annotations assignment

By the time you finish reading, your book should have 5 sticky notes in chapters 2-3 with writing
on them. If what you are writing is about a specific passage in the novel, put the sticky note on
the page that the passage or idea in question is on.
As you are reading, write the following on separate sticky notes IN ONE OR MORE
First, Put one sticky note at the start of chapter 2 and write down a question that you have about
chapter 1, the Russian Revolution, or the book in general.
Note one thing that the animals do that you like, and explain WHY.
Note one thing that the animals do that you dislike, and explain WHY
Note one thing that you believe is an example of either communism or totalitarianism, and
explain WHY you believe what you wrote is an example of those things.
Finally, Note one or more questions that you have about chapters 2-3.
If you finish before class ends, first go back and see if you have discovered the answer to your
first question. If so, write the answer on that same sticky note. After that, bring your book up to
show me that you have completed your annotations.