EL CAMINO COLLEGE Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs NOTES – ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT OCTOBER 13, 2011 Present: L. Alford, F. Arce, I. Graff, J. Ishikawa, E. Martinez, G. Miranda, B. Mulrooney, D. Reid, D. Rowan, J. Shankweiler, R. Smith, A. Spor, M. Stupy, C. Valdez, J. Wagstaff, C. Wells I. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Notes – August 11, 2011: Distributed. B. Compton Update: No report given. II. DISCUSSION/ACTION A. Sense of Direction Article: Discussion was held regarding ways to help community college students select and enter a program of study. Recommendations were noted as follows: 1. Outreach to High School Students: Inform student during their senior year about career workshops on campus and the tools needed to be successful. This will help increase the number of students declare their program when they arrive at ECC. 2. Educational Plan: Plan should be in place no later than the completion of 24 units. If it is not, the student drops to “0” priority registration. 3. Letter: After the first year, letters will be mailed to those students with an undeclared major. 4. Course-Taking Patterns: Review students’ course-taking patterns. G. Miranda volunteered to pilot this with the anthropology and sociology departments. If a third is needed, she would recommend philosophy. J. Shankweiler volunteered all biological sciences and engineering. More conversation is required with regard to cutting off the lowest level of Basic Skills courses. Also, more information is needed regarding the withdrawal date. I. Graff will begin to look at course-taking behavior patterns. Discussion will continue at a future meeting. B. Tutorial Update: A. Grigsby reported that there will be two education institutes for this academic year: 1. November 17-18 (Thursday/Friday): Invitations have been sent to all faculty who have gone through the online classes on campus and it is anticipated that there will be about 50 participants. The guest speaker on Thursday will be Jim Marteney, faculty from L.A. Valley College. Two showcases are scheduled with M. Brown (History) and D. Berney (Dance). The schedule on Friday includes workshops where participants can choose to attend two of the following sessions: (a) accessibility, (b) techniques for helping students navigate the course management system, (c) software used to support academic integrity, (d) strategies for engaging online students, and (e) communication with online students. The developer of Etudes will give an in depth presentation of what is new. It will be filmed and placed on the Distance Education website so faculty will be able to review it at their convenience. 2. Online Tutoring: CIS has been chosen as one of the classes that DE supports with online tutoring. A tutor, who has been recommended by the faculty, has been hired. She is acquainted with using Etudes but will use CCC confer as the vehicle for online tutoring. The room will be set up where students can call in for assistance; all sessions can be recorded and can be archived. The tutor will be available through 9:00 p.m. An outside agency, Net Tutor, will provide tutoring for writing skills and will be available during the late evening. C. Enrollment Growth and Academic Performance – Traditional vs. DE: Distributed and reviewed. D. Retention Overviews: Committee will review and bring back questions at the next meeting. It was noted that all reports are posted on the Institutional Research web page. III. NEXT MEETING The next meeting has been scheduled for November 10, 1:00-2:30 p.m. in Lib 202. 2