Biome Poster Project The biome poster project is a group project that will help you learn more about a particular biome. Each group will be assigned a biome to research further. All items may be created on the computer or be done by hand. Look over the requirements and decide who will be responsible for each part. Your group will create one poster that must include the following: 1. Poster ____________________________________ Your poster title should be neat, colorful, and at least 3 inches tall. All Member names, date and hour on the front, in the upper right corner. Your poster must be colorful, neatly designed, and organized! Use Ink. Neatness always counts. Create five questions on your Biome, from your research, that your poster shows. List at least 4 different resources. 2. Physical environment ____________________________________ Background of your poster should show your environment. Your plants and animals are drawn to represent a landscape or mural. A typed description of your biome’s characteristics, locations on Earth, typical plants and animals, climate with temperature and precipitation 3. Plants and Animal ____________________________________ Your plants and animals are drawn to represent a landscape or mural. You must include at least 5 pictures of different plants that are typically found in your biome. You must include at least 3 pictures each in at least 3 different classes of animals that are typically found in your biome. (total of 9, choose vertebrates and invertebrates) A food web insert using your plants and animals. All pictures must be labeled and colored 4. Graphs and Maps ____________________________________ Pull out - Circle graph, Label all biomes, include a key Biome map that shows your biome only – color the lands green, waters blue, and use a highlighter to color your biome. Climategragh of your Biome My group’s Biome: _____________________________________________ Specific Location: _____________________________________________ Poster Partners _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Due Date: _____________________________________________ EVERYTHING LISTED ABOVE MUST BE NEATLY PLACED ON THE FRONT OF YOUR POSTER. ORGANIZE YOUR MATERIALS ACCORDINGLY BEFORE GLUING THINGS IN PLACE! YOUR POSTER MUST STAY IN THE CLASSROOM ~ YOU MAY NOT TAKE IT HOME. BRING WHAT YOU NEED FOR THE POSTER FROM HOME. Animals of the _____________________ Biome ANIMAL and class Innate Behavior Communication Courtship Internal/ External fertilization Gestation