BRING LAB BOOK AND TOOLBOX TO CLASS EVERY DAY! 1. Lab book 2. Tool box with tools Tools you should carry with you every day for any class, they are required for my classroom. Tool Box items o o o o o o o o o Pencils pink eraser hand sharpener with catcher bin Red pen or pencil for grading work Black or Blue Pen for projects Colored Pencils Scissors Highlighter Glue and/or tape Class Rules 1. Listen and follow directions. 2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat. 3. 4. 5. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Consequences : 1st time a rule is broken: Warning 2nd time a rule is broken: Rule Review with parent signature. 3rd time a rule is broken: Parent Contact Respect your classmates and your teacher. Respect property Repeat infractions may have detentions and/or office referrals Mrs. Scott’s Cell Phone Policy 1. 2. Cell phones and earbuds are out of sight before walking into the room. (no dangling wires) IF ALLOWED by Mrs. Scott, only as Rule Quiz 1. I will bring my ______________ and ____________ every day 2. There are no passes without my _________________. I will have 2 (two) passes this semester. 3. I must enter the classroom using my __________ voice. instructed for educational purposes. 3. No Social Media EVER! 4. Get a _________ and go to the _____________ before the tardy bell rings. 4. Photos of projects are permitted with permission ONLY. 5. The first thing I will do when entering the class is to read ____________ and copy the _____________. 5. Cell phones and earbuds are out of sight before walking out of the room. (no dangling wires) 6. When I am absent I will check the __________ absent basket for my missed work. PENALTIES Warning Phone referral to the office 7. All assignments are turned in to the _______ basket. 8. There is no _________ or ___________ allowed in the class. Gum may be chewed if it is not seen or heard. 9. At the end of class, only _______________ can dismiss the class. After the bell everyone must be ___________ and there must be _____ seconds of silence. 10. Band aids and safety equipment are located by the __________.