January 6, 2011

Vice President – Academic Affairs
January 6, 2011
Present: L. Alford, K. Curry, A. Garten, I. Graff, C. Lee, G. Miranda, J. Nishime, D. Reid,
S. Rodriguez, D. Rowan, J. Shankweiler, R. Smith, A. Spor, J. Wagstaff
A. Notes of 12/2/10: Reviewed with the following revision:
IIA. Setting College Metrics for Enrollment Management: #7 – Need to look at the number
of students attending fall to spring semester. Persistence rate is at 59% 66%.
A. Update on 2010-11 EM Plan:
Funding: Enrollment Management has a budget of $188,000 for the 2010-11 academic
year. Funding will be allocated in the following areas: SI Coaches - $25,000; Outreach
Ambassadors - $25,000; New Student Welcome Day - $48,000; Writing Center $18,000; Scholar Baller - $4,000; Print/Mail Schedules - $68,000.
Schedule of Classes: The schedule of class on the website is on zmags and is being
tracked for its usage. It was noted that it is being utilized by students. Fall and spring
will be reviewed to determine if printing of schedule is needed for the long term usage.
Outreach: 32 ambassadors have been hired and trained. They will provide tours, college
fairs, college nights at high schools, speak to incoming students on what to expect first
year at ECC and peer-to-peer mentoring. R. Smith will discuss with R. Dreizler about
consistency of information that is relayed to students.
Scholar Baller: A. Spor will check the status on what has been done thus far.
B. College Metrics: Information on the following was reviewed:
Degree and certificates awarded (recent trends)
Degrees and certificates by age group
5-year trend analysis by course type (success & retention)
 Metrics in Title V -- % over 5 years. It was suggested to use percentage over numeric
 Look at how cuts and glitches can be handled in a reasonable time. It was noted
sometimes it takes up to nine months for students to receive certificates (i.e.
photography). Does this discourage students from applying or a certificate? A. Spor
will discuss this issue with B. Mulrooney on how to expedite process and if it is
consistent with other certificates.
Use of cohorts to increase student success, retention, graduation and persistent rates.
Promote “Transfer Plus” program to students.
Get more updated data. Information provided was up to the 2008-09 academic year.
J. Young and C. Kroll will be invited to the next meeting to share how they increased
For the Enrollment Management committee, raise the bar for general population to
achieve (not only demographics and age groups).
C. CEC Update: Will be discussed at the next meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 6, 2011, 9:00-10:00 a.m., in the
Alondra Room.