EL CAMINO COLLEGE Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs NOTES – 15 September 2008 Assessment of Learning Committee (ALC) Attendees: L. Kjeseth, J. Simon, L. Gallucci, R. Bergeman, D. Thompson, K. Laureano-Ribas, R. Lewis, H. Storms, K. Holt, C. Striepe, F. Arce, D. Goldberg, A. Spor I. Introduction of New Members and Announcements Kaysa Laureano-Ribas was introduced as the new representative for the Math Division. Kelly Clark changed her last name to Holt (marriage). More informative email exchanges on SLOs will be posted. An email clarifying SLOs and course objectives will be sent out. II. Accreditation Benchmarks – a list of the deadline dates to submit an action plan for every program to meet the ACCJC deadline of Spring 2011 was discussed. The goal for fall is to finish the year with a timeline for every program on campus on how they will create an SLO and assessment plan for all courses in their program by Dec. 2009, create a draft of program-level SLOs by Spring 2009, and assess course- and program-level SLOs on a consistent basis—there is a yearly requirement for assessment cycles based on the size of the program. Also, the committee needs to develop a plan for involving adjunct faculty. L. Kjeseth and J. Simon will provide more outreach by attending department/division meetings and training classes. Reflection on Flex Day Event – Health Sciences & Athletics – Nursing – needs to complete timeline. SLOs are complete and have assessed all at least once (with the exception of courses taught only by adjunct faculty). Radiologic Technology did well on flex day. Kinesiology – there were questions about courselevel SLOs. Tom Storer will provide the timeline. Humanities – Developmental English completed timeline and a program-level SLO. Freshman composition (English 1A, 1B, 1C) completed a timeline. In ESL a timeline was established. Learning Resources – Divided program into smaller sub-programs and established program-level SLO statements for each. Timelines were established. It’s been hard to get buy-in from library staff. Fine Arts – Flex Day went well. H. Storms provided information about the timelines to each department. One point of confusion is program SLOs. Math – Basic Skills made good progress. Completed timeline and assessment. Industry and Technology – Briefly discussed timeline, but spent most of the time on assessments. Examples were available. VP/Student & Community Advancement – no SLOs. Most work is non-credit. L. Gallucci will send report on SLOs and ask J. Nishime if there is a need to have SLOs for this area. Enrollment Services – have gone through SLO cycle and are reporting out. Need to come up with a new SLO. Counseling – re-define SLOs. A few areas have gone through assessment plan. CEC Student Services will have SLOs by November—led by Keith Curry. Accreditation Visit The Accreditation team will be on campus October 6-9. The team will tour both campuses – ECC and CEC and will meet with various groups on campus such as co-chairs of the self-study, College Council, etc. There will be a reporting out session on 10/9 in which faculty and staff will be encouraged to attend in the Campus Theater at 1:30 pm. SLOs will need to be converted to PDF file before posting on portal. The structure will be to group by division. A. Spor will contact the IT Division regarding conversion to PDF and posting. SLOs will be differentiated by proposal vs. report stage. Program Level SLOs Next meeting will focus on this topic. More guidance, dialogue and examples will be presented at the next meeting. III. Committee Work Three areas that ALC will work with include the following committees: CurricUNET, Program Review and Curriculum. L. Kjeseth will propose to J. Young that a committee be set up for CurricUNET. In addition, the relationship between this committee and the Academic Senate needs to be more well-defined. IV. Other CurricUNET: CurricUNET demonstration will be held on 9/23 at 8:00 am. It will be open to the Curriculum Committee, Assessment Learning Committee, and academic deans/directors to attend.