UNIVERSITY POLICY AND PLANNING COUNCIL 2006-07 CHAIR: STEVEN MESSNER MARCH 15, 2007 MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: Roger Bisbing, Randall Craig, Nick Fahrenkopf, Jil Hanifan, Jon Jacklet, Irene Lurie, David McCaffrey, Steven Messner, Kim Murray, Edelgard Wulfert MINUTES: Minutes from February 8, 2007 were unanimously approved. REPORT FROM ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - NONE CHAIR’S REPORT Executive Senate Committee Meeting John Giarrusso, from Kathy Lowery’s Office, presented a very informative briefing regarding plans to use Capital Development funds for various campus projects. Dr. Messner felt that UPC would benefit from learning about the issues and invited them to the next UPC meeting on Thursday, April 19 in UNH 306. A forum on an Honor Code will be held Tuesday, March 27 from 6-8 p.m. The panel will be comprised of faculty and students with divergent views and is intended as an open discussion. A reminder that the Senate volunteer service form is availabale on-line. Dr. Messner encouraged UPC members to consider volunteering for UPC again or one of the other Senate councils or committees. NEW BUSINESS Certificate of Graduate Study in Teacher Leadership Professor Bob Bangert-Drowns, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the School of Education, gave the Council an overview of the School of Education’s Proposal for a Certificate of Graduate Study (CGS) in Teacher Leadership. The idea began with discussions of NYS certified teachers who had satisfied the requirements for national board certification, which is a rigorous program and intensive process. Teachers were investing considerable time in the board certification process discovering not all school districts recognized it to further advance their careers. They also realized the board certification process did not assist them in developing their skills for leadership positions. The discussions resulted in identifying an additional number of NYS certified teachers, other than the board certification group, that wanted to advance not as superintendents or principals but be leaders focused on pedagogy in the school. These teachers were not pursuing additional degrees. It was noted that the School of Education already had faculty with this expertise and teaching courses in Teacher Leadership. A specified collection of coursework was identified that would enhance the skills of teachers to advance their careers in this area. This certificate program was designed with minimal implications for resources. Students will be participating in courses that are currently being offered. There will be a committee of four faculty members and one member of the Dean’s Office (e.g. Associate Dean) to manage the certificate program. They will screen admissions and make decisions about fine-tuning the program. Professor Bangert-Drowns answered questions regarding the certificate program. Dr. Messner thanked Professor Bangert-Drowns for his time in explaining the new certificate program. Dr. Messner indicated that this proposal goes through two tracks; through GAC for review of graduate program requirements and UPC. Dr. Messner left a phone message for Jon Bartow in the morning to confirm that this proposal has been approved by GAC, but he had not received a response before this morning’s meeting. After further discussion, the following motion was introduced: MOTION: UPC approves the Certificate of Graduate Study in Teacher Leadership, contingent on Graduate Academic Council approval. Motion carried unanimously. Report on Intercollegiate Athletics Professor Theresa Harrison, Representative to the NCAA, gave a presentation to UPC regarding the role of NCAA in monitoring the academic integrity of college athletes. She explained her role as NCAA Representative. She works with both the student athletes and the coaches to maintain a healthy balance between sports and academics. Many of the coaches work very closely with the student athletes in maintaining a good academic standing. Professor Harrison provided the Council with statistics indicating percentages of studentathletes in each school and by major; average GPA/SAT for incoming students; comparison of UAlbany Fall 2006 GPA’s for all teams; and the statistics from the NCAA Division I Academic Progress Rate comparing UAlbany to other NCAA Division I institutions. Professor Harrison answered questions from the Council after her presentation. She indicated she is still in the process of learning many aspects of the NCAA and indicated she would make a list of questions from the Council and provide answers at a later time. Dr. Messner thanked Professor Harrison for attending UPC and sharing her report on Intercollegiate Athletics. Draft Academic Calendar 2008-09 Robert Gibson, Registrar, presented the draft 2008-09 Academic Calendar for discussion. The Academic Calendar is determined by regulations of the State of New York, Regents and the policy/guidelines adopted by the Senate. Within those parameters Mr. Gibson develops a reasonable draft plan that is presented to UPC for approval and then to the Provost’s Office. Mr. Gibson explained the 2008 Fall Semester calendar indicating that it fulfills the necessary minimum number of days. The Council discussed the 2008 Fall Semester. Mr. Gibson indicated the 2008-09 Academic Calendar needed to be approved by mid-April. Mr. Gibson indicated that the approval of the Academic Calendar could wait until the April 19 UPC meeting to allow for further discussion. Dr. Messner asked Mr. Gibson to provide for the April 19 UPC meeting an alternative 2008 Fall Semester calendar reflecting the current discussion. Dr. Messner indicated Council members should email Mr. Gibson with specific questions before our next meeting in order for him to be prepared for the discussion with various scenarios. Motion made to adjourn the meeting at 12:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Kathleen Spawn