DATE: MAY 19, 2010
Arvid Spor
Luis Barrueta, Bree Bond, Lorena Garcia, Patrick Imamura,
Patty Kawashiri, Debbie Kyte, Claudia Lee, Carolee Vakil-Jessop
Lucy Nelson
The meeting began at 11:00 am.
2010-11 Budget (May Revise/ECC)
1. Governor’s May revise – proposed elimination of the CalWORKs program. State budget is
supposed to be signed by June 30th.
2. ECC built up reserves; other colleges are going through layoffs and furloughs.
3. 2010-11 On-Going Fund Request (page 1) - $222,000 total items were part of Fund 15 in
2009-10. Cabinet decided (with the endorsement of PBC) to move these items to the
unrestricted general fund (Fund 11).
4. 2010-11 On-Going Fund Request (page 2) – $1.6M total items requested (first priority) will
be funded from Fund 11. This includes Enrollment Services request of $105,000 for FYE/SI
Adjunct Counselors.
5. 2010-11 On Going Fund Request (page 3) - $625,000 (second priority) and $141,000 (third
priority) total items requested, but not approved for funding.
6. 2010-11 One Time Funding Requests (page 4) - $309,488 requested and approved for
funding from Fund 15. $201,000 items requested approved for funding from Parking Fund.
7. 2010-11 One Time Funding Requests (page 5) - $1.1M requested and approved for funding
from Bond or Capitals Outlay. $9,500 total items requested approved for funding from Block
Grant. $3M from external grant and donors will fund the STEM center.
8. Summary of Allocation – Fund 15: I) $1.1M to backfill categorical programs due to State
budget cuts; II) $307,000 for student retention projects; III) $309,488 one-time funding
requests; IV) $100,000 for library books; V) $225,000 for ITS hardware and equipment; VI)
$900,000 for retiree health benefits (GASB) – topic still being discussed in PBC; and VII)
$58,512 for contingencies.
9. Newly Authorized Positions for Hire: faculty, classified (including Clerical Assistant in the
Testing Office), Administrators and positions currently in hiring process.
New Program Review and Timeline
1. Program Review revised for Student Services; data will be main driver and requires metrics
from last four-years. Includes SLO section to support program recommendations including
whether or not to continue program.
2. Program Review timelines – will speak to Dr. Nishime to determine if there will be exact due
dates and whether to have joint or separate program reviews with Compton.
a. Due in Fall 2010 - FYE/SI, Assessment & Testing and Financial Aid
b. Due in Spring 2011 – Foster Care, Outreach & School Relations, and Student
3. Program Review Committee will review and assess program reviews and make
recommendations to the managers. Managers will update and return to the Committee who
will forward to the VPs. Program reviews may be submitted early.
4. Student Development may want to change their due date to Fall 2010 – C. Vakil-Jessop will
discuss with Harold Tyler. Dates are not set – can be changed to accommodate programs.
5. Program Review template is in Word.
Plan Builder Updates
1. Managers are mandated twice a year (January and July) to evaluate their program goals and
objectives. Plans should be updated as changes occur; no need to wait to update in January or
Program Discontinuation
1. Student Job Placement Center will be discontinued. P. Kawashiri and L. Lew will make
lateral moves to other departments in Student Services. Transition will occur by June 30th.
2. FYE will move into the SJPC office. Financial Aid counselor, Rutina Taylor, will move to
office closer to Financial Aid.
SCA Area Council (C. Vakil-Jessop)
1. Thanks to J. Ortiz and L. Lew for attending meetings in April and May.
2. A. Spor is chairing Program Review Committee for SCA. Dr. Nishime asked to share SCA
Program Review information (timelines and template) with Division Council members and
get feedback from their departments. Please email feedback to C. Vakil-Jessop by June 7th.
3. Board policy on enrollment priorities going through collegial consultation process – Dr.
Nishime requested feedback from employees in each department on the board policy and
procedures. Please email feedback to C. Vakil-Jessop by June 7th.
a. Comment: There is a two year wait before students can appeal. Unfair to make
students wait two years since committee that reviews appeals meets annually.
b. Changes will not go into effect until 2011-12.
