Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs
NOTES – 6 April 2009
Assessment of Learning Committee (ALC)
Present: J. Simon, L. Gallucci, C. Gold, R. Lewis, H. Storms, K. Holt, D. Maruyama,
D. Goldberg, I. Graff
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:38 p.m.
II. Assessment of Student Learning Week
A final schedule was completed for Student Learning Week which will be held in the Distance
Education conference room. A few changes were made from original schedule including 1½
hour workshops daily and training workshop on Friday from 8:30 am-1:00 pm. Specific
workshops Monday through Thursday include: Monday & Tuesday – forms; Wednesday and
Thursday – evaluating assessment proposals. Breakfast and lunch will be served at the May 1
workshop. At the May 1 workshop, forms and rubric will be a part of the event among other
things. Other items covered will be rubric, forms, deadlines, Q&A, core competency,
Recommendation 2, role of division committee and new roles, and setting up an assessment of
core competencies. Staff Development will send a calendar. J. Simon requests ALC reps to
send a list of people on the division SLO committee. She has received the information from
Humanities, Natural Sciences and Behavioral & Social Sciences. J. Simon will remind deans
about including CEC representatives.
Monday, April 27
Forms Workshop
1:30p – 3:00p
Tuesday, April 28
Forms Workshop
12:30p – 2:00p
(for faculty groups to
learn about forms,
deadlines and
(for faculty groups to
learn about forms,
deadlines and
Harrison Storms
Donna Grogan
Jenny Simon
Linda Gallucci
Donna Grogan
Darrell Thompson
Lars Kjeseth
Linda Gallucci
Wednesday, April 29
Rubric Evaluating
Your Assessments
2:30p – 4:00p
(for faculty to learn
about our rubric for
evaluating assessment
Thursday, April 30
Rubric Evaluating
Your Assessments
12:30p – 2:00p
(for faculty to learn
about our rubric for
evaluating assessment
Friday, May 1
Training Workshop for
Division SLO Committees
8:30a – 1:00p
Claudia Striepe
Donna Grogan
Rebecca Bergeman
Jenny Simon
Ray Lewis
Linda Gallucci
Kelly Holt
Donna Grogan
Lars Kjeseth
Linda Gallucci
Claudia Striepe
Kelly Holt (?)
Jenny Simon
Lars Kjeseth
Linda Gallucci
III. Rubric for Evaluating Assessment Proposals
L. Gallucci, C. Gold, and J. Simon worked on the rubric. Language was made a little less
absolute (good start column). D. Goldberg suggest to change title to Rubric Guidelines for
Evaluating Assessment Proposals (replace Rubric to Guidelines). The guidelines should be used
for the team to use whether the assessment plan meets the standards. J. Simon will make
revisions and leave as “draft” at the rubric workshops. It was also suggested to change rubric
workshop to “Evaluating Your Assessments.”
IV. Updated List of Upcoming Deadlines
Deadline dates from June 2009 through June 2010 were reviewed. The deadline dates will be
left as is for now, but with the possibility of linking the deadlines to program review and course
review cycles. Each course must be assessed at least twice per course review cycle; each
program SLO must be assessed at least once per program review cycle. Some departments have
established timelines using the current deadlines, so it was agreed to stay the course for now.
We will start to clarify the fact that these deadlines may be considered more as guidelines than
hard and fast rules. This makes it possible for programs to negotiate a bit if these deadlines don’t
make sense.
V. Leadership Succession Plan
Will be discussed at a future meeting.