CMPS 3233 – Theory of Computing Draw a DFSM for each of the following languages ∑ = { a, b, c } L1 = {w ∑* | |w| is odd} L2 = {w ∑* | w contains an even number of a’s} L3 = {w ∑* | w’s first character is different from the last character} L4 = {w ∑* | w‘s first character is the same as the last character} L5 = {w ∑* | w does not any b’s} L6 = {w ∑* | w contains a’s only, and |w| is even} L7 = {w ∑* | w contains an even number of c’s followed by an odd number of a’s or an odd number of b’s} L8 = {w ∑* | w = a5b*a5} L9 = {w ∑* | |w| is a multiple of 4} L10 = {w ∑* | each character in w consists of at least 3 in a row} e.g. aaaabbbaaaccc is acceptable; aabbb is not