Read Chapters 34-37 (Pages 270-298) today and over the

Read Chapters 34-37 (Pages 270-298) today and over the
weekend. On 3 sticky notes, address the following
Sticky Note 1: Through the course of these chapters, Tom
Sawyer has a number of ridiculous plans and ideas. Name
at least 3 on a sticky note.
Sticky Note 2: In these chapters we see a big difference in
the way that Tom and Huck think. Explain how their
different upbringings have led them to have such different
ideas on how to solve problems. Why are Tom’s solutions
and ideas so ridiculous compared to Huck’s?
Sticky Note 3: What do you think Tom Sawyer’s actions
suggest about his attitude towards Jim/black people in
general? Is he racist or not? Explain Why/Why not.