxygen) resulting in the formation of a trimethylsiloxane. 15 Figure 7: Mechanism for the silylation process of silanol groups with HMDS26 At this point the gel can be reliquified using ultrasound. A superhydrophobic coating can now be obtained immediately after coating the reliquified gel on to a substrate via essentially any standard coating method including spin-coating, dip-coating, aerosol spraying, and ink-jet printing. 2.3 Characterization of fractal surfaces These aerogel fractal surfaces have been characterized using different techniques, like atomic force microscopy (AFM), small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), and small angle neutron scattering (SANS).25 The AFM is a scanning probe microscope that maps out the topography of a surface of a material with resolution in the sub-nanometer range. Scans can be done in static mode (contact mode) or dynamic mode. In both modes, a cantilever probe tip is brought into proximity of the sample’s surface. Before 16 contact with the surface, forces between the sample and the tip cause a deflection of the cantilever. This deflection is measured using a laser diode and an array of photodiodes. In the contact mode, a constant force between the tip and the sample is maintained allowing the tip to follow along the sample’s surface. In dynamic mode, the cantilever is externally oscillated at its resonance frequency; tip-sample interactions cause this oscillation to change providing information about the sample’s characteristics. In this study the AFM measurements were preformed using a Digital Instruments Nanoscope IIIa SPM controller in contact mode. Figure 8 shows a surface scan of a SH material made using the sol-gel approach. The small images located at the bottom of the surface scan represent cross-sectional measurements showing the depth dependant areal fraction of the surface roughness. 17 Figure 8: AFM roughness measurement showing areal fraction cross-section images at varying depths. Image courtesy of Seema Singh. Small angle scattering of x-rays (SAXS) and neutrons (SANS) are used to determine structural characteristics of materials in the nanometer range. In both techniques the incident beam is scattered by a sample and the scattering pattern is analyzed to determine the material’s size, shape, and orientation. The two can be used in conjunction due to the two techniques giving different length scale information. SAXS measurements were done to determine the fractality of the aerogel material made by the sol-gel approach. Although the aerogel material is amorphous and does not produce distinct reflection peaks in SAXS, one can still use the scattering features at larger scattering vectors, s . Figure 9 shows scattering intensities of aerogel films using the 8ID beam-line at the Advanced 18 Photon Source located within Argonne National Labs. As the aerogel ages over time, the scattering features are changing, indicating that a change in the nature of the scattering surface has occurred. Figure 9: Scattering intensities of aerogel films from the Advanced Photon Source located within Argonne National Labs. Films coated from A) sol 28 days old, B) sol 37 days old. The sharp interfaces between the pores and the voids in the aerogel material produce an asymptotic behavior of Porod’s law: I ( s) s 4 (14) where I (s ) is the scattering intensity. By fitting a power law equation to the line in the graph of I (s ) versus s on a log-log plot one can obtain the mass fractal dimension via the slope of the line. Dimensions between 1 and 3 are said to be mass fractals and those with dimensions between 3 and 4 are surface fractals. A fluoroalkyl-SH film has a mass fractal dimension of 2.7, as shown with the plot in Figure 10. 19 Figure 10: Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) curves of an aerogel thin film showing a mass fractal dimension of 2.7 (SAXS data courtesy of Bernd Smarsly) Using the information gained from the AFM and SAXS and equations provided by Cassie-Baxter and Feng, et. al. (equations 4 and 6), a prediction can be made of a fractal material’s contact angle (CA) based upon the CA of a smooth surface of the same material. Table I shows the predicted CAs based upon a range of smooth surface CAs. A smooth dense silica film possesses a microscopic contact angle of 100°. Based upon this contact angle, the fraction of solid and vapor present in the fractal obtained from the AFM data (Figure 8), and l the surface roughness factor, L D2 (Figure 10), obtained from the GISAXS data; the aerogel material should posses a macroscopic contact angle between 157.7° and 164.3°. 20 Table I: Contact Angles based on Onda and Feng equations projecting the CA of a fractal surface from the contact angle on a smooth surface. (Calculations done with Ralf Koehn currently at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany). f (Onda et al) f (Feng et al) l=0.032 L=0.2 D=2.7 (L/l)D-2 = 3.6 ƒs=0.4 ƒv=0.6 ƒs=0.3 ƒv=0.7 ƒs=0.2 ƒv=0.8 ƒs=0.1 ƒv=0.9 ƒs=0.05 ƒv=0.95 ƒs=0.01 ƒv=0.99 86 75.4 120.0 128.6 138.6 151.0 159.6 170.9 91 93.6 128.7 136.0 144.3 155.0 162.4 172.2 95 108.3 136.5 142.6 149.6 158.7 165.0 173.3 100 128.8 148.3 152.6 157.7 164.3 168.9 175.0 103 144.2 157.6 160.6 164.2 168.9 172.1 176.5 105 159.0 166.8 168.5 170.6 173.4 175.3 177.9 2.4 Other Routes to Superhydrophobic Surfaces A In 1996, Onda did the first significant work using a chemical approach to make a superhydrophobic material.27 He did a study on fractal surfaces that he created from an alkylketene dimer (AKD), synthesized from stearoyl chloride. A 100μm thick AKD film was obtained by dip-coating a glass slide into a melted AKD solution at 90°C. Fractal films with a fractal dimension of 2.29 were obtained once the AKD re-solidified at room temperature under dry nitrogen gas; SEM images are shown in Figure 11A,B. By comparing the CA of the fractal AKD surface with that of a smooth AKD, Onda demonstrated the effect that a fractal surface has on the material’s contact angle, shown in Figure 11C,D. 21 Figure 11: A) and B) SEM images of fractal AKD surface top view and cross section, C) water droplet on a fractal AKD surface, CA=174°, D) water droplet on a smooth AKD surface, CA=109°.27 Since Onda’s work there have been several different routes employed to make superhydrophobic surfaces with varying benefits, such as high contact angle; simplicity in processing; inexpensive; optically transparency, and contact angle tunability. Plastic transformation28, carbon nanotubes29, polyelectrolyte multilayer surfaces30, galvanic cell reactions31, nanosphere lithography32, sol-gel foams33, and sol-gel alumina thin film method34 are examples of a few different fabrication methods. 22 2.4.1 Plastic Transformed Eribil et al., showed that a simple plastic could be turned into a superhydrophobic surface by changing the surface roughness of the plastic. 