EL CAMINO COLLEGE Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs NOTES – 9 March 2009 Assessment of Learning Committee (ALC) Present: J. Simon L. Kjeseth, L. Gallucci, C. Gold, R. Bergeman, D. Thompson, K. LaureanoRibas, R. Lewis, K. Holt, C. Striepe, D. Maruyama, D. Goldberg, I. Graff I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:35 p.m. II. ACCJC Recommendations: At the last meeting, the committee discussed the ACCJC recommendations on SLOs based on its site visit. A report on Recommendation 2 is due to the ACCJC on 10/15/09. L. Kjeseth recommended the draft be completed by end of the spring semester, review the final draft on flex day in the fall and present at the September Board meeting. At the April meeting, a list will be available of programs which have a complete timeline and those that do not. By spring, the bulk will have a draft, refined and put in a published format by spring. L. Kjeseth would like to have SLOs and assessment built into the overarching college timeline, which will integrate program review, course review, and outcome assessment. It will need to be completed by fall. The three cycles are: (1) assessment of learning; (2) curriculum review, and (3) program review. Timelines were due last semester but will be extended to the spring semester. L. Kjeseth will forward the timeline to committee members by March 12. The ACCJC standards measure what the College is doing. The three rubrics: (1) program review and budget; (2) curriculum; and (3) SLO. Listed below is the planning grid for the ACCJC recommendations: College-wide timeline for meeting proficiency level by end of 2011 Increasing participation and pace, and making more “experts” available Who Coordinators ALC Reps Div-Level SLO Reps Deans Fac/Staff in general Coordinators ALC reps Next steps Outcome follow up with published timeline program-determined online timelines and make a database/table of all timelines -trainings during Assessment of Student Learning Week -send more people to Strengthening -empowered division-level SLO committees with reps from each program Involving more CEC faculty Adding a “technological and computer literacy” core competency ““ Publicizing learning outcomes and assessment results to students and the public Compensation for adjunct faculty to participate in all aspects of SLO design and assessments Creating time for faculty to work on SLO design and assessments Design first core competency college-wide assessment not discussed yet ALC subcommittee Student Success conference -make sure Compton faculty are included -decide if a separate core competency is needed or may integrate into already-existing competencies “ “ draft of rewritten core competencies not discussed yet not discussed yet not discussed yet III. Rubric A rubric helps to clarify what a good SLO and assessment proposal is. Assessment proposals of sample SLOs were provided to analyze on the rubric. For the next meeting, the committee was asked to rate it against the rubric for the following: Anthropology, Writing, Literature, Basic Writing, CIS. There are two program SLOs and three course SLOs. 2