EL CAMINO COLLEGE Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs NOTES – October 26, 2009 Assessment of Learning Committee (ALC) Present: J. Simon, C. Subramaniam (CEC), O. Hadley, C. Gold, R. Bergeman, M. Kline, K. Laureano-Ribes, R. Lewis, K. Whitney, B. Jaffe, J. Shankweiler, L. Gallucci 1. Reports on division SLO committees Industry & Technology -- Refocus on mission statement. -- Confirmed SLO assessment data. -- R. Lewis provided a workshop on Nutrition, Fire and CADD. -- Will schedule an adjunct faculty workshop in November for the I&T Division. Fine Arts -- Assisting adjunct faculty on how to write SLOs. -- Division level workshop will be handled on department level. Every department head is in communication with the necessary people. -- Meeting individually with faculty to complete SLOs. Math -- Keep a list of missing SLOs. -- D. Goldberg requested a one-page summary to include catalog description, SLO statement and course objectives which will be due in October. Behavioral & Social Sciences -- There will be a committee that oversees each department and verifies deadlines are met. -- Division will meet during ASLW assessing SLO level on November 5. Humanities -- On schedule to meet deadlines by December. -- Course objectives, SLOs and disability statement on syllabi, -- ASLW – each department will meet to report status and timeline. Natural Sciences -- Received three assessed SLOs this weekend. All have program SLO submitted. -- Data will be brought to ASLW to work on. -- Build plans for those that do not have data. VP/Student Services -- C. Lee is working on SLOs for ECC and CEC. -- May use November 3 or 4 during ASLW to meet as team and obtain data. Business -- Focus on clean up -- Complete the program level SLO in accounting, business management and marketing. -- Course outline will be completed by 12/1. There are 12 SLOs due at course level and deadline will be met. Compton -- Q&A session on November 2 from 2:00-4:30 pm. -- Will need to determine how to assess the courses. A committee will be formed with one member from each division. --Humanities will have assessment done in reading. --Awaiting feedback from divisions on the timeline. C. Subramaniam will facilitate committee. 2. Plan for Assessment of Student Learning Week Assessment of Student Learning Week will be held November 2-6. The following signed up for the conference: November 2 - SLO Q&A and Open Lab – R. Bergeman, R. Lewis, C. Goldman, J. Nachef November 3 – SLO Q&A and Open Lab – K. Whitney, K. Laureano-Ribas November 6 – SLO Mini Conference: Focus on Meeting the Deadlines – M. Kline, R. Lewis, J. Shankweiler, C. Goldman and R. Bergeman The breakout sessions will be led by the following: Creating course-level SLOs and assessment plans – J. Shankweiler and J. Simon Collecting and interpreting SLOs – M. Kline and R. Bergeman SLOs and assessment at the program level – C. Goldman and R. Lewis The schedule for the SLO Mini-Conference will be as follows: 9:00-9:30 – Opening remarks 9:45-10:45 – Breakout session #1 11:00-12:00 – Breakout session #2 12:00-1:00 – Lunch and Q&A Session -- Request D. Manno to forward flex credit forms to ALC reps. Representatives will submit their time to J. Simon. -- Request I. Graff to collect data. 3. SLO Timelines The College is at almost 60% of courses with SLOs. It is projected that 75-85% will be completed by December 2009. The following comments were made regarding the timelines: -- The committee will discuss at a future meeting the core competency assessment, take place on a six-year cycle. -- ESL will be used to model timeline. -- J. Simon will discuss with Donna Manno (1) training needs in outcome assessments and (2) SLOs and assessment role in faculty self-evaluations. -- Provide student awareness on core competencies by providing posters on campus, information on the ECC website and college catalog. 2