28 A smooth piece of commercially available hydrophobic plastic, isotactic polypropylene (i-PP), exhibits a contact angle of 104°, but when the material is made porous it yields contact angles of 160°, shown in Figure 12A,B. Granular iPP polymer was first dissolved in a solution of p-xylene and then mixed with a nonsolvent like methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). When mixing the dissolved i-PP / pxylene solution with a MEK, the nonsolvent acted as a polymer precipitator; i.e. increased the nucleation rate and also increased the wettability of the polymer solution. In a vacuum oven, the i-PP solution (i-PP, p-xylene, and MEK) at 130°C was coated dropwise onto the substrate, cooled rapidly to 70°C, and then dried at a controlled temperature. Figures 12C,D show i-PP coatings fabricated at different drying temperatures. This coating has been successfully produced on several different types of substrates, such as glass, aluminum foil, stainless steel, Teflon, and polypropylene. In general this is a simple method. However, there are drawbacks that limit this material’s usability. One is the required 130°C deposition temperature in a vacuum oven. This limits the type of substrate that can be used and also where the material can be deposited; meaning that without the use of a vacuum oven the material can not be coated. The i-PP coating either has a contact angle of 104° or 160° with no variation, meaning that there is no ability to pattern the material. 23 A C B D Figure 12: A) water droplet CA = 104° on a smooth i-PP surface, B) water droplet CA = 160° on an i-PP coated glass slide, C) SEM image of i-PP surface on a glass slide at 30°C drying temperature, D) at 60°C drying temperature. 28 2.4.2 Carbon Nanotube Forests Carbon nanotubes grown on silicon substrates and coated with a hydrophobic polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coating, also known as Teflon, exhibit contact angles as high as 170°.29 The carbon nanotubes were grown on silicon substrates by using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) method. Nickel (Ni) catalyst islands were formed on a silicon substrate by sintering a thin Ni film at 650°C. Carbon nanotubes were then grown from these Ni islands in a DC plasma discharge of acetylene and ammonia. The diameter and density of the tubes were controlled by the thickness of the initial Ni catalyst islands; while the plasma deposition time controlled the tube heights. A 24 carbon nanotube forest grown by this method is shown in Figure 13A; with tube diameters of 50nm and height of 2μm. A water droplet placed on the ‘as grown’ forest of carbon nanotubes, shown in Figure 13A, was immediately absorbed. When the nanotube heights are increased to 10 - 15μm an initial contact angle of 161° was obtained, but within a few minutes the droplet was completed absorbed into the nanotube forest. In order for the nanotubes to maintain their super-hydrophobicity a PTFE coating was applied through a hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) process. The ‘as grown’ carbon nanotube forests were placed into a deposition chamber where hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO) and perfluorobutane-1sulfonyl fluoride gas were passed over an array of stainless steel filaments heated to 500°C. The HFPO gas was thermally decomposed to form difluorocarbene (CF2) radicals. These CF2 radicals were deposited onto the tops of the carbon nanotubes where they polymerized into PTFE with the help of a promoter gas, perfluorobutane-1-sulfonyl fluoride. The as coated PTFE carbon nanotube forests, shown in Figure 13B, still maintained their ‘as grown’ individuality and were also able to maintain contact angles between 160° and 170°, as shown in Figure 13C. This method provides a very interesting way to incorporate carbon nanotubes into a superhydrophobic material. The nanotubes provide a very rough surface which is important in creating a SH material, but several key features in this approach limit its practicality. First, in order to grow the nanotubes the substrate must undergo a PECVD step at 650°C. Second, in 25 order to obtain permanent contact angles between 160° and 170°, the nanotubes and substrate must undergo another chemical deposition (HFCVD) at 500°C. These two features alone render this method of limited utility, and as with the plastic deformation method above, it is not possible to pattern the material in such a way as to control the contact angle. Figure 13: A) Uncoated forest of carbon nanotubes, B) PTFE coated forest of carbon nanotubes, C) droplet suspended on top of PTFE coated forest. 29 2.4.3 Polyelectrolyte Multilayers The fabrication of polyelectrolyte multilayers or layer-by-layer assembly (LbL) was created by alternating the dipping of a substrate into an aqueous polycation solution and an aqueous polyanion solution.30 During each dip, a monolayer was deposited onto the substrate. This coating changed the net 26 surface charge so that when the substrate was dipped into the alternate solution, the growing film electrostatically attracts a monolayer of the other solution. This continuous alternation of solutions will result in a multilayed film. Figures 14A and 14B show a multilayered film of 100.5 assembled bilayers produced from poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) dipping solutions that were further processed by immersions in low pH solutions. The films were then subjected to nanoparticle deposition in order to obtain the surface roughness required to achieve superhydrophobicity. The PAH/PAA acid immersed films are heated to 180°C for 2hr for cross-linking. Once the film is crossed-linked, 50nm SiO2 particles are deposited onto the film by alternately dipping into an aqueous solution of PAH and an aqueous suspension of negatively charged nanoparticles. When the desired bilayer height is achieved; the film undergoes its final dipping into the nanoparticle suspension. The film must then be subjected to a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of (tridecafluoro1,1,2,2-tetrahydrooctyl)-1-trichlorosilane followed by a 2hr heating at 180°C. The final film, shown in Figure 14C, gives contact angles of 172°, shown in Figure 14D. Building films layer by layer (100+ coatings) and having separate coating steps to impart the required surface roughness and low surface energy becomes time consuming and doesn’t allow for film deposition in a manner other than dipcoating. The substrate material is limited in size because of the need to be dipcoated and is limited by the requirement to withstand two separate 180°C heating steps. This technique also lacks the ability to alter the films CA after coating. 27 A C B D Figure 14: SEM of PAH/PAA films after (A) single acid treatment (B) combined acid treatment. C) SEM after silica nanoparticle deposition, D) CA=172 on PAH/PAA film after nanoparticle deposition and CVD.30 2.4.4 Galvanic Cell Reaction The galvanic cell reaction is an irreversible chemical reaction that generates electricity and is carried out by immersion of a silicon wafer into a solution consisting of a metallic ion and hydrofluoric acid (HF).31 Shi, et. al. used the galvanic cell reaction to create superhydrophobic surfaces by immersing a silicon wafer into a solution of silver nitrate (AgNO3) and HF at 45°C in a dark environment. They found that depending on the concentration of the AgNO3 in the HF solution and the amount of overall time that the silicon wafer was 28 submerged in the AgNO3-HF solution, the silicon wafer becomes covered with silver (Ag) nanostructures, shown in Figure 15A,B,C. After the AgNO3-HF treatment, the silicon wafer possesses a contact angle of 67°, shown in Figure 15D. In order to achieve a superhydrophobic contact angle the silicon wafer must undergo further surface modification; an ethanol solution of n-dodecanethiol was used to provide the necessary low surface energy coating. After 24 hours of soaking in the ethanol solution, the Ag nanostructured silicon wafer achieved contact angles of about 154°, see Figure 15E. A C B D E Figure 15: Varying time submerged 2nM AgNO3 and 5M HF solution A) 30min B) 60min. C) 10min submerged time in 20nM AgNO3 and 5M HF solution. D) contact angle as deposited CA=67°. E) contact angle after n-dodecanethiol surface modification.31 Immersion into AgNO3 – HF solution limits the type of substrate that can be used and possibly lowers overall optical clarity of the coating. This overall coating process is greater than 24 hrs which is extremely long. Also this technique does not allow for the CA to be changed after superhydrophobicity is reached. 