4. Newly authorized positions for hire: list of current positions in the process of hiring and
newly authorized for hire was handed out to share with staff.
5. Drug and alcohol survey highlights compiled by Institutional Research. The complete survey
will be shared with campus at later date. Large perception that students are using more drugs
and alcohol than actually reported.
6. Accreditation update: an area SLO will be developed.
7. Division report handouts: A&R Graduation statistics for ECC and CEC for degree and
certificate evaluation from Summer 2009-Spring 2010. 200 additional graduates this year.
Community Advancement area council minutes provided for 4/6/10 and synopsis sheet for
8. Board Policy 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates also going through
collegial consultation process.
Group Reports/SLO Updates
Outreach (B. Bond)
1. One more test at high school on Thursday. Tested 379 students at the high schools and 129
on campus.
2. Will assist STEM conference on May 27th. Interested ECC employees are to register on-line.
3. Holding off hiring process for student ambassadors until more information received about
funding. Will lose 10-15 ambassadors. B. Bond is revising application. B. Bond was accepted
to UC Davis, received two scholarships from the Foundation and was chosen Student
Employee of the Year.
4. Summer schedules were mailed and delivered at the high schools. Hoping to have fall
schedules no later than first week of June.
5. Assisting Trudy Meyer with summer Math Academy by giving her information about eligible
students tested and placed in Math 12.
6. Will start SLO assessment process soon.
ASO (B. Bond)
1. Fundraiser at CPK South Bay Galleria today – bring flyer in and ASO receives portion of
proceeds. This is the last fundraiser for the year – close to reaching goal.
2. ASO election results were distributed. All positions were filled – many were write-ins.
3. Hosting Academic Awards tonight at 4:30pm in the Marsee Auditorium; ASO’s end-of-year
banquet is this Friday; Bill Mulrooney will talk about priority registration at last meeting on
May 27th.
4. Student Senate attended conference in Los Angeles a few weeks ago and supported no more
fee increases. Learned how to further advocate for students at the Washington DC Advocacy
Student Development (C. Vakil-Jessop)
1. ICC
a. Advisors, club presidents, and ICC reps will be recognized at the Recognition
Banquet on May 28th, 1:00pm at the Portofino Inn; next year’s President and Vice
President will be elected at the last ICC meeting on May 26th; Pinkberry fundraiser a
week ago sold out and earned $136.
2. AGS (Alpha Gamma Sigma)
a. Recognition Banquet this Sunday at the Cheesecake Factory at 5:00pm; last meeting
on May 25th; new officers meeting on June 1st.
b. May 25th Pinkberry Fundraiser on Library Lawn from 11:00am-3:00pm – until
supplies last; Chili’s Fundraiser on May 27th – present flyer and club will receive
c. AGS Permanent Member Stole Ceremony on June 11th at 12:00pm in East Lounge
Activities Center.
3. Clubs
a. Issues with scheduling club activities that have not been scheduled or approved.
Working on procedures with divisions and Center for the Arts. Events must be
coordinated through Student Development office.
4. Discipline & Grievances
a. Since January 1, 2010, 79 discipline cases reported (70 cases reported in 2009).
Received 5 more this week; 3 discipline hearings and 8 grievances this semester.
b. Received subpoena from federal court requesting by May 21st, photos of all students
enrolled in Spring 2006 English R.
5. Joshua Casper was selected as the 2010 Graduation Student Speaker.
6. Sales of the ASB stickers have been slowly declining over the past five years. Don’t know
why the decline – could be the economy. Money goes to auxiliary services when an ASB
sticker is ordered, whether or not the sticker was actually paid for. But, money is taken from
auxiliary services when students miss payment deadline or don’t show up for classes.
7. Developing coupon book with offers of value to students (i.e. free packet of scantrons, front
of line pass, etc.). Asked committee to email ideas of what students might value and can be
offered in coupon book. Will also include regular coupons from off-campus vendors.
