ENROLLMENT SERVICES DIVISION COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 31, 2008 CHAIRPERSON: Arvid Spor MEMBERS PRESENT: Theresa Clifford, Lorena Garcia, Claudia Lee, Julieta Ortiz RECORDER: Lucy Nelson The meeting began at 10:34 a.m. Handouts: Information Item – Budget Assumptions 2007-2008 Enrollment Management Plan Review January 16, 2008 Meeting minutes 1. Page 3 – First Year Experience: the date of the Faculty Development Conference was changed to February 29th. 2. The minutes were reviewed and approved as amended. Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Updates 1. The Assessment of Learning Committee is designed to oversee the development of student learning outcomes at the course, program, and certificate/degree level and assess student outcomes. 2. The Student & Community Advancement representative on the Assessment of Learning Committee is Linda Gallucci. Claudia Lee will replace Linda Gallucci as representative while Linda is Acting Dean of Community Advancement. 3. Enrollment Services is in the assessment phase (excluding Outreach and School Relations). The second assessment will take place around May and June. It is important for everyone to be aware of their department’s SLOs and how they will be assessed. 4. Emphasis is placed on the continuation of SLOs, the desired outcomes compared to actual outcomes, what processes should be followed and what students are learning. 5. The week of April 21st is the next assessment of learning week. Fairs will be held in the East Lounge of the Activities Center on Wednesday, 4/23, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and on Thursday, 4/24, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The mini-conference is scheduled on Friday 4/25 from 9:00 am -1:00 pm. 6. It is important to show the effectiveness of collaboration between different departments especially in student services (i.e. Outreach and Testing). Are off-campus students’ needs different? How would they be effectively measured? ECC Plan Builder 1. ECC Plan Builder software was developed by Pasadena City College. This is an online tool to input planning information for each department and create the opportunity for dialog within the department about what the department is trying to accomplish over a set period of time. 2. Goals are broad, not measurable but tie in with the college’s seven goals (strategic initiatives). 3. Information from each department was collected and the managers as a group prioritized goals for the division. Each dean submits their prioritized division list to their VP. The VPs discuss prioritized lists in Cabinet to determine who receives funding. 4. This is the first year ECC is using Plan Builder. Plans cannot be submitted if areas in the report are left blank. 5. The software will be modified in the future so that all funding requests can be submitted using one program. Current requests are for funds from the $3 million Special Contract Compton Center partnership funds. 6. Managers will be asked to start working on their plans in the fall. Plans are due to the VPs around December or January. Ideally, PBC will review requests around March for Cabinet approval in April. Funding will be identified by July 1st. Budget Update 1. Budget assumptions will guide ECC throughout 2008-09. 2. The district will adopt a balanced budget. Will use $3 million of reserves and will still leave reserves above mandatory 5%. 3. Targeted enrollment is 19,305 FTES. 4. 0% COLA – no cost of living increase anticipated for 2008-09 from the state. 5. State Principal Apportionment is Foundation Revenue around $8 million – how much the college receives for FTES (19,305 FTES x $4,565 per FTES) 6. Lottery – funded at $130 FTES – will decrease 10%. 7. No salary increases have been built into the 2008-09 budget because of budget cuts. 8. Twelve new FT faculty hires have been built into the budget, reducing the number of PT faculty. The net effect is $242,472. 9. Classified salaries for 4 new custodians and 1 new groundskeeper covered by Fund 15 will move from Fund 15 to the general fund 11. 10. There are projected increases in costs: medical benefits, gasoline, utilities, and hardware/software maintenance. 11. $3 million will be moved to Fund 15 for Special Fund programs. 12. The college plans to spend $450,000 annually for computer replacements. 13. Interfund transfers will remain the same as in 2007-08. 14. Any money not spent in Fund 15 will go to the GASB 45 retirement account (Fund 17). These funds will be used to cover employees who retire before age 65 (pre-Medicare). 15. After a $5.8 million reduction (50% cut), only $5,692,306 is left for the VP department operational budgets. 16. To cover $8 million in budget cuts: $3 million will be added from the fund reserve; use salary savings from vacant positions; and 5% cuts (not personnel) from department budgets. This year the college will be able to operate close to same level as 2007-08. Enrollment Mgmt Plan 1. Plan is used to guide enrollment management activities throughout the year. A new plan is created every year. 2. Sub-committees (faculty and managers) prioritize plans to forward to PBC for review and endorsement. Plans are then forwarded to Cabinet/President Fallo for consideration. Group Reports Outreach and School Relations (J. Ortiz) 1. Off-campus conducted testing at high schools – Redondo Union, El Segundo, North Torrance, Torrance and Mira Costa. The cut off date for testing at the high schools is April 25th to have enough time to conduct orientation for over 200 high school seniors. 2 2. H.S. Senior Day is scheduled on May 23rd. 3. Student Ambassador Program has grown from 15 to 20 students who took a one-day training session. The second day of training is scheduled this Friday from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm in SSC 208. Ambassadors have been successfully used for campus tours, college fairs and support for Outreach counselors at the high schools. Dr. Fallo sent a letter thanking the program for having the student ambassadors available. 4. Request for tour forms track campus visitors. Try to keep group tours to a maximum of 10. Would like a two-week lead time for tour requests. Not yet set up for online tour requests. Ideally would like to offer tours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but difficult because of schedules. The Outreach web page will be completely redone. 5. Summer schedules arrived – available for pickup at the Warehouse. Testing- L. Garcia The Ability to Benefit Test audit conducted last week went well. Part-time staff is working two days a week, 6 hour days because of the maximum number of days they can work in the fiscal year; the office is a little short-handed. Testing for Hawthorne H.S. is scheduled this Wednesday. FYE – T. Clifford Cynthia Mosqueda and Matt Chung presented at a conference in San Francisco and returned with a rating of 5 (5 being best). ECC was one of the few community colleges presenting. The Women’s Health Forum was held March 28 – about 16 vendors participated. Attendance was up from last year. FYE students participated in designing and marketing event. The Transfer Center is taking 17 FYE students out of a total of 60 on a Northern California university tour during spring break. FYE will help with registration and conference presenters for the May 2nd Transfer Conference. Planning FYE year-end event – usually scheduled in May but date may change since there are many events already planned for May. Supplemental Instruction – Luis, Lars and Beth will attend the International SI Conference in Orlando, Florida on May 27-June 1st to present about SI faculty cohorts. SI has the highest student-to-coach ratio this semester. As many as 30 students have attended an SI session. FYE is working on a Fall 2008 recruitment brochure. SI information orientation sessions are scheduled on April 10th and 17th in the Alondra room from 5:00 pm -7:30pm. Financial Aid (A. Spor) A Department of Education program review was conducted in Financial Aid and went fairly well. The review team had difficult time gathering information because they were not familiar with Datatel. The Department of Education provides financial aid funds for colleges and the review was to ensure appropriate processes being followed. Reminder: Student Services spring break hours are Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am -4:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am -12:30 pm. The meeting ended at 11:28 am. 3