29 2.4.5 Nanosphere Lithography Nanosphere Lithography uses polystyrene nanospheres as templates to produce periodic nanosphere arrays over large areas.32 Monodispersed polystyrene spheres in a liquid/surfactant solution deposited by spin coating were self-assembled into a close-packed array. Using an oxygen plasma etching technique, the polystyrene spheres’ size were then altered. The plasma etching reduced the diameter of the spheres while maintaining the original spacing of the close-packed array. Once the appropriate sphere size has been achieved, the arrays undergo a low surface energy modification. In this instance the arrays were coated with a thin gold layer and then subjected to an octadecanethiol treatment. Figure 16A,B,C,D shows polystyrene arrays with varying oxygen plasma etching times, also in the inset of each picture is the contact angle measurement varying from 135° to 168°, showing that the material has a small tunable contact angle zone. Using this method, film deposition is limited to spin- or dip-coating and the substrate material must be able to withstand the oxygen plasma treatment step. An important feature of this procedure is the ability to tune the film’s contact angle, which differs from the previous methods. Shiu, et. al. were able to control the variation in contact angle from 135° to 168°, but this variability will only allow the material to be used in other hydrophobic processes and limits its use in hydrophilic applications. The material is not patternable and with deposition of the gold film the coated material may lose optical clarity. 30 A B C D Figure 16: A) 400nm polystyrene beads with CA=135°, B) 360nm polystyrene beads with CA=144°, C) 330nm polystyrene beads with CA=152°, D) 190nm polystyrene beads with CA=168°.32 2.4.6 Sol-gel Foams Sol-gel foams are formed during a sol-gel phase separation process, as described earlier.33 A methyltrimethoxysilane, hydrochloric acid (HCl), and water mixture was allowed to hydrolyze for one hour at 22°C. The hydrolyzed mixture was then catalyzed with varying concentrations of an ammonia solution for gelation. A phase separation occurred simultaneously with gelation creating pores within the gel that varied from hundreds of nanometers to tens of microns in diameter. The gels were then left to age for 20 hours followed by air drying for three days. Finally, a heat treatment step was performed where the gels were heated to 300°C for further cross-linking and oxidation. The resulting foams were 31 then cut from the gel using a razor blade and the internal regions were then measured for a contact angle. The contact angles ranged between 150° and 160°. Figure 17a,b,c shows the internal framework of foams made with differing concentrations of ammonia. When heated to 400°C or greater the foams became hydrophilic. However, when subjected to a chemical vapor treatment of chlorotrimethylsilane (TMSCl) or 2-(3-methylbutyl) dimethylsilylchloride (PDMSCl) the contact angles could be restored to values close to their original non-heated values. Figure 17: MTEOS foams gelled with varying concentrations of ammonia, a) 1.1M and b) 2.2M. c) PTEOS/MTEOS with 22M ammonia. All three gels were heated to 300°C.33 The foams were fabricated in a similar fashion as the material featured in this study using sol-gel chemistry. Unlike our process which will be described in detail in the next chapter, Shirtcliffe, et. al. uses the bulk gel made as a result of the sol-gel process as the final material.33 The bulk gel was formed in a mold and must be removed from the mold and further modified on a surface in order to impart SH properties to the material. This substrate-less material is therefore limited in its practical uses. While this process does allow for CA alteration, the method does not lend itself to patterning. 32 2.4.7 Alumina Films Alumina thin films made by the sol-gel method also have shown superhydrophobic properties.34 The alumina films are made from a mixture of aluminum-tri-sec-butoxide, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl acetoacetate, and water. Soda lime glass plates were dip-coated into the aluminum mixture and heated to 400°C for 10min; obtaining a porous aluminum oxide (Al2O3) thin film. The film then underwent a 10min immersion into boiling water. This immersion allowed for the formation of flowerlike structures (boemite crystals) on the top of the Al 2O3 films, shown in Figure 18A,B. Once the films were heated again to 400°C for 10min, they underwent a silane surface modification step. A partially hydrolyzed fluoroalkylsilane (FAS), in this case heptadecafluorodecyltrimethoxysilane, was used to lower the surface free energy of the Al2O3 film ultimately achieving contact angles between 160° and 165°. When heated to 500ºC these films become superhydrophilic with CA < 5º. These SH surfaces can be made patternable by UV irradiation combined with deposition of a titanium oxide (TiO2) layer between the Al2O3 layer and the FAS layer. The TiO2 layer was deposited using a mixture of titanium nbutoxide, ethanol, acetyl acetate and water in a 1:160:1:4 molar ratio. Once the Al2O3 layer was coated with the TiO2 solution, it was heated to either 350°C or 500°C and then coated with the FAS. Contact angles as high as 160° were obtained, after UV irradiation from a high pressure mercury lamp the contact angle of these films reduced to below 5°. By using a photomask these hydrophilic areas may be patterned within the superhydrophobic regions. 33 A B Figure 18: SEM showing the surface of the aluminum oxide film after A) only heat treated to 400° and B) after immersion in boiling water for 10min. 34 Unlike any of the processes detailed above, this process allows for the material to be patterned via UV irradiation although this requires and extra process step with the addition of the TiO2 layer. The drawback to this process is the required 400ºC heating and the immersion into boiling water limiting the type of usable substrate. As stated earlier, the inventors of the above techniques believe that their particular method is quick, cheap, easy, and can be used to coat various materials. Table I shows a brief summation of the methods reviewed above along with a summary of the method that was used in this work for comparison. As can be seen, the method of choice for this work has applicability in being flexible for deposition method and substrate, and allows for a tunable contact angle along with a patternable surface to control the amount of hydrophobicity exhibited by the surface. Since this capability to pattern the material is the centerpiece of this thesis, the next section will cover the patterning 34 and a secondary vapor silylation treatment step of the aerogel films made using the sol-gel process. Table II: Comparing the various coating methods to our sol-gel coating approach Coating Method Contact Angle (deg) Substrate Pretreatment Deposition Surface Modification Tunable CA Plastic Transformation 160 unknown dropwise / 130ºC vacuum oven rapid cooling from 130º to 70º No No No Carbon Nanotube Forest 170 Ni catalyst islands