Foster Care (P. Imamura)
1. Struggled with referrals for YESS program. Nine out of eleven students enrolled graduated
on March 19th.
2. Currently working on pilot module partnering with Inglewood One-Stop Center. Module is
variation of Life Skills module currently in place, but more interactive (half classroom
instruction and half field trips). Scheduled to start this Friday and run for six weeks at the
Inglewood Center. Field trips are independent and students are grouped together by zip code.
3. Nine of nine students graduating tonight – 100% retention rate.
4. SLO assessment of graduates from March - 100% increase in post assessment scores
compared to pre-assessment scores.
Student Job Placement Center (P. Kawashiri)
1. Tallies for April: 285 job searches, 32 resumes/cover letters, 67 SLO surveys, 88 jobs posted.
Events and activities: 5 classroom workshops, 2 student group workshops, 38 employers
participated in the Career Expo and Majors Fair.
2. Vector Marketing awarded ECC $1,000 for second place in total reps hired in April 2009 and
$1,500 for first place in total reps hired in October 2009.
3. Current SLO pertains to workshops – finalizing numbers from survey taken by 205 students.
4. Students can access the job program through MyECC. As of May 18, 106 jobs were posted
FYE/SI (L. Barrueta)
1. Tapping into the FYE and Outreach databases, 1,700 FYE recruitment letters were mailed.
2. FYE end-of-year event is scheduled on May 25th in the Student Activities Center from
3. New Spring 2011 Learning Communities class links English A to Introduction to Business.
4. All four FYE information sessions are full. Students are required to attend a session to enter
program and sessions are held Tuesdays from 4:30pm-5:30pm in SSVC 218A through the
end of June.
5. Course offerings for Fall SI classes at Compton have increased – more instructors added.
Will hire new coaches in June. L. Barrueta asked committee members for referrals.
6. No new SLO updates – waiting for end of semester to gather data.
Assessment/Testing (L. Garcia)
1. SLO update: completed Accuplacer surveys for March, April and May. May have results
next week and will share at next meeting.
2. L. Garcia attended conference at Rio Hondo College. ECC is ahead of some colleges in
services offered (i.e. test results in portal, tutorials, and sample tests). Will have more
conference information to share by the next meeting.
3. More students coming back to retest are interested in sample tests; noticing better results.
Financial Aid (D. Kyte)
1. Students can sign up for Sallie Mae Debit Card program on-line. Conducting debit card
workshops every second Wednesday and every fourth Thursday each month. No sign-ups yet
– information also accessible through the Financial Aid Web Page. Second disbursements
made as scheduled on April 29th. Debit card problems with students who are not clearing the
Patriot Act, because identity information doesn’t match. Students cannot receive funds until
problem is cleared (three-week process once information received).
2. 2009-10 Cal Grant is temporarily suspended until the State budget is released, due to
shortage of available funds.
3. Molly Villalobos and Liz Fernandez are the Foster Youth Success Initiative liaisons. Over
$200,000 of Chaffee Grant disbursed for 2009-10 on a first-come, first serve basis.
4. June 14th is the deadline for the Child Development grant applications.
5. Completed scanning of documents up to August 10, 2009. Will begin scanning 2010-11
documents before all 2009-10 documents completed; will scan rest of 2009-10 documents
when time permits. Up-to-date with 2009-10 packaging; have not started working on 201011 packaging. Sent 11,000 email blasts letting students know to turn in documents.
6. At the end of April, completed SLO assessment report pertaining to on-line services. Formed
committee to work on new SLO.
7. Created Financial Aid Computer Lab flyers and sent to all division offices. Problems staffing
lab and front counter. Handed out list of sites students can access in the computer lab.
Students can complete FAFSA application in the lab with help from the Financial Aid staff.
Meeting ended at 12:00pm with a tour of the Financial Aid computer lab.
Next meeting is scheduled on June 18, 2010.