Chapter 10 Section 3 Notes Adams and Jackson in Conflict ______________________ served two terms as President, from 1829-1837. His presidency marked the opening of __________________________________________. His influence was so great that the twenty-year period after he became President is often called the ______________________________. Andrew Jackson was a ____________________ by the time he became President. He began life with ____________________. o He was born in a log cabin on the border of ________________________________. o He was an ______________ by the age of 14. o He survived ______________ as a child and _____________________________ as an adult. As a military leader, Andrew Jackson earned what nickname? __________________________. Jackson stood for the idea that ____________________ should participate in American political life. o He was deeply loved by millions of Americans because of his ______________________ and his __________________________. Jackson first ran for President in 1824 against _____________________, ____________________, and ______________________________. Jackson received the most _______________________ but not a _____________________. o According to the Constitution, the _________________________________ would have to decide the election. o The choice was between Jackson and ________________. o Who ultimately won the election? _______________________. Jackson reacted with _______________. o He had won the most _________________________ and the most ____________________ but still lost the election. o When Adams appointed Henry Clay as _________________________, Jackson’s supporters claimed the two had made a _____________________. Adams was burdened by the ___________________________________. He accomplished ____________ even though he had __________________________________. o He supported Clay’s ______________________ and wanted the federal government to _______________________________________________________. He proposed a national program to ___________________________ and a high tariff to ___________________________. He also planned to set up a ______________________ and an __________________________________ in Washington D.C. However, he lacked the ______________________________________________________. Adams never _______________________________________ As a result, he ___________________________________. A New Era in Politics The election of 1824 ____________________________________________. Still, that election began a _____________________________________. Back in the 1790s, states began extending ____________, or the right to vote. Many states had dropped the requirement that men had to ____________________ to be able to vote. While requirements varied from _____________________, almost all ______________________ could now vote and ____________________. States also were changing how they chose _________________________________. Previously, _____________________________ chose them. Now that right went to _____________________. Suffrage was still ______________________________________. ________________ could not participate in government. Neither could __________________________________ o In most states, even _______________________________ could not vote. Expanding the right to vote was part of a ______________________________________. Supporters of Andrew Jackson believed ___________________ should _____________________, ______________________________, and do anything else they had the ability to do. His supporters also strongly opposed _______________________________________________. Jackson and his supporters believed government often _______________________________________. They were also suspicious of ______________, which they believed favored the rich. The Age of Jackson brought back the ________________________ that had briefly ended during the ______________________________. During the 1824 election, _________________________________. Supporters of Adams called themselves _____________________________. Jackson’ supporters used the name __________________________. In 1831, the National Republicans nominated __________________ to run against Jackson. Jackson won easily, with _________________________________________. However, by 1836, the anti-Jackson forces had formed a new party called the __________. From then until 1852, the ____________________ and the _________________ were the country’s two major ________________________________. The new parties adopted a new way of ______________________________________________. Previously, a party’s members of _________________ held a ____________________, or a _______________________________________________________________________. Beginning in 1831, political parties started holding national _____________________________, or _____________________________________________________________________. o These opened the __________________________ to many more people and made it more ____________________________. Jackson Becomes President ______________________________ voted in the election of 1828 as had voted in 1824. Most supported Jackson who easily defeated Adams. The election revealed _________________________________________________________________. Jackson did best in the ______________________ where ____________________________________ supported him. He also did well among ________________________, ________________, and __________ in cities and towns nationwide. Adams was most popular in his home region of _____________________. Jackson’s supporters called the election a ______________________________. Jackson began his term by ____________________________________________________________. He claimed putting new people in government jobs _______________________________. His opponents compared the process to a _____________________________________ saying ______________________________________. o This led to the term _________________________ which means ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________.