Math_1314 syllabus spring 2015.doc


Math 1314 – College Algebra

Monday-Wednesday 10:00 am-11:30 am

CRN: 49133 Room SJAC301

Instructor: Clen D.Vance II


Room 365 (713) 7186421

Office Hours (by appointment only)

Textbook : College Algebra Alternate 8 th edition

Author : Larson

Class Key: hccs 6215 9573

Course Description : Topics include quadratics, polynomial, rational, logarithmic and exponential functions, system of equations, matrices and determinants, parabolas and ellipses. A departmental final examination will be given in this course.

Prerequisites : Math 0312 or its equivalent or an acceptable placement test score.

Course Intent : This course is designed as a review of advanced topics in algebra for science and engineering students who plan to take the calculus sequence in preparation for their various degree programs. It is also intended for non-technical students who need college mathematics for graduation and prerequisites for other courses. It is generally transferable as math credit for non-science majors to other disciplines.

Policies : You are allowed 5 unexcused absences during the semester. If you exceed this number, you can/will be dropped from the course. Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero on the exam and is subject to suspension.

No talking on cell phones in class.

Grading : There will be 4 in-class examinations and the final examination.

The final examination is a system-wide comprehensive examination. The final exam consists of 33 multiple-choice questions covering only the required material. There are no makeup examinations. If an exam is missed, the Final examination grade will be doubled. Calculators are not allowed

Math 1314 – College Algebra

Monday-Wednesday 10:00 am-11:30 am

CRN: 49133 Room SJAC301

Instructor: Clen D.Vance II


Room 365 (713) 7186421 during the examinations. There is a set of online graded homework problems. Announced quizzes will also be given.



-- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System

At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the

Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term.

Homework Assignments

[Dates for the exams are content-driven; students will be given at least 1-week notice]

Chapter 1,P.6---------Test 1

Section P.6 ---1-57 odd

Section 1.1--- 1-73 odd

Section 1.2 --- 1-73,83-103 odd

Section 1.3 --- 43-99 odd

Section 1.4--- 1-53, 65 - 95 odd

Section 1.5--- 1-87 odd

Section 1.6--- 1-75 odd

Section 1.7--- 1-71, 111-117 odd

Section 1.8 --- 1-35, 41-53 odd

Chapter 2 ------ Test 2

Section 2.1 --- 1- 101 odd

Section 2.2 --- 1-79 odd

Section 2.3 --- 1-31, 67-99 odd

Section 2.4 --- 1-17,43-63 odd

Section 2.5 --- 1-71 odd

Section 2.6 --- 1-31, 37-59 odd

Section 2.7 --- 1-41, 49-73 odd

Chapter 3 ------- Test 3

Math 1314 – College Algebra

Monday-Wednesday 10:00 am-11:30 am

CRN: 49133 Room SJAC301

Instructor: Clen D.Vance II


Room 365 (713) 7186421

Section 3.1 --- 1- 33, 43-57 odd

Section 3.2 --- 1-29, 35-73 odd

Section 3.3 --- 11-65 odd

Section 3.4 --- 1-35, 45-101 odd

Chapter 4

Section 4.1 --- 1-35 odd

Section 4.2 --- 1-37, 45-63odd

Chapter 5 ------Test 4

Section 5.1 --- 7-37, 47-57 odd

Section 5.2 --- 7-27,33-65,71-77,85-91 odd

Section 5.3 --- 7-14, 23-83 odd

Section 5.4 --- 5-27,81-111 odd

Chapter 6

Section 6.1 ----7-47,55-63 odd

Section 6.2 ---- 5-41 odd

Chapter 7

Section 7.2 --- 7-23, 29-51 odd

Section 7.4 --- 5-19, 33-35,39-47,77-83 odd

Test # 1 18 %

Test # 2 18 %

Test # 3 18 %

Test # 4 18 %

Homework/Quizzes 10 %

Final 18 %


Math 1314 – College Algebra

Monday-Wednesday 10:00 am-11:30 am

CRN: 49133 Room SJAC301

Instructor: Clen D.Vance II


Room 365 (713) 7186421

90 - 100 A

80 - 89 B

70 - 79 C

60 - 69 D

0 - 59 F

Final Exam: May 13 10:00

Last day to Withdraw from class: March 24

M L King Day: January 19

President’s Day: February 16

March16 – March 23: Spring Break

Resources : Tutoring is available in the Learning Emporium (SJAC room

384). There will be tutorials/review sessions led by teachers held every

Saturday (10:00-1:00) at SJAC 361. Additional help is available through

Student Support Services.

Online Tutoring Services

Houston Community College offers FREE online tutoring in a variety of subjects, including mathematics, English and writing. To take advantage of these Online Tutoring Services, go to

. Your questions will be answered by a qualified

HCC tutor or faculty member within 24 hours (usually under 6 hours).

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): The Houston Community College

System is committed to providing the least restrictive environment for all students. HCCS promotes equity in academic access through the implementation of reasonable accommodations as required by the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title V, Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) which will enable

Math 1314 – College Algebra

Monday-Wednesday 10:00 am-11:30 am

CRN: 49133 Room SJAC301

Instructor: Clen D.Vance II


Room 365 (713) 7186421 students with disabilities to participate in and benefit from all postsecondary educational activities.

"Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the

Disability Support Services Office."