IN PECVD @ 650ºC plasma discharge acetylene/ammonia HFCVD coating @ 500ºC No No No Polyelectrolyte Multilayers 172 acidic soakings 100+ dip coatings CVD the 180ºC / 2hrs No Yes No Galvanic Cell Reaction 154 dodecanethiol soaking overnight No No No Nanosphere Lithography 168 Sol-Gel Foam ultrasonic washings in AgNO3 / HF immersion acetone and ethanol Patternable Transparent unknown spin coating Oxygen Plasma / Ag deposition / octadecanethiol rinse 132º - 170º No No 160 no substrate no deposition heated to 300ºC No No No Sol-Gel Alumina 160 Al2O3 heated to 400º / immersion in boiling water dip coating heptadecafluorodecyltrimethoxisilane 5º - 160º Yes No Coating 1 (10/912,576) 172 acidic soakings 10 - 100+ dip coatings w/ Si particles 0.2 - 20 microns in diameter CVD the 180ºC / 2hrs No Yes No Coating 2 (PCT/AU2004/000462) 165 unknown spray, spin, dip with hexane solvent Room temp or 150ºC heating to crosslink polymer strands No No Depends on size of particulate material Our Sol-Gel Coating 172 None spray, spin, dip None 0º - 170º Yes Yes 35 3.0 EXPERIMENTAL & RESULTS Building upon past work by Sai Prakash (master thesis, University of New Mexico, awarded December 1995), the concepts gained from his work with the tetraethylorthosilicate sol will be employed throughout this work.7 3.1 Making of gels Three different silica precursors were used in this study; a fluorinated silane, 3,3,3-trifluoropropyl-trimethoxysilane (TFPTMOS) and two unfluorinated silanes, tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and tetramethylorthosilicate (TMOS). All techniques produced superhydrophobic materials. The fluorinated gels were made in a one-step base catalyzed procedure while the unfluorinated gels were made with a two-step acid base catalyzed procedure.7,35,36 3.1.1 TFPTMOS Gels The fluorinated gels were made with TFPTMOS, trimethoxysilane (TMOS), methanol (MeOH), water (H2O), and ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) in a 0.33:1:41.56:5.85:0.003 molar ratio. This mixture was stirred for one hour and aged for 96hr at 50°C.35 3.1.2 TEOS Gels The TEOS gels were made with an initial mixture of TEOS, ethanol (EtOH), H2O, and hydrochloric acid (HCl) in a 1:4:1:0.007 molar ratio (B2 solution)7 that was allowed to react at 60°C while stirring for 1.5hr and then stored overnight in a freezer. A portion of the B2 solution was added to EtOH in a 1:4 volume ratio. This mixture was then catalyzed with 0.5N NH4OH solution. 36 To accelerate gelation and promote siloxane condensation, the gel was aged at 50°C for 48 hours. 3.1.3 TMOS Gels The details for these gels can be found in David Kissel’s master’s thesis entitled “Mechanical Property Characterization of Solgel Derived Nanomaterials Using an Acoustic Wave Technique”; University of New Mexico, awarded December 2007. The TMOS gels were made with H2O, TMOS, MeOH, HCl in a molar ratio of 68.2:1.0:3.1:3.75x10-3. Gellation occurred between four and five days at 50°C.36 3.1.4 Gel Washing After aging, all gels were subjected to a pore fluid-exchange procedure using 6% HMDS or TMCS in hexane to allow for surface modification. First, the gel is washed with two ethanol washes in approximately two hours followed by two hexane washes in approximately two hours. The gel is then washed with a 6vol% mixture of HMDS in hexane over a 24 hour period.7 Finally the gel is washed again in excess hexane twice in approximately two hours and then excess ethanol over a two hour period. At this point the gel is ready for sonication. 3.1.5 Gel Sonication After the gel is washed, it is sonicated in order to reliquify the gel. In the sonication step, a weight percent mixture of gel and EtOH or MeOH are sonicated in a special glass container that allows for recirculation of the sol on a 37 600watt VirSonic ultrasonic cell disrupter sonicator (VirTis; Gardiner, NY; Virsonic Digital 600) equipped with a 0.5inch titanium disrupter probe at a power setting 65watts for three sets of 30min. During sonication, the container is placed in an ice bath to prevent solvent evaporation; ethanol was added back into the sol if evaporation did occur. Once reliquified the sols are passed through a 1μm syringe filter to remove the large sized clusters that did not break-up during sonication. Once filtered, the sol is ready for the coating method of choice: spin-, dip-, or spray-coating. Until coating occurs the sols are placed in a freezer for storage. 3.2 Coating procedures Approximately 30min before coating, the sol is removed from the freezer and allowed to equilibrate with room temperature. After warming, the sol can be coated in various ways: spin, spray, or dip. These three coating techniques allow for thin films with thicknesses varying from tens of nanometers to several microns to be coated on virtually any substrate. 3.2.1 Spin Coating Spin coating depositions limit the type of substrates that can be used and the overall film thicknesses. For this work, a Headway spin coater was used (Headway Research, Inc.; Garland, TX; model EC101). In order to obtain a completely uniform coating a circular substrate is ideal. Square and rectangular substrates can also be used as long as the substrate is small enough to fit within the spin-coater’s 6 inch diameter catch basin. However edge effects, such as 38 thickness variation or striation will occur at the corner of the films on a noncircular substrate. Table III gives TEOS film thicknesses versus coating speeds in revolutions per minute (RPM). In spin coating as the coating speed increases the thickness decreases. The thickness measurements were obtained using an ellipsometer (J.A. Woollam Co., Inc.; Lincoln, NE; model EC110) equipped with 100W mercury lamp. Films with thickness greater than the values obtained in Table III can be obtained with a multiple coat process. Table III: Spin coating TEOS film thicknesses versus spin coating speeds in revolutions per minute (RPM). Coating Speed (rpm) Thickness (Å) Refractive Index 500 2368 1.14 1000 1767 1.12 1500 1551 1.12 2000 1347 1.12 3.2.2 Dip Coating Dip coating, like spin coating, also limits the type of substrates that can be used and overall film thickness. The substrate shape can vary but must be able to be completely submerged in the sol bath and depending on the amount of sol present the sample size must vary accordingly; i.e. the more sol available the larger the substrate that can be used and vice-versa. Regardless of substrate shape, edge effects will occur along the sides and bottom of the film. Table IV, shows TEOS film thicknesses obtained with varying withdraw rates in inches per 39 minute (IPM). Unlike spin coating, film thicknesses during dip coating increase as the coating speed increases. Table IV: Dip coating TEOS film thicknesses versus coating withdraw speeds in inches per minute (IPM). Coating Thickness Refractive Speed (Å) Index (inches/min) 1 5 10 15 643.8 915.1 1559.8 1738.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 3.2.3 Spray Coating Spray coating allows for the widest variety of substrates that can be coated; encompassing virtually any type and size. It also uses the least amount of sol of any of the coating processes. One downfall to this technique is the ability to control film uniformity and thickness. Thicknesses can vary from a few nanometers to microns and no two coatings will be the same, either in thickness or uniformity unless the process involves an automated spray coating system, like robocasting. Because of this non-uniformity it is difficult to obtain thickness measurements using an ellipsometer, therefore another technique must be used to determine the film’s thickness such as a scanning electron microscope (SEM) or a profilometer. 