Fluorescence of Rare Earth Ions in Binary Zirconia-Silica Sol-Gel Glasses Jessica R. Callahan, Karen S. Brewer, Ann J. Silversmith Departments of Chemistry and Physics Hamilton College, Clinton, NY optically clear were monoliths obtained for zirconia content from 2% to 30% some cracking can occur during drying if water and solvent evaporated too quickly annealing above 750 ˚C can cause phase separation of the zirconia, producing opaque glassy materials 250 Synthesize glasses doped with Eu3+ and other rare earth cations including erbium, neodymium, holmium, and thulium Optimize processing parameters to obtain clear, crack-free glass monoliths Match concentrations of Zr with Ti glasses for direct spectroscopic comparison Increase the percentage of zirconium in the glass samples (up to 30% vs. SiO2) Compare optical properties of the zirconia-silica glasses with other sol-gel glasses (e.g., silica, titiania-silica, and chelated rare earth dried gels) 10%Zr/1% Nd 7.5%Zr/1% Er 10%Zr/1% Ho 1% Europium Glass Under UV light 2%Zr 7.5%Zr 10%Zr Add solution of 1% RE ions dissolved in 2.5 mL H2O Stir 10 minutes or until all light precipitate has dissolved; cast into 12 75 mm tightly capped polypropylene test tubes 1 2 4 5 1D 650nm 2-4 days, 80°C Energy 2 5D 1 5D 0 10 7 5 590 610 630 7F 2 7F 1 7F 0 0 577nm 579.5 nm 579.5nm 573.2 nm 581nm 590 6 compare to our previous work in Al and Ti co-doped silica glasses1 600 610 620 630 640 650 wavelength (nm) different spectral profiles when excitation l is changed little energy migration between the different RE3+ sites in the glass shows declustering of the Eu3+ in the glass similar to results in Al co-doping Ti results show enhanced peak at 613 nm with longer lexc indicating reduced energy migration and more uniform site distribution SiO2 glass no co-dopants 577nm 578nm SiO2 glass Al3+ co-doped 579nm 575nm 575.1nm SiO2 glass Ti4+ co-doped 581.6nm 600 610 620 2 1G 4 3F 2,3 3H 4 800 3H 5 3F 4 3H 6 Tm/Al glass 750ÞC x5 Tm/10%Zr, 750ÞC for 12 hrs 600 650 700 750 800 25 20 wavelength (nm) note that Tm/Al fluorescence spectrum is multiplied by 5 in the above spectrum Zr co-doped glass fluoresces more efficiently than Al co-doped & about the same as Ti codoped x103cm-1 10% Zr, 12h dwell at 750 ÞC excite 457 nm 520 570 640 partial energy diagram for Ho3+ fluorescence of holmium-doped zirconia-silica glass comparison of Tm-doped glasses 476 nm exc 630 wavelength (nm) enhanced fluorescence in thulium and holmium 790nm 1-3 days, 60°C 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5D D0 F1 fluorescence line narrowing results Al co-dope 3 12.5%Zr 20%Zr temperature program for zirconia-silica glasses 620 wavelength (nm) 670 closely spaced energy levels prevents efficient luminescence here, however, in glass annealed at 750 ˚C, we observe fairly strong fluorescence 15 partial energy diagram for Ho3+ 5G 4 3K 8 5S 2 5F 5 10 5 5I 8 references 700 temperature (ÞC) … Zr(OPr)4 via syringe, stir 10 minutes 30%Zr Drying shrinkage, densification, pore collapse, 5 3 fluorescence occurs from the 5D0 level in Eu3+ sample excited in the charge-transfer region Al co-doped sample must be annealed at 1000˚C before significant fluorescence is observed Zr co-doped glass annealed only to 750 ˚C and gave comparable fluorescence in general, the Zr co-doped glasses fluoresce more brightly than Al co-doped & about the same as Ti co-doped europium in zirconia-silica glass annealed at 750 ˚C has a longer decay time (~1.4 ms) compared to aluminum co-doped silica glass annealed to 1000 ˚C glasses without co-dopants have very short lifetimes 476nm 2 days, 40°C Aging solvents escape, pore contraction Add 0.50 mL deionized H2O and 20 µL conc. HCl; stir for 90 min Add 2.5 mL ethanol simultaneously with… no co-dope partial energy diagram for Tm3+ Often using two stir bars was helpful dried gels heated from ambient temperature to 750 ˚C over a period of 72 h heating rate = 1 ˚C/min to preserve integrity of sample dwell temperatures = 250 and 500 ˚C to remove organics and residual water/OH groups 20%Zr Energy (1000cm-1) Mix 4.90 mL TMOS with 2.5 mL ethanol; stir for 10 minutes 12.5%Zr 7 D0 F0 15 wavelength (nm) 1% Thulium Glass synthesis and processing Gelation polymeric gel