Course Description for Block ClassesMrs

Course Description for Block Classes
Mrs. Bokemper
HEJH Room 607
Welcome to room 607! I am happy to see all of you and look forward to working with each of
you for the next 6 weeks. While the guidance center refers to this class as “chorus”, you will
actually be doing many different musical activities and singing is only one unit so please, fear
not!! Below is some information you will need concerning Exploratory Music.
What do I bring to class?
Since this is a short course, the only materials I require are a two pocket folder with brads,
notebook paper and a pencil. I recommend the plastic folders because they last longer and
could be used for your other block classes in the rotation. There will be a bin in the classroom
for you to store your folder. We will also make use of the school agenda and the schedule for
the week will be posted on Monday. If you are absent, see me about any make-up work.
What are the attendance policies?
Attendance policies are the same ones you will find in your handbook. More than 2 tardies will
result in parent contact. If you will be late to class, you need to have the sending teacher give
you a note, sign your agenda or forward an e-mail to me.
How will I be graded in Exploratory Music?
Grading will be based on written work, quizzes and participation. It is important to be
cooperative with the teacher and fellow students at all times!
What are the class rules?
We will keep this simple and stick to 4:
Be prompt—Be on time or have a note.
Be polite—This means not only towards the teacher but your classmates too!
Be prepared—Have your folder and supplies in the room where you have easy access.
Be positive—This is not the same as elementary music, so have an open mind!
Violations of class rules will be dealt with promptly because it affects the ability of everyone in
the class to learn. Poor behavior will result in the following consequences:
1st time--warning
2nd time—phone call
3rd time—phone call and detention
4th time—office referral
I don’t believe that we will have to use these steps often as I am sure you are great students
who will observe a high standard of behavior at all times.
Have an absolutely fabulous 7th grade year!!!
Mrs. Sue Bokemper, HEJH Vocal Music
Planning time: 9:55-10:55
office phone 735-4592 email