40 3.3 Patterning Patterning of the SH material was done with Jelight Company Inc’s, UV Ozone-cleaner (UVO) model 342. The cartoon in Figure 19 shows a simplistic interpretation of how the patterning works. A substrate coated with one of the three SH sols, described above, is placed film-side-up into the UVO sample tray and is exposed to the UV light. It is thought that the UV light in combination with the ozone being generated replaces methyl groups with hydroxyl groups within the film thereby controlling the value of θ in the Cassie-Baxter and Feng equations 4 and 6. This proposed mechanism will be discussed later. A mask can be placed in contact with the film to specify the desired areas where this replacement will occur. The contact angle of the masked regions remains unchanged, while the contact angle of the exposed regions is progressively reduced depending on the exposure time of the films to the UV/Ozone. This will be discussed in more detail later. 41 Patterned UV exposure t1=10’s sec t2=2-3min t3>3min Spatial gray scale control of contact angle CA~165º CA~130º CA~92º H2O unexposed H2O t1 CA<45º H2O H2O t2 t3 Figure 19: Cartoon of wetting lithography showing how UV/Ozone alters a films CA based on the film’s exposure time to the light 3.3.1 Contact angle change during UV/Ozone exposure A series of TEOS samples were placed in the UVO cleaner’s 6.5” x 6.5” sample tray six millimeters below the mercury lamp to determine how the contact angle changes with time; the results are shown in Figure 20. As can been seen, the wetting angle undergoes a period of incubation during which little change in contact angle is seen, followed by a region of fairly rapid change in contact angle with additional exposure. At long time, completely hydrophilic surfaces are obtained, and further exposure to these surfaces does not incur any further changes in the contact angle. 42 Lithography of Wetting UV Treatment Times Contact Angle (deg) 160 Super-Hydrophobic 120 80 40 Super-Hydrophilic 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (sec) Figure 20: Top) Lithography of wetting of a TFPTMOS film, contact angles achieved by varying amounts of UV/Ozone exposure. Bottom) TEOS film contact angle versus UV treatment times using the Jelight’s UVO-cleaner model 342. Several factors were checked to determine the cause for the change in wetting angle: temperature, UV wavelengths, ozone only, and atmosphere. A thermocouple was placed inside the UVO cleaner to determine the overall temperature increase of the sample chamber. Figure 21 shows that after ten minutes the maximum temperature the sample chamber reaches is 75°C. This temperature increase does not cause a change the contact angle of the film. A side study showed that heating to 450°C in air produced no change in the film’s 43 contact angle, so this low temperature exposure has no effect on the contact angle. 80 70 Temperature (˚C) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (min) Figure 21: Temperature profile of the UVO cleaner during patterning of TEOS film. The low pressure uncoated mercury grid lamp, located inside the UVO cleaner, produces two main wavelengths of UV simultaneously: 184.9nm and 253.7nm. The spectral output of the lamp is shown in Figure 22. SH samples with a CA>160° were placed under three different monochromatic wavelengths of light (245nm, 302nm, 365nm) to determine if a change in wetting angle occur. After 15min exposures at each wavelength there was no change in the films contact angles, indicating that monochromatic UV light, by itself, cannot cause the change in contact angle observed. Due to the fact that a UV/Ozone cleaner is being utilized as the UV source, ozone alone was tested to determine its role in contact angle alteration. A SH TEOS film was placed in a small chamber attached to an ozone generator. 44 At maximum ozone generation the film’s CA changed 3° in a 60min exposure. An exposure of greater than 18hr yielded a CA change of only 20°. These results show that ozone alone can not account for the CA changes that occur during the UV/Ozone process. It must therefore be that a combination of UV and ozone exposure is responsible for the observed change. A second test to determine if ozone plays a role in the alteration of the contact angle was to replace the ambient air atmosphere with nitrogen, without the presence of oxygen ozone can not be generated. The UVO sample chamber was purged with nitrogen for one hour to displace the oxygen within the sample chamber. After an exposure of three minutes to the UV/Ozone, the TMOS film CA changed from 165° to 144°, a 21° overall change. This change is considerably less than the 100° change in contact angle observed with the same TMOS film at ambient room conditions. A longer nitrogen purge period was done overnight (time >12hr) resulting in the same 21° contact angle change. This change in contact angle indicates that complete chamber displacement of oxygen with nitrogen did not occur, since some oxygen must have remained in the system to create the small change in contact angle that was observed. Proposed mechanism The spectral output of the low pressure uncoated mercury grid lamp used in the UVO cleaner is shown in Figure 22. This type of lamp emits two main wavelengths of light, 184.9nm and 253.7nm. The 184.9nm wavelength is ultimately responsible for the formation of the ozone via the reaction mechanism 45 shown in Figure 23. Atmospheric oxygen is decomposed to form activated atomic oxygen. The activated oxygen quickly reacts with atmospheric oxygen to form ozone. The 253.7nm wavelength then decomposes the ozone producing more atmospheric oxygen and activated oxygen. Figure 22: Spectra output of the uncoated mercury grip lamp used in the UVO cleaner (data courtesy of Crystec Company, Altötting, Germany) During this continuous cycle of ozone formation and destruction, the 253.7nm light is also absorbed by methyl groups on the SH film. The terminating methyl groups become energized and react readily with the activated oxygen atoms producing simple volatile molecules like CO, CO2, H2O, etc. replacing the methyl groups with hydroxyl groups. These hydroxyl terminated groups have a higher surface free energy than the methyl groups resulting in a greater attraction to the water and thus a decrease in the contact angle. 46 O2 + hv184.9nm → 2 O* O* + O2 → O3 Ozone Formation O3 + hv253.7nm → O2 + O* O* + O3 → 2O2 Ozone Destruction Surface Reaction Si—CH3 + hv253.7nm → Si—[CH3]* + 4 O* Si—[CH3]* → Si—OH + CO2 + H2O Figure 23: Reaction mechanism showing the formation and destruction of ozone ultimately responsible for the contact angle change observed during lithography. 3.3.2 SH film variation The UV/Ozone mechanism was tested to determine if the observed contact angle changes were material specific. Contact angles were measured after varying times of UV/Ozone exposure. All three precursor materials (TFPTMOS, TEOS, and TMOS) showed a reduction in the films’ CA from the effect of the UV/Ozone exposures. See Figure 24 for the results. The TMOS film appeared to have a quicker response to the UV/Ozone followed by the TEOS and TFPTMOS films. In addition, the wait time between UV/Ozone treatments may not have been held constant, the typical wait time between exposures is 5min. This could also account for the variability within the CA changes and is discussed later in Section 3.3.3. 47 UV/Ozone Treatment of Various Materials 180 TMOS 160 TFPTMOS B2 Contact Angle (deg) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Time (sec) Figure 24: Wetting lithography dependence on silica precursor The UV/Ozone mechanism also was tested to determine if film thickness affected the wetting angle change. Figure 25 shows data collected from three TMOS films with thicknesses of 243nm, 589nm, and 967nm. As shown there is very little effect in overall contact angle change with UV/Ozone exposures less than 120sec. As UV/Ozone times become greater than 120sec there appears to be a slight dependence on film thickness. The 243nm film obtains a 0º contact angle first followed by the 589nm film and then the 967nm film. 48 180 243nm 160 589nm 967nm Contact Angle (deg) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (sec) Figure 25: Wetting lithography dependence on film thickness. 3.3.3 Contact angle reproducibility Three TMOS films with exactly the same film thickness and starting CA were compared to determine the ability to reproduce the wetting angle curves similar to the one shown in Figure 20bottom. The only variation in the test was the amount of wait time between UV/Ozone exposures: 5sec, 5min, and overnight. For example the 5sec wait time; the first sample is exposed to UV/Ozone for 30sec and is removed from the UVO cleaner. The next sample is loaded into the chamber, 5sec after the last exposure the next sample is exposed for 60sec, then removed from the chamber and the next sample is loaded. Five seconds after the last exposure the next sample is exposed. Figure 26 shows the results of the test. There is little difference in the contact angle values for UV/Ozone exposures less than 120sec. After the 150sec sample a significant 49 difference begins to appear with the three CA values being 129º, 115º, and 95º. The overall time it took the overnight wait sample to reach the 0º threshold was 300sec. This time is 120sec greater that the 5sec wait sample and 90sec greater than the 5min wait sample. 180 160 Contact Angle (deg) 140 120 100 80 60 5min wait Overnight wait 40 5sec wait 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (sec) Figure 26: CA curves showing the effects that occur based on the amount of time elapsed from one exposure to the next. This variation in the exposure time to reach a 0º CA is believed to be due to the residual ozone present within the UVO sample chamber. The half-life of ozone in air at 25ºC based solely on thermal decomposition is three days.37 This does not take into account contaminants in the air that will react readily with the ozone. Considering these contaminants the average half-life of ozone is typically between 15-30min.37 One possible explanation for this effect is that shorter wait times between exposures result in new samples receiving a slightly higher 50 exposure to activated ozone complexes, resulting in the decreased incubation time before the hydrophobic to hydrophilic transition is initiated. 3.3.4 Patterning types Three types of mask were employed in patterning the SH films presented: a solid prototype, a photolithographic mask made in-house, and a photolithographic mask made by a professional mask house (Photronics, Somewhere, Some State). Figure 27A,B,C shows examples of all three masks. Since it is exposure to UV combined with exposure to ozone which is proposed as a mechanism, areas transparent to the UV wavelengths will become hydrophilic while regions not exposed to the UV remain superhydrophobic. The in-house made mask (Figure 27B) is a piece of nontransparent tape over a quartz wafer with the desired pattern cut out exposing the quartz slide. Quartz must be used to allow the correct wavelengths of light to reach the sample. Figure 27D shows a TFPTMOS film after it was patterned with this mask; the pattern is not visible on the dry film. In Figure 27E, the film is submerged under water; close inspection reveals the patterned image. Figure 27F shows the film immediately after removal from the water revealing the Sandia National Laboratories thunderbird emblem. The emblem is completely visible due to adhered water in the hydrophilic regions of the pattern. When the water was blown off, the emblem completely disappears as shown in Figure 27G. 51 A D B E C F G Figure 27: Three types of mask: A) solid prototype mask, B) in-house mask, and C) Photronics chrome lithographic mask. Dip coated TFPTMOS film at varying stages after UV/Ozone patterning: D) just after patterning, E) under water, F) pattern visible when removed from water, G) water blown off pattern disappears. 3.4 Lithography reversal by silane treatment The lower contact angles obtained after UV/Ozone exposure are reversible allowing for the original contact angle to be re-attained almost completely. A post-vapor silanation treatment will reverse the UV/Ozone degradation of the methyl groups. Superhydrophobic films with original contact angles greater than 160° prior to UV/Ozone treatment and CAs as low as 0° after treatment have been restored to CAs up to 155°, this can be seen in Figure 28. While these values are close to the original CAs for the film, the original values were not achieved due to either an irreversible chemical or irreversible 52 structural/geometrical change that occurred in the film either during UV/Ozone patterning or exposure to water after patterning. Figure 28: UV/Ozone exposure reversal. Blue bars represent the CA of a TMOS film that has been exposed to varying amounts of UV/Ozone. The red bars represent the CA re-attained on the exposed film after a 15 min vapor silanation treatment. 3.5 Chemical change caused by UV/Ozone exposure During UV/Ozonation the terminated methyl groups are replaced with hydroxyl groups. The extent of replacement varies with exposure to the UV/Ozone. Two forms of spectroscopy were used to measure the extent of methyl group replacement: Fourier Transform InfraRed Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS). FTIR is a spectroscopy technique that passes infrared radiation through a sample material. Some of the infrared radiation is absorbed by the sample and 53 some of it passes through or is transmitted. This resulting spectrum represents the molecular adsorption and transmission, creating a molecular fingerprint of the sample. Like a human fingerprint no two molecular structures produce the same spectrum. Figure 29 shows FTIR spectrums of six TMOS films with varying UV/Ozone exposures from 0 to 5min. The broad stretch shown in each spectra between 2900 and 3000 cm-1 indicates the present of aliphatic moieties. As the UV/Ozone exposure time increases from 0 to 5min, the area under this stretch decreases as determined by comparison to the unchanged stretch at 1507 cm-1 (not shown). This decrease in area corresponds to a decrease in C—H bonding which agrees well with the decrease in contact angle observed experimentally. This aliphatic stretch decrease also agrees with the proposed UV/Ozone mechanism that shows a replacement occurring between terminated methyl groups with hydroxyl groups. Due to the methyl groups replacement with hydroxyl groups, one would expect to see an increase in the Si—OH groups, broad stretch between 3200 and 3600cm-1, as the C—H stretch decreases. It is unclear why this increase is not present. 54 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 Absorbance 0.010.02- 0 min. 1 min. 0.03- 2 min. 0.04- 3 min. 0.05- 4 min. 5 min. 3600 3500 3400 3300 3200 3100 3000 2900 2800 2700 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) Figure 29: Fourier Transform InfraRed Spectroscopy (FTIR) of TMOS films with varying contact angles. EELS is a spectroscopy technique typically used in conjunction with Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). During TEM, the atomic electrons within a sample are bombarded with free electrons.38 Inelastic collisions occur causing a energy loss in the free electrons. By using an electron spectrometer the energy loss is measured to determine what atomic electrons caused the loss. EELS is a very good technique for measuring low atomic number species, i.e. carbon. Figure 30 shows EELS data collected from two TMOS films, one with CA=167º and one with CA=0º. The 167º film shows relatively large amounts of carbon atoms present while the 0º film shows none. This correlates well to the theory that surface methyl groups (containing carbon) are replaced by hydroxyl groups during the UV/Ozone treatments. 55 C TEM O CA=167º C TEM O CA=0º Figure 30: Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS). Top three images are for a TMOS film with a CA=167º while the bottom three images are for a TMOS film with CA=0º. The images on the left are TEM pictures showing where the EELS measurements occurred. The middle images show amounts of carbon atoms present in the material. There are significant amounts of carbon present in the CA=167º film while relatively none exists in the CA=0º film. 3.5 Structural change caused by UV/Ozone exposure Three measurements were employed to determine if any structural changes occurred to the films during UV/Ozone exposure: Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (GISAXS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and Refractive Index (RI) measurements. GISAXS is an x-ray technique (similar to SAXS) used to determine surface and thin film properties. An x-ray beam at a very small incident angle is directed at the film. The x-rays are scattered by electron density changes within the film. 56 These scattered x-rays are recorded on a 2D detector where the scattering intensities are recorded. A log-log plot of the scattering intensities, I(s), versus the scattering vector, s, yields the information about the mass fractal of the film, shown in Figure 31 (top). The slope of the linear portion of the plot yields the mass fractal dimension, (D). Figure 31 (bottom) shows the mass fractal dimensions obtained for TMOS films exposed to the UV/Ozone for varying times. All GISAXS measurements were done at Argonne National Laboratory’s Advanced Photon Source, beam-line 8ID. As can be seen the mass fractal dimension increases as a function of UV/Ozone exposure. This indicates shrinkage of the film’s porosity due possibly to the condensation of the film’s silicon-dioxide network. 57 1000 100 I(s) D 10 1 0.1 Mass Fractal Dimension l s [nm-1] L -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2 -2.2 -2.4 -2.6 -2.8 -3 0 50 100 150 200 UV/Ozone exposure (sec) Figure 31: Mass fractal dimensions obtain via GISAXS. Top) log-log plot of the scattering intensity versus the scattering vector. Bottom) Mass fractal dimensions obtained from a UV/Ozone exposed TMOS film. AFM measurements were done to determine if the film’s surface roughness changed as a result of UV/Ozone exposure. Figure 32 shows scans of two TMOS films, one with a CA=165º and the other with a CA=0º. The RMS roughness values for the films are 76.9nm and 75.9nm, respectively. Since this is within the margin of error, it indicates that there is no change in the films surface roughness due to the UV/Ozone exposures. All AFM measurements 58 were done by Stephen Howell at Sandia National Labs using a MLCT-AUNM-A tip, a spring constant of 0.05N/m with the scan mode set to jump mode in an ambient environment. Since GISAXS data indicated a possible densification of the SiO2 network, but the AFM data did not indicate a change in the surface roughness, these data seem to indicate that bulk properties are somehow related to the irreversible loss in contact angle observed due to fraction of the solid in contact with the liquid droplet, fv . CA=165° (10um x10um scan) CA=0° (10um x10um scan) RMS roughness: 76.9 nm RMS roughness: 75.9 nm 2.0µm 2.0µm Figure 32: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) images. Image on the left is of an as casted SH TEOS film with a CA=165 º. Image on the right is of a SH TEOS film after exposure to UV/Ozone for 5min possessing a CA=0º. The Index of Refraction (RI) of a material is a ratio of the velocity of light through a reference material (usually light in a vacuum and is equal to 1) to the velocity of light though the sample material. Figure 33 shows how the RI varies with varying amounts of UV/Ozone exposures. A TMOS film with a CA=165º and a RI=1.054 was exposed to UV/Ozone for varying amounts of time obtaining contact angles of 151.3º, 129.8º, 115.6º, 71º, and 0º. After each exposure, the 59 film’s RI was measured immediately after exposure and no change was observed; remaining at 1.054. This indicates that the UV/Ozone causes no change in the films thickness or in porosity. A second TMOS film was treated in the same manner except for after UV/Ozone exposure the film was placed in contact with water followed by measurement of the RI. As can be seen in Figure 33, the RI increases as contact angle decreased. This indicates that once the film is placed in contact with water and condensation of the silica network occurs causing a decrease in film porosity. Plugging these values in to the LorentzLorenz equation, we obtained a volume fraction of vapor (fv) and solid (fs) for a film with a RI of 1.078 as fs=0.214 and fv=0.786 and for a RI of 1.238 as fs=0.621 and fv=0.379. These large changes in the volume fractions of the two phases indicate that a change in the bulk film porosity has occurred as a result of water interaction, which is in agreement with the data observed from both GISAXS and AFM indicating a bulk change. 60 1.26 0.9 1.24 0.8 0.7 1.2 0.6 RI w/H2O RI w/o H2O Fraction Solids Fraction Vapor 1.18 1.16 0.5 0.4 1.14 Volume Fraction Refractive Index @ 600nm 1.22 0.3 1.12 0.2 1.1 0.1 1.08 1.06 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 180 Contact Angle (deg) Figure 33: Index of Refraction – Blue line shows the change in the refractive index of a TMOS film contacted with water as a function of contact angle. Yellow line shows the volume fraction of solids while the Sky Blue line shows the volume fraction of vapor for the film; both values were obtained from the Lorentz-Lorenz equation. The Pink line represents the RI of a film that has not interacted directly with water. 3.6 Cassie-Baxter and Feng approximations Using the values obtained from the GISAXS and RI measurements, theoretical contact angles were calculated to determine a relationship between projected contact angles from the Cassie-Baxter and Feng equations (equations 4 and 6, respectively) to the contact angle obtained experimentally. Table V shows all values obtained from the above experiments. The CA rough is the observed macroscopic CA change on our SH film at varying UV/Ozone 61 exposures, while the CAsmooth is the observed microscopic CA change on a TMCS treated microscope slide at varying UV/Ozone exposures. The D and (L/l)D-2 values were obtained from the log-log plots of the scattering intensities versus the scattering vector. The fs and fv values were calculated using the RI measurements. Table V: Values obtained from GISAXS and RI measurements. Black values are experiment values Red values were obtained from GISAXS measurements while the blue represents valued obtained from RI measurements. Exp Time (sec) 0 60 120 150 180 210 CAexperimental 164 143 136 129 120 91 CAsmooth 100 61.5 30.8 30.3 20.8 10.6 D 2.35 2.36 1.7 1.94 1.94 1.77 (L/l)^D-2 2.1330 2.1797 0.5224 0.8782 0.8782 0.6079 fs 0.2138 0.2167 0.2079 0.2282 0.2809 0.6209 fv 0.7862 0.7833 0.7921 0.7718 0.7191 0.3791 Solving each equation, the Cassie-Baxter and the Feng, with the values presented in Table V, we were able to obtain theoretical values that closely matched our observed values as shown in Figure 34. The contact angles predicted by the Cassie-Baxter model correspond well with the experimentally observed CA values. Although the projected CA values for the films exposed to water after UV/Ozone treatments are lower than the observed values, the curve trends nicely with the experimental values. The CA approximations made for the film that was not exposed to water correspond well to observed results until the values past the 180sec point. At this point the 62 theoretical curve continues horizontally and begins to deviate from experimentally obtained contact angles. The Feng CA approximation also correlates well with the observed experimental values. The initial and 60sec values are both lower than the experimental values. After 120sec both the approximated CAs and experimental CAs correlate nicely with each other. Because of the limited time and unknown results, multiple repeats of the same sample were not studied. Since only one set of data points were obtained these points may be an outlier. Similar to the CB predictions, the curve for the Feng approximation of the film not exposed to water continues horizontally after the 180sec data point; again indicating a divergence between the theoretical and experimental contact angles. 63 180 160 140 Contact Angle (deg) 120 100 80 60 Experimental CA CB prediction Feng prediction 40 CB - no water Feng - no water 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 UV/Ozone exposure time (sec) Figure 34: Cassie-Baxter and Feng approximations for theoretical contact angles compared to experimental values obtained on a TMOS film. 64 4.0 CONCLUSION Nature’s ability to control wetting has inspired theories of its potential in both technological and day to day applications. The importance of this control has been realized by scientists worldwide and has led to the creation of many superhydrophobic materials. Very few of these materials possess the ability to alter its contact angle, and the majority that do can only change contact angles between superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic. The limited few that can vary their contact angle between 170º and 0º require extensive and harmful chemical processes resulting in its limited manufacturability. The study presented here yields a process that creates a simple SH coating with a noninvasive lithographic technique enabling the control of the materials contact angle with micron level precision. Superhydrophobic sol-gel materials were prepared by sonicating a hydrophobic silica gel in ethanol. The surface of the gel was made hydrophobic by replacement of the pendant hydroxyls with methyl groups. Inherent ‘springback’ of the silicon dioxide structure creates the nanoscale roughness needed to develop the superhydrophobic effect. UV/Ozone treatments were carried out on SH films, spin-coated or dipcoated to various thicknesses. It was found that the films’ contact angles decreased with increased exposure times to UV/Ozone. This contact angle change was also shown to be reversible with a post silylation treatment. Two forms of spectroscopy were used to measure the extent of chemical changes occurring during the UV/Ozone treatments: Fourier Transform Infrared 65 Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS). The FTIR measurements showed a reduction in C-H bonding as UV/Ozone exposure time increased. EELS measurements confirmed FTIR measurements by showing a decrease in carbon atoms with increased UV/ozone exposure GISAXS measurements conducted at the Advanced Photon Source revealed an increase in the overall mass fractal dimension of the bulk film indicating a condensation of the silicon dioxide network. AFM measurements indicated that no change in the surface roughness occurs during UV/Ozone exposures. The RI measurements confirmed GISAXS measurements by showing a collapse in the silicon dioxide network with an increase in the films index of refraction. Using GISAXS and RI measurements, theoretical contact angles obtained from the Cassie-Baxter and Feng equations were compared to the observed contact angles. Good agreement between all values was observed for both models and the experimentally measured values. A proposed UV/Ozone mechanism has UV light continuously forming and destroying ozone creating atomic oxygen in the process. The SH film’s terminated methyl groups also become excited during the UV exposure. The excited methyl groups bond with the atomic oxygen to form less volatile compounds and are replaced within the film with higher free energy hydroxyl groups creating a reduction in the film’s contact angle. This thesis describes a technique to photo-lithographically pattern the wetting behavior on any surface from 0º to 170º. 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Porod Plots from GISAXS Data for UV-Ozone Treated Superhydrophobic Aerogels CA165, 100C log (I) CA146, UVO CA138, UVO CA127, UVO CA98, UVO CA0, UVO 0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 q (1/Angstrom) Zoom of Porod regions showing the slope of the line: Scattering curve for the as coated SH coating with CA=164°. log (intensity) lot#056501_CA=164 as coated -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 log q (1/A) 71 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 Scattering curve for SH film exposed to 1min UV/Ozone possessing a CA=146°. log (intensity) lot#056508_CA=146 UV-ozone 1 min -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 log q (1/A) Scattering curve for SH film exposed to 1.5min UV/Ozone possessing a CA=138°. log (intensity) lot#056509_CA=138 UV-ozone 1.5 min -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 log q (1/A) 72 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 Scattering curve for SH film exposed to 2min UV/Ozone possessing a CA=98°. log (intensity) lot#056510_CA=127 UV-ozone 2 min -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 log q (1/A) Scattering curve for SH film exposed to 2.5min UV/Ozone. log (intensity) lot#056511_CA=98 UV-ozone 2.5 min -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 log q (1/A) 73 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 Scattering curve for SH film exposed to 3.5min UV/Ozone. log (intensity) lot#056512_CA=98 UV-ozone 3.5 min -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 log q (1/A) Comparision of all scattering curves together. 4.00E+00 3.50E+00 3.00E+00 CA=165 CA=146 log (intensity) 2.50E+00 CA=138 CA=127 2.00E+00 CA=98 CA=0 1.50E+00 1.00E+00 5.00E-01 0.00E+00 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 log q (1/A) 74 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0 Plot showing trend of mass fractal dimensions and contact angle change. Affects of UV-Ozone Treatment on SH Aerogel Films 3 180 160 Fractal Dimension 2.5 140 2 120 100 1.5 1 80 Fractal Dimension Below 1 nm scale 60 Water Contact Angle 40 0.5 20 0 0 50 100 150 0 250 200 UV-O3 time (s) 75 Fractal Dimension Above 1 nm scale