Technology Committee Meeting November 18, 2015 2:00 p.m.

Technology Committee Meeting
November 18, 2015
2:00 p.m.
Art Leible
Virginia Rapp
Howard Story
Will Warren
Claudio Vilchis
Dipte Patel
Irene Graff
“The Technology Committee serves as the consultation committee for campus-wide technology planning.
The committee evaluates needs, strategizes solutions, and proposes recommendations for College
technology. The committee develops, monitors and evaluates implementation of the College Information
Technology Strategic Plan.”
Review Minutes
a. The minutes from the last meeting was unanimously approved.
Old Business
a. Purpose Statement – Approved and amended as follows: “The
Technology Committee serves as the consultation committee for campuswide technology planning. The committee evaluates needs, strategizes
solutions, and proposes recommendations for College technology. The
committee develops, monitors and evaluates implementation of the
College Information Technology Strategic Plan.” This language will appear
on the top of all Technology Committee agendas.
b. Vision – The vision is to be drafted by Art Leible.
c. Membership, Function, Roles – We would like to expand the membership
to more accurately represent the key areas on campus. We will extend
invitations to additional groups, including Admissions/Records, Financial
Aid, Special Resource Center, Staff Development/Human Resources,
Classified Staff (possibly the Web Master), Facilities, Student Rep/ASO,
Athletics, Foundation, Finance, Auxiliaries (Bookstore).
d. PlanNet and Laptops – We’ve made progress under the recommendations
of PlanNet by hiring the three positions and the director. We are in the
process of working with a consultant on the wireless expansion plan.
Will Warren advised the committee that a demo of the Faculty
Laptop/Tablet has been set-up for display at the ITS Help Desk. Full-time
faculty hired before the fall 2015 term will be sent a link to make a
selection on their preference by the set deadline of December 3, 2015. If
the faculty does not make a selection, it will default to a laptop.
e. Consultation Survey – We will complete the survey at a later date.
f. Strategic Initiative C (COLLABORATION) – “Advance an effective process
of collaboration and collegial consultation conducted with integrity and
respect to inform and strengthen decision-making.” We will include this
language on all Technology Committee agendas.
g. Tech Plan Diagram (See Attached) – It is suggested that we split planning
and staff interactions into two separate diagrams.
New Business
a. The Meeting time for the Technology Committee will stay the same for
b. Accreditation Visiting Team Feedback Tech Plan Diagram – Irene Graff
and Dipte Patel will revise.
c. Student Technology Survey – postponed until 2016/2017
Meeting Adjourned
a. The meeting was adjourned at 3:27 p.m.
C (COLLABORATION) – “Advance an effective process of collaboration and collegial consultation
conducted with integrity and respect to inform and strengthen decision-making.”