forms “wet” gel 5 time (ms) Residual hydroxyl (OH) groups5 present even after annealing to high temperatures give reduced fluorescence lifetimes through a non-radiative decay mechanism when close to the rare earth cation in the glass Reaction hydrolysis and condensation, ambient conditions, pH 1.5 to 3.5 25% Zr 570 25%Zr 0 Clustering of the rare earth cations in the glass4 only a limited number of non-network oxygen atoms for the RE3+ to bond within the glass clusters formed through RE-O-RE bonding in the glass matrix energy migration is facilitated in the clusters fluorescence is quenched through a cross relaxation mechanism Homogeneous sol D07F2 comparison of fluorescence lifetimes challenges in doping sol-gel glasses with rare earth ions addition of 1% RE3+ is the critical step high Zr amounts often gelled upon contact with the RE3+(aq) solution after cast into tubes, sols were gelled at 40 ˚C (24 h), 60 ˚C (24 h) and 80 ˚C (48 h) before processing in furnace 550 monitored at 612 nm strongest excitation occurs at 393 nm corresponding to the 7F05D3 excitation ln(fluorescence) Applications of rare earth-doped materials2 phosphors solid state lasers optical fibers waveguides antireflective coatings 450 5 wavelength (nm) project goals In the lanthanide series, the optically active electrons are shielded by filled s and p shells producing narrow spectral lines long fluorescence lifetimes energy levels that are insensitive to the environment 350 2%Al 1%Eu 5D 550 nm why dope glasses with rare earth ions? exc 254nm, RT 20 fluorescence intensity (arbitrary units) 7F0→5D0 sample quality Disadvantages3 heating must be carefully & consistently controlled processing times can be long (> 2 weeks) cracking during aging, drying, or densification can be extensive residual hydroxyl groups & RE clustering in samples quench fluorescence Synthetic obstacles rapid hydrolysis of the zirconium alkoxide precursor vs. that of TMOS precipitation of the zirconia as a opaque solid during synthesis choosing processing temperatures & programs to limit the precipitation of zirconia during transformation from gel to glass Eu fluorescence (arb. units) Er excitation spectrum of Eu-doped zirconia-silica glass intensity (arbitrary units) In this project, rare earth-doped zirconia-silica glasses have been successfully produced through the co-hydrolysis of Zr(OiPr)4 with Si(OMe)4 in ethanol. Careful drying and aging of the gels produced clear, crack-free glass monoliths. Optical properties were then studied via laser and fluorescence spectroscopy. 25 emission spectrum comparing Eu-doped glasses fluorescence (arb. units) Advantages3 high purity starting materials & lower processing temperatures higher concentrations of RE3+ possible simple manipulations & greater homogeneity of samples chemical composition can be varied & precisely controlled processing parameters can be readily changed & optimized intensity (arbitrary units) Our success in the synthesis of rare earth-doped TiO2-SiO2 glasses and their spectroscopic results1 led us to re-examine our preliminary work on the synthesis of the zirconium analogs. QuickTi me™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. 663 nm sol-gel glass vs. melt glass x103cm-1 europium fluorescence fluorescence (arb. units) introduction Nd partial energy diagram for Eu3+ Energy Pr spectroscopic results 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 time (days) 3 4 (1) Boye, D.M.; Silversmith, A.J.; Nolen, J.; Rumney, L.; Shaye, D.; Smith, B.C.; Brewer, K.S. J. Lumin. 2001, 94-95, 279. Silversmith, A.J.; Boye, D.M.; Anderman, R.E.; Brewer, K.S. J. Lumin. 2001, 94-95, 275. (2) Steckl, A.J.; Zavada, J.M., eds. MRS Bulletin, 1999, 24, 16-56. Scheps, R. Prog. Quantum Electron. 1996, 20, 271. Reisfeld, R. Opt. Mater. 2001, 16, 1. Weber, M.J. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 1990, 123, 208. (3) Brinker, C.J.; Scherer, G.W. Sol-Gel Science: The Physics and Chemistry of Sol-Gel Processing, Academic Press, Boston, 1990. (4) Almeida, R.M. et al. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 1998, 232-234, 65. Arai, K.; Namikawa, H.; Kumata, K.; Honda, T.; Ishii, Y.; Handa, T. J. Appl. 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