11.4 Worksheet

Chapter 11 Section 4 Notes
Moving West
During colonial times, Americans looked on the backcountry between the ________________ and the
_________________________ as the ______________________.
By the 1750s the ______________________ and the _________________________________
had begun to settle the backcountry.
The most famous early pioneer was ____________________.
o In 1775, Boone and a party of 30 men ___________________________________.
 This was called _______________________________.
 It crossed the __________________________ through the
___________________________ into _________________.
 The Wilderness Road became the main route
By the early 1800s, the flow of _______________________________ had become a flood.
As western populations grew, many areas _________________________________.
o From 1792 to 1819, _______________________________________.
 _____________________
Traveling west was _____________________
o Many early roads began as _______________________________.
 Indians used these well-worn paths to ____________________.
 Then, white settlers began to ________________________________.
 These roads were __________________
 They were ______________, _____________________________, and
Roads and Turnpikes
Clearly, the nation needed _______________________.
Farmers and merchants had to have a way to _________________________________________.
o Some _________________ decided to provide that way
 Private companies began to build _______________________________.
 At certain points, ___________________________________________.
o The bar resembled a _______________________.
o Travelers would have to stop and
In 1795, a private company in Pennsylvania built a turnpike between
_______________ and _____________________.
 The ______________________________ was the first
o The road provided cheap, reliable transportation to
In marshy areas, wagons traveled on ___________________________.
o These are ___________________________________________.
o This meant a bumpy ride as ______________________________.
o Corduroy roads were a hazard to ____________ because they could
The __________________________ was the first ________________________________.
o Begun in 1811 in ____________________________, it stretched to _____________, in
western _________________, by 1818 and reached __________________________ in
o The road crossed hundreds of miles of _________________________.
o _______________ carried it over many rivers and streams.
Slow road travel isolated western farmers from ___________________________.
The fastest, cheapest way to ship goods was ___________________.
However, the major rivers ran _________________________.
The solution was to ____________________ from ____________________.
o A canal is ________________________________________________________.
In 1816, New York governor ________________________ proposed a canal from the
__________________ to _____________________.
Critics _______________________________.
Still, work began on ______________________ in 1817.
Building the canal was a challenge for canal engineers—and for workers, who were mostly
o The land in upstate New York is ________________.
o ____________ had to be built to _________________________________________.
 Locks are _____________________________________________.
 When a boat enters a lock, ___________________________________.
 If a boat is to be raise, ______________________________________.
 If a boat must be lowered, ____________________________.
Within two years of its opening in 1825, the canal had __________________________.
o Produce from the ______________ came across _____________, passed through the
__________________, and was carried down the ___________________ to
 Because of its location at the end of the river, New York City soon became
The Extension of Slavery
Westward expansion ___________________________________.
It also ________________________.
The most serious problem was ____________________________________.
In 1819, the nation consisted of 11 _______________, which _____________________, and 11
__________________, which _________________________.
However, __________________ had been seeking admission as a ___________________ since
o Northerners reacted ____________________.
o Adding another slave state would ______________________________ where each state
had ________________.
 Adding two more senators from a slave state would make the South
o In 1819, Representative _________________ of New York proposed that Missouri be
admitted as a slave state.
 However, once it was admitted,
o The bill passed the ________________________________ but it failed in the
 Southern senators feared that slavery—and thus the South’s economic wellbeing _____________________________.
In the next session of Congress, ___________ applied for admission to the Union.
o Unlike Missouri, Maine ________________________.
o The admission of both a _______________ and a ______________ would maintain the
In 1820, Senator ____________________ persuaded Congress to adopt the
o It permitted Maine to be admitted to the Union as a ________________ and Missouri to
be admitted as a _____________________.
In addition, it provided that the _______________________ north of the
_______________________________ would be _________________________.
o The compromise had one other important feature
 It gave _________________________ the right to
The Missouri Compromise revealed how much sectional rivalries
o The compromise seemed to _________________________________________.
o However, white southerners were not happy that
o Many northerners were angry that Congress had
o Former President ___________________________ believed that the bitterness of
feelings about slavery posed a serious threat to _______________________.
 In time, the issue of slavery would indeed _____________________________.