Chapter 33 Color Symbolism

Chapter 33 Color Symbolism
Directions: Look at page 200 of Chains. Isabel’s world is gray, which
symbolizes her current state of mind. What color is your world? Use
some of Isabel’s words with your own to color the world you live in.
Text Example:
“Everything was cloaked in gray, charcoal gray, pewter
gray, mold gray, storm gray, and ash.” (Anderson 200)
Your turn:
Everything is cloaked in ___________________:
___________________, __________________,
____________________, ___________________,
___________________, and ___________________.
Text Example:
“Scraps of ash floated through the air for weeks and
found their way into everything, from the butter to the
tea.” (Anderson 200)
Your turn:
__________________ of _________________ float
through the air and find their way into everything,
from ___________________ to __________________.
Text Example:
“The rains turned the ash to mud. Frost painted the
ground the color of gravestone, ashes trapped in ice.”
(Anderson 200)
The (natural element) turns the ground into
_____________________ paints the ground the color
of a ______________________, (description).
Teacher Example:
Everything is cloaked in orange:
pumpkin orange, candy corn
orange, sunset orange, fall leaf
orange, favorite scarf orange, and
autumn orange.
Leaves of orange float through the
air and find their way into
everything, from Adam’s wagon to
my flower bed.
The wind turns the ground into a
playground of leaves.
Orange paints the ground the color
of a jack-o-lantern